QA/Execution/Web Testing/Meetings/2014-06-12

< QA‎ | Execution‎ | Web Testing‎ | Meetings

Web QA Home

Meeting Details

Please see our public calendar for all upcoming events and meetings.

Our regular team meeting occurs every Thursday @ 9am Pacific

Lead / Scribe

  • Lead: Rebecca
    • .
  • Scribe: Johan (J-Lo)
    • .
    • Scribe is responsible for:
      • adding the action items and takeaways to the current meeting's minutes
      • creating the agenda for the next meeting and carrying the action items and takeaways over to it
      • sending out a notice of the availability of that agenda along with the meeting invite
      • completing all of the above by the end of the week during which the meeting occurred

Action Items / Takeaways from Last Week

  • Takeaways:
  • Action Items:
    • Bob - Make input-tests unfriendly for contributors (!)
    • Dave - grant merge access to Vio and Robbie C [done]
    • Zac - Speak to a11y team about running the tests on device
    • Rebecca - Create xfail test day next week [done]
    • Robert C - Update Saucelabs mobile selenium version [done]
    • Bebe - Send email about etherpad for grid issues

Discussion Items / Updates

  • We have an Xfail Automation day tomorrow [!] from 8-noon PST. Please be available if possible.
  • The Create Event ReMo test is failing:
    • Here is the pull:
    • The failure = ".env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/ MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException"
    • Identical error:
    • It seems this was fixed by adding New Relic Browser agent v378
    • I asked the Reps team and Giorgos responded by saying they use NR, but not the NR Browser Agent- that the agent is JS that runs on the client side only. Also that it's a python error. Does anyone have the Marketplace bug, or the v387 version of NR agent or any helpful info that I can pass on to Giorgos??
  • Do we have budget to make buttons for a test event? [rbillings]
  • Team tea time [1:1s revisited] [mbrandt
  • bugzilla as a single source of truth, update from the trenches of commtools [mbrandt]
  • Last call for merging

Goals Check-in

Testday Ideas

Blog Ideas

If you have any ideas for blog posts, share them here.

Lightning talk / Show 'n Tell

Project Status / goals for next week (keep it brief)

CI Updates

If you've worked on Jenkins or Selenium Grid in the last week, add the necessary info in the Wiki

Community Update

Time off / Out-of-office

  • bsilverberg - PTO - June 13 - 20
  • AndreiH - PTO - June 12 - 16
  • Bebe - PTO - June 19 - 20

Takeaways and Action Items

  • Takeways:
  • Action Items:
    • Bebe - Send a email about opening separate bugs for grid issues in WebQA component (no reopen).
    • Rebecca - Get info from Chris Vam about New Relic browser agent
    • Matthew - Send an email to mozwebqa about participate into informal 1:1
    • Raymond - Merge
  • Next owner / scribe: Stephen / Dylan
  • Next week's meeting notes: