Thunderbird/Driver Meetings/2011-07-19


  • Usul

Agenda & Notes

Thunderbird 5

Thunderbird 6

  • Build and snipset ok.
  • Waiting for content - should be ready today.

Thunderbird 7

Thunderbird 8

Feature Tracking


  • New leaks - but making progress

Account Provisioning, OpenSearch, & priorities

  • The Privacy Review Documentation is written. Next step: schedule the review.
  • Account Provisioner now has a Draft Schedule.
    • Waiting for some information from a Third party email provider
  • OpenSearch should have a new release this week.

test Pilot

  • Top priority
  • client work done (squib). Someone to talk to the Moco team so Jono knows and we gather the data.
  • The big chunk of work is to listen into the server side. Rebron to check with Squib and Jono
  • Need UI for opt-in for account data manipulation on the first account. bug 641935

Stability & Security Releases

  • Next 1.9.2 release Aug 16th.

Conversion funnel

  • Nothing to add


  • help Fallen to triage.
  • Get rid of beta status for the extension.


jb, bienvenu, rebron, Usul, bwinton, roland