Labs/Jetpack/Weekly Meeting/2009-Archive

March 30, 2009


  • followups from last week
    • Aza: proposal for phasing JEPs
    • Myk: FlightDeck branding
    • Atul/Brian: discussion of something
  • 0.2 release roundup
  • 0.3 development status
  • Jetpack Prototype 0.8.2 release
  • community report
  • FlightDeck guide/tutorial
  • blog post topics brainstorming
  • roundtable


  • 0.3 Status:



  • L10N Status:


Community Report:

  • Eagerness for Jetpack Builder
  • Small blips of people asking about APIs
  • A few folks thought jQuery was still in the SDK
  • Ambassadors are now Authors on the blog - posts in the works
  • A need for dynamic Page Mods was voiced - A Page Mod ability for mod code to be added to a mod instance withing a Jetpack that then persists beyond the current session
  • More interest in exposing Jetpack's Builder's actions as a service
    • Examples: Client-side requests that return code from an extension or library the caller specifies, posting code to a service and receiving an XPI as the response.


  • Noelle is in-house as of today
    • She will be working with Atul to get his data into doc system
    • Aza and Daniel are prioritizing docs work
  • Brian working on docs parser for JSON output needs, desired completion date is Monday April 5th


0.3 Development Items

  • Atul moving over useful code from his repo to the production SDK:
    • Mem profiler
    • Helper APIs
    • External access to packaged resources
    • Unique Add-on Identifier - Brian/Atul - AT RISK
  • Docs system set to be landed - Brian/Aza
  • L10N initial API - Gandalf
  • Selection API - Eric Jung
  • Panel - Myk - AT RISK
  • Single UI Element - Myk - AT RISK
  • Simple Storage - ? - ?
  • Context Menu - ? - ?


  • Jetpack Builder application user guide and tutorial are close to complete

Follow-Ups for Next Week

  • Jetpack Builder UX review
  • Jetpack Builder in-house testing outcome

March 23, 2009


  • 0.2 on track for final release on Friday March 26th



  • L10N initial API is expected to land in 0.3


  • Myk doing the 0.2 blog post


  • Noelle will be in-house from March 30th - April 3rd


0.3 Development Items

  • Atul moving over useful code from his repo to the production SDK:
    • Mem profiler
    • Helper APIs
    • External access to packaged resources
    • Unique Add-on Identifier - Brian/Atul - AT RISK
  • Docs system set to be landed - Brian/Aza
  • L10N initial API - Gandalf
  • Selection API - Eric Jung
  • Panel - Myk - AT RISK
  • Single UI Element - Myk - AT RISK
  • Simple Storage - ? - ?
  • Context Menu - ? - ?


  • FlightDeck tutorial in the works

Follow-Ups for Next Week

  • Aza phasing of JEPs
  • Figure out FlightDeck branding, UX review
  • Server discussion re: where FlightDeck should live internally

March 16, 2009


  • Implementation check-in for 0.2
    • Where are we at? Anything blocking?
  • Do an early resourcing assessment for 0.3
  • Gandalf: In Mountain View for ~3 weeks starting tomorrow (March 17), possible other-than-Localization JEP development availability


  • Check-in on platform blockers - Atul update the impact of COWs landing in Fx


  • Gandalf - any relevant updates if applicable


  • Updates for Jetpack Ambassadors in advance of regular time-lines
  • Gather internal feedback from Jp devs on SDK viability/ergonomics
    • SDK on Windows is borked
    • There are still members of the community that think Jetpack is no more powerful than Google Chrome's extension framework - what new ways can we try to turn the tide on this perception?
    • Most folks are happy but waiting for the API sets to really engage


  • Noelle will be in-house from March 30th - April 3rd


  • Restart-less extension bootstrapping inside of FlightDeck is hard-blocked on the FD add-on, best guess on a delivery date?
  • Review hard-blockers, see bug 548416 for further details
  • Whether or not to release a minor dot revision to 0.1


  • Simple Storage, packaging, and some security concerns are
  • Identify the other Jetpack ID reliant development items


  • UX/Visuals review of FlightDeck
  • Refactor of wiki for individual SDK releases done

March 9, 2009


  • Jetpack SDK 0.1 released today!
  • Implementation check-in for 0.2
    • Where are we at? Anything blocking?

Resourcing for 0.2:


  • Check-in on platform blockers


  • Gandalf - any relevant updates if applicable


  • Gather feedback from Jp community
  • Gather internal feedback from Jp devs on SDK viability/ergonomics


  • Noelle will update on SDK doc start next week


  • Restart-less extension bootstrapping inside of FlightDeck is hard-blocked on the FD add-on, best guess on a delivery date?
  • FlightDeck will be tested for extension/module construction this week, it go time!


  • Update FlightDeck wiki with status section
  • Ping Ian to help review FlightDeck
  • UX/Visuals review of FlightDeck
  • Refactor wiki to account for individual SDK release history and contents

March 2, 2009


  • 0.1final out on the morning of Friday March 5, 2010
  • Implementation check-in for 0.2
    • Where are we at? Anything blocking?
  • Outstanding 0.1 release items:
    • DONE - Repository - Check-in with Myk on movement of repo to Labs dir
    • DONE - Best Practices list - Are these finalized as they pertain to 0.1
    • Bug handling and flow - Daniel will make wiki doc
    • UPDATE NEEDED - Documentation - Aza and Noelle docs delivery - where do we access the docs, is the MDC push good to go?
    • EOD Weds - Myk update on release notes for 0.1
    • Example Module(s) - XHR module that exists in Cuddlefish - are we going to commit to this one?

Resourcing for 0.2:


  • Check-in on platform blockers


  • Gandalf possibly coming out in late March


  • Post drafts pending for 0.1 release
  • List of communications re: 0.1 release -
    • What to expect/not-expect
    • What is coming down the pipeline
    • Gather feedback from Jp community
    • Gather internal feedback from Jp devs on SDK viability/ergonomics



  • FlightDeck update and comments


February 23, 2009


  • 0.1rc out by EOD Wednesday Feb. 24, 2010
  • Implementations for 0.1 Reboot started
  • Resolve the following before the first Reboot release:
    • Repository - Myk will attempt to move repo to Labs
    • Best Practices list - Atul will deliver by EOD Wednesday Feb. 24, 2010
    • Bug handling and flow - Daniel will make wiki doc
    • Documentation - Aza and Noelle will deliver finished docs framework by EOW, Myk will generate release notes
    • Name -
    • Address the deprecation of the prototype
    • Example Module(s) - XHR module that exists in Cuddlefish

Resourcing for 0.2:

  • myk - Full Time - Implementing Panel
  • ddahl - Possible Part Time: days - Could start with Places reboot in March
  • zpao - Part Time: hours to days - Will act mostly as code reviewer
  • drew - Full Time - Implementing Context Menu and Simple Storage
  • atul - Full Time - Release 0.1, quick-kills of 0.1 feedback, assess API development bandwidth in mid-March
  • brian - Full Time - Learn/attempt API design on low-hanging JEP, security reviews, Content Frame JEP
  • gandalf - Part Time - Test implementation of L20N in Jetpack + review
  • contractor - Possible Unit-Driven Work - XHR or Selection?


  • Check-in on platform blockers
  • Address resourcing needs for Jp development going forward



  • Feature set for 0.1 -
    • PageMods
    • Simple Storage


  • Post drafts pending for 0.1 release
  • List of communications re: 0.1 release -
    • What to expect/not-expect
    • What is coming down the pipeline
    • Gather feedback from Jp community
    • Gather internal feedback from Jp devs on SDK viability/ergonomics



  • FlightDeck internal alpha should be out this week


February 16, 2009


  • Development begins for 0.1 Reboot release this week
  • Resolve the following before the first Reboot release:
    • Repository
    • Bug handling and flow
    • Documentation
    • Name
    • Blog flow
    • Address the deprecation of the prototype
    • Example extension(s)
    • Wiki strategy going forward


  • Check-in on platform blockers
  • Address resourcing needs for 0.1 Reboot release



  • Feature set for 0.1 -
    • PageMods
    • Simple Storage


  • Blog post goes out today, small content sections needed for Places and Toolbar by COB today.



  • FlightDeck workdays will be going on this Thursday and Friday, be ready to assist Piotr (Atul and Myk are likely going to be primary)


February 11, 2009


  • Discuss Use-Cases for initial reboot JEPs, next week decide on final goals and schedule
  • Talk in-depth about security next meeting


  • Check-in on platform blockers
  • Ensure resourcing needs are covered



  • Begin production of initial feature list next week





February 2 2009


  • Final release out this week for Jetpack 0.8



  • Needs final of byte code and UI API pieces


  • Atul ported one of his add-ons


  • Jetpack Ambassador Meet-up coming up Feb. 7th - 10th
  • Jetpack for Learning needs review needs - what are they? who is committing to them?



  • Developers should be flying out for on-site workdays February 8th and 9th


January 26 2009


  • RC out by COB today January 26th


  • open bug regarding Firebug support for Jetpack




  • Jetpack Ambassador Meet-up coming up Feb. 7th - 10th
  • Jetpack for Learning needs review needs - what are they? who is committing to them?


  • Updates from Aza regarding docs progress


  • Developers should be flying out for on-site workdays February 8th and 9th


January 19 2009


  • Places code is reviewed, Myk has requested a second review but ADW is already tracking the progress and is comfortable with the code


  • Platform team has made the "Bane" bug a priority for Q1



  • CFX Module Review Meeting scheduled for Thursday January 21st @ 10AM


  • Jetpack Ambassador Meet-up coming up Feb. 7th - 10th
  • Jetpack for Learning needs review


  • Aza has reached an agreement with a new contractor
  • Dumping Dekiwiki template approach


  • Initial whiteboard meeting completed this weekend


January 12 2009

Important Dates:

  • 0.8 check-in for pending early finish of development on Friday January 15


  • Bug that unblocks panel has been submitted, waiting for Myk to test for confirmation of fix.


  • Gandalf will be assessing capabilities he need to realize the functionality that L10n relies on


  • Create capability roadmap and a tracking meta bug


  • Jetpack Ambassador's Meetup


  • Loop in Sheppy on MDC cohesion


  • FlightDeck SDK contract is signed, scheduling for first round of work is in process

January 5 2009

  • Updates - FlightDeck SDK, Jetpack Ambassador Program
  • 0.8 development focus split (50/50 - old platform/reboot)
  • Reboot workday

December 17 2009

  • Updates - Atul on Reboot delivery date
  • 0.7 code freeze, release date confirmed for December 23

November 18 2009

  • 0.7 status
    • JEP assignments: who-what-when
    • Time allowed for any group-pertinent platform updates from Atul
    • Discussion about the First-Run JEP's settings implementation
  • Jetpack Gallery
    • Changes/fixes in progress, Ryan expects to have these completed but Dec. 1
  • Gmail Bandit uninstall issues?

October 28

  • 0.6 status
    • atul's top issue is rebooting for modules
    • adw is r+'s and is going to check in today
    • ddahl needs review from atul (tomorrow)
    • 0.5 contest announcement - aza (+2 days after)
    • 0.6 blog post for contest - daniel (+3 day after blog post announcement)
    • 0.6 announcement + tutorial - aza (launch day, tenatively 11/5)
    • Beta going out to group tomorrow
    • Monday decision on uploading to AMO
    • aza sync up with PR on launch dates
  • Jetpack Gallery
    • most changes are supposedly done, waiting for next release
    • Nick & Daniel meet with morgamic on friday to tee up launch

October 21

  • Menu is ready to go except for r+ from mardak
    • Docs need to be updated to reflect what's done
  • Toolbar still needs to be tested and a new patch needs to be tested
    • Docs/JEP needs to get updated to reflect TODO's for toolbar
  • Aza will pwn the blog for 0.6
  • Jetpack Gallery
    • Daniel pinged and got email addresses for all jetpack developers, he'll send out an email to get people to host on the gallery
    • Ryan Snyder has dumped test data from the test gallery
  • Nick and Aza will talk to melissa about PR strategery
  • Aza is leading the initative to find Jetpack documentation lead
  • Aza's homework:

October 16

  • Myk has patch for settings, requires an r+ from atul
  • adw has run into a wall due to flexible membrane for menus
  • ddahl has similar problems with flexible membranes
  • Team should start gathering lists of jetpack developers to populate the Jetpack Gallery site. Daniel (new Add-ons PM for Jetpack) will coordinate the launch

October 7

September 30

  • Myk working on Settings API, basic get/set functionality created, now tackling the settings UI for Jetpacks
  • Code review for Jetpack API extensions
    • All changes should be r+'d by peers
    • Need to define who peers for different API's and the overall Jetpack extension
  • Cuddlefish (JEP 28)

September 16

  • 0.6 status
    • Ddahl working on RC of toolbar buttons by next week's meeting
      • JEP will be updated to reflect phase 1 functionality
    • Toolbar and Context menus targeted for next wednesday
      • Will revisit whether or not we get to r+ by next week
  • Nick talk to Clint about QA for Jetpack
  • Buildbot quick chat
  • Chrome Boosters (JEP 25)
    • Atul to think about content boosters and how to do multi file jetpacks
    • Download manager
    • File system access

September 9

September 2

August 26

August 26

August 19

  • 0.5 code freeze tonight, blog post and prerelease tomorrow
  • 0.5 upload to AMO evening of 8/24, blog post morning of 8/25
  • 0.6 triage later today, will go over next week
    • settings
    • video
    • panel
    • secure libs
    • secure jetpacks
  • Homework
    • About:tab
      • Fancy places integration (mardak and ddahl to chat)
      • Thumbnails (might be possible already, atul to investigate)
      • reopen tabs (session)
    • Sidebar Tab
      • Partial Thumbnails
      • Bookmark access (Places API)
      • hide tabs (UI jep)
  • Stages of Jetpack Evolution

August 12

  • 0.5 bug review
  • How do we release this?

August 5

  • Status update for 0.5
    • Atul and Anant have tons of bugs
    • DDahl hasn't received any feedback on his JEP's so silence = consent
  • Review 0.6, do the features feel "right"?
    • .panel and .settings JEP's accelerated to 0.5 (Aza)
    • .panel and .settings impl now in 0.6
    • .password and clipboard image support punted to 0.7
  • Homework Assignments
    • none this week

July 29

  • 0.5 triage done
  • Mardak demo of bootstrap jetpack install

Homework Assignments

  • Tagmarks (osunick)
    • awesomebar events
    • awesomebar icons
    • jetpack: homepages
    • Places API
  • Context Search (adw)
  • TwitterFox (rbango)
    • lib.twitter
    • statusbar
    • storage
    • popups, panel
    • nice dialogs, user input
    • passwords, identity management
  • AdBlock Plus (rbango)
    • block requests
    • remove cookies

July 23

July 15

Jetpack Q3 Goals Mapping

v0.4 Project Plan

  • Project status
    • v0.3 post-mortem
    • v0.4 to be released Thursday
      • Update:
      • Update: jetpack.pageMods
    • v0.5 in planning
      • Slipstream install, toolbars, panels, menus, and people
      • Prioritize?
  • Setup project page on Labs
  • Documentation
    • Docs will link to specific JEPS as interim solution
    • Documenting diff between v0.2 & 0.3 Slidebar API
    • Matrix of possible documentation options
  • Community
    • Discussion on Jetpack gallery started w/ webdev
    • Jetpack contest - when?

July 9