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Thunderbird Meeting Details :


Action Items



  • Planning for a dry-run security firedrill build
    • Split the TODOs into two sections to so that we now have a short list of things that we really need to decide on.
    • Sent emails asking questions.
    • Will discuss remaining with Thunderbird drivers this week (probably via email).
    • Fire drill itself expected to happen after code freeze


Thunderbird 3


  • Tracking bug bug 522211
  • Branch Date: 22nd October.
  • Expect tree closure whilst actual branch takes place.
  • comm-1.9.1 repository has been created.
    • Please do not push to it until after we've announced the official branch.
    • You can however pull from it if you wish to set up new repositories before the branch - Standard8 is keeping it in sync a few times a day.
  • Expect existing comm-central + mozilla-1.9.1 to archive the mozilla/ directory and swap back to mozilla-central.
    • Final details coming on/before the branch date.

RC1 etc

  • Now in String freeze
  • Schedule:
    • Creation of comm-1.9.1 branch: Thursday, 2009-10-22
    • Code Freeze for RC1: 2009-10-30 23:59 PST
    • L10n deadline: 2009-11-02 23:59 PST
    • RC1 builds start on: 2009-11-03
    • Subsequent RCs as necessary.
  • Please set bugs to assigned status (as well as owner to you) if you want to do them.
  • If you have other bugs assigned to you that you don't want to do, please reassign or discuss with drivers.
  • If you see what look like theme/css issues, especially on Windows, please file a bug, with a screenshot, and the version of Windows you're running. Tag it with a "polish" keyword, and nominate it for blocking-tb3?.

QA Updates

  • Work on crasher is going strong
  • Held the upgrade/migration day. We some of the bugs found are worth being fixed before the release :
  • Update day was quite successful (6-7 IRC participants; more than previously)
  • upcoming activities until RC1 builds :
    • Normal bug day
    • Cleaning up litmus wrt to email account creation
    • working on getting people on board for RC test week

Marketing Updates

  • In the news: Windows 7 shipping on Thursday, there is no email client built-in so articles trickling in about what happens/alternatives/what to do
  • Continuing prep for press tour which starts on Friday in Paris
  • davida/dmose/rebron travelling for the next few weeks; will be available online, but intermittently

IT update

  • AUS / l10n updates
    • comm-1.9.1 l10n updates disabled until we branch
  • Getting ready for branching to comm-1.9.1
  • SUMO infrastructure

Documentation (with musical interlude)

Done / Cleared

In Progress


  1. Top 5 GS Thunderbird 2 Support Topics (code in progress: ) basically the same as last week with the exception of the Trend Micro anti-virus false positive
    1. Cannot send email
    2. Cannot receive email
    3. Trend Micro Anti-virus (probably) false positive for thunderbird (thanks to Carsten Book aka Tomcat of MoCo for contacting anti-virus folks so quickly ); Roland to email ss for details
    4. address book (how to use, how to export contacts)
    5. email lost (fixed by compacting folders and deleting .msf)
  2. Thunderbird 3 Beta Top Support Issues (not many reported, starting to monitor to see what we can improve for post 3.0)
    1. ui change complaints (how to use gloda, gloda complaints)
    2. Reply All being default
    3. HTML 5 requests e.g. Video tag has no controller
  3. SUMO for MoMo tracker ticket:, verified polls worked for customer satisfaction, Roland going to delete test content with gozer's help and put in JenZed's Gloda user article as our first article, see if we can get tiki community to do barebones MoMo SUMO theme
  4. Campus Reps students Thunderbird support - will ask for support help in Campus Reps Thunderbird Network
  5. Key Support stats from the following graphic:
    1. approximately 13 / day (94/7)
    2. total new topics:110 total replies: 74 (Ruby Code)
      1. date:20091013 #new support topics:14 resolved: 10
      2. date:20091014 #new support topics:17 resolved: 5
      3. date:20091015 #new support topics:15 resolved: 15
      4. date:20091016 #new support topics:11 resolved: 20
      5. date:20091017 #new support topics:5 resolved: 2
      6. date:20091018 #new support topics:2 resolved: 0
      7. date:20091019 #new support topics:11 resolved: 7
    3. #replies from non MoMo folks:2 from Joshua Cranmer of MoCo (thanks!) 9 from Andrea (thanks!) 4 from Thomas (thanks!) MoMo folks: 77 from Roland, 5 from Mark Banner (thanks!), Bienvenu 11 (thanks!), 1 from Andrew Sutherland (thanks)(
    4. happiness metric: API doesn't have happiness emotitags, asked GS staff about that, code in progress:, manual happiness metric = 84 - 7 = 7 (13 last week), 27 Hendrix messages (generally Hendrix messages are unhappy but this week we had 1 happy message) - will write myself a bug to track down Hendrix for Thunderbird 3 and get rid of it as much as possible



Status Updates


last week

  • driving
  • reviews
  • press tour prep
  • misc other mgmt stuff

this week

  • getting my tb bugs in shape
  • leave for press tour
  • start drafting post 3.0 roadmap stuff
  • Reviews and Driving
  • Setting up the comm-1.9.1 branch
  • bug 447927 Additional Email field of address book entries not included in address autocompletion.
  • bug 522115 Picked up some work towards getting crash stack information on leak and bloat builds.
  • bug 338549 Mailnews prompts - Have a pop patch working, trying to land the basic service.
  • bug 516776 Make it possible for browser elements to navigate through links/pages.
    • Got some work done on making forms and some related items going.
  • bug 522019 thunderbird shows blocked content when composing reply
    • Came up with patch and test cases.
  • Reviews and Driving
  • Fixed crash trying to do back forward navigation in gloda search results, nsMsgDBView::NavigateFromPos bug 522327
  • Fixed crash in nsLocalMailFolder::EndMessage by adding check for null copy state, bug 518678
  • Fixed archive batching with non-monthly granularity, bug 518678
  • Handle failure to stream offline imap message during compact, possible fix for bug 509748
  • Fixed localization of smart folders inbox, bug 492739
  • Make rebuild index clear offline store, bug 487992
  • Fixed pop3 chaining to set the server not busy before setting the url state as done, fixes an issue with autoconfig logon verification, bug 520788
  • Make archiving of read only folders do a copy, not a move, bug 522252
  • Fixed crash in GetTableCreateIfMissing, bug 440236
  • Batch updates from virtual folder change listener, bug 508978
  • Fixed crash in CountTotalMimeAttachments, and add xpcshell test bug 505221
  • Try to fix autosync stalling, bug 517256
  • Fixed crash in SM switching quick searches in grouped mode, bug 520006
  • Branching comm-1.9.1
    • buildbot changes are in staging
  • AUS improvements for dealing with l10n updates
  • l10n update generation improvements
  • hit branch bug for l10n updates on comm-1.9.1
    • Will fix itself once we are branched
  • SUMO
    • requirements review
    • production setup testing
    • backend improvements
    • Wordpress upgraded

Vacation time: completed!

  • 18+ ui-review backlog
  • reply all toggle work bug 248681
  • Need to be at two meetings in person today, will not attend here because of that
  • Released SeaMonkey 2.0 RC 2 yesterday, if nothing bad happens, this should be converted to final next Tuesday!
  • Check out developer interviews and an article about tabmail and other SeaMonkey mailnews improvements on the SeaMonkey blog!
  • Organized press photos for davida,dmose, and myself for the press tour. Would be good to have for the whole team.
  • Drafted email to add-on developers (need some feedback before we send out).
  • Working on release notes and hoping to wrap that up by Thursday.
  • Working with Firefox marketing team and looking to do a joint Firefox 5 year anniversary and Thunderbird 3 launch party.

  • This week
    • Feature change page look&feel bug bug 516884
    • More work on Autoconfig dialog bug 515390
    • More wanted-tb3 bugs
    • More polish

Last week:

This week:

  • Continue to help students with ISPDB.
  • Polish off the rest of my blocker.
  • See how far I can get on bug 248681 and bug 282278.
  • Review some more bugs.
  • Fixed (or in-progress) MailNews Core bugs:
    • bug 459693 Eliminate nsFileSpec and nsIFileSpec (references) from MailNews



