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Thunderbird Meeting Details :

Remember to press *1 to unmute yourself before talking!

Feel free to ask questions in the meeting either by speaking up or by asking them in #maildev on IRC.

Other ways to get in touch with us can be found on our communications page


  • Who's taking minutes? --> roland
  • Minute taking Schedule. Talk to Standard8 for schedule changes/additions.
  • Note: this meeting is for interactive discussion. Feel free to ask questions!

Action Items

Friends of the Tree

Thanks to our Friend of the Tree. When adding someone to this section, please get their T-Shirt size, phone number (needed for shipping!) and send it to so that he can send them a shirt!

  • Aceman for his high quality and high quantity work (29 patches since January 1!), nominated by Standard 8. Thank-you!

Thunderbird Development

For more details, see also the driver meeting notes.

Feature Work

Test Pilot
  • looking to get a test pilot study running in a couple of weeks
Big Files

Schedule and Progress

Thunderbird 10
  • Released a 10.0.1 to fix a security issue and a couple of crashes (most notably an Outlook import crash)
Thunderbird 11
  • Will be spinning an updated beta this week.
Thunderbird 12
Thunderbird 13
Thunderbird 3.1.x & ESR
  • Released 10.0.1 ESR to match the mainline 10.0.1 release.

Extension of the week

Junquilla let's you extend the Junk filtering of Thunderbird and create more than one Junk folder. It will also present stats including scores and why certain email was flagged as junk. A great aid in understanding Thunderbird's junk system.

QA Updates

  • Nothing to highlight

Marketing Updates

Infrastructure Update

Build / Release Update

  • 10.0.1, 10.0.1esr released
  • releasing 9.0.1->10.0.1 updates today
  • 11.0 beta 2 build today

Web Update

  • few fixes to account provisioner, l10n merging, etc last week
  • compatibility bump for TB11 is ready, should go live Thursday


  • nothing to report (work week)


(If you support Thunderbird or write or translate documentation to help support Thunderbird, please subscribe to the tb-support-crew mailing list and briefly introduce yourself to the list

  1. Thanks to Vincent aka cameléon, San, Matt Harris, Wayne Mery and others for updating the Etherpad and providing support input to the Thunderbird 10 support day on Thursday February 2 2012 - Next Support Day is the day after TB 11 is released i.e. currently March 14, 2012 since TB11 is currently scheduled for March 13, 2012
  2. 807 new support topics (610 one week ago with the stats bug with 2 days missing) - Media:6-12February-Thunderbird-GS-stats-2012-02-13 1307.png - NOTE: last week's numbers are too low because GS's stats (again like the stats bug of two and four weeks ago!) failed to work for Tuesday of last week
  3. Thunderbird 10 Support Issues - Please edit and add any issues or bugs found in TB10 and tag them tb10 - Hot issue for a few weeks has been Bug 723105 - Outlook Import crashes which was fixed along with some security issues in TB 10.0.1 which was released Sunday February 12, 2012
  4. See this week's Support Appendix for full Get Satisfaction metrics and other support details

Lightning Updates

Status Updates

See the Mozilla Status Board for status updates specific to developers.

Roundtable Highlights

  • Going to try out using Vidyo for the meetings from next week
    • Voice dial-in will still be available.
    • Video option will be public
    • Please use headsets and mute yourselves when you join
    • Links etc will be posted ahead of next week's meeting.
