
Thunderbird meeting notes 2013-12-10 Minute taker - don't forget to save a revision of the pad before clearing it for next use. Please don't forget to post on after the end of the meeting so that they will go public in the meeting notes blog.


  • mconley, irving, jcranmer, paenglab, rolandtanglao, aceman, mkmelin, sshagarwal, javirueda

Action items from last meetings

  • none

Friends of the tree

  • nobody nominated but i am 100% somebody did something awesome

Current status and discussions

  • mconley: can we create an open contributor badge for TB contributors?
    • Friends of the tree, new contributor, I lost the list of because I'm not a fast typer
    • Need graphics or something or thing
    • Roland knows how to do it, so give him the graphics that we need. Goals, graphics, and people to award the badges to.

Critical Issues

  • Bug 948555 - Core graphics fix broke us in the last merge, but jcranmer is on it - we've essentially lost all OS X Mozmill tests. :/


Round Table


  • Still no takers on my Ensemble call for help - although I've responded to email asking how it currently works
  • Took another chunk out of my review queue this past weekend! \o/ I'll have another opportunity this evening or tomorrow evening.
    • Part of my review queue includes needinfo?'s from tessarakt's questions from the last meeting


  • Review queue is backed up, apologies
  • Hoping to land bug 842632... when bug 948555 is fixed (:-( @ m-c bustage)
  • Alder is green on 5/8 trees!
    • OS X opt broken due to universal build + nsinstall + ldap headaches
    • Windows requires a lot more investigation to fix
  • Will have spotty internet access and work times from ~Dec 21-Dec 29, and likely to be overloaded until Jan 14 with school stuff

Paenglab (no Mic)

  • Used a bit TB with dark Persona and found two bugs:
    • Bug 948384 - No chat icon when unreadMessages="true" with dark Personas.
    • Bug 948568 - Use inverted chat toolbar icons with dark Personas.
  • Around christmas will look to update TB's tabs to Fx Australis implementation.

Question Time


  • Q12014: We are (finally) moving the Knowledge Base from to & from getstatisfaction to forums [roland]

Action Items

  • [mconley] Put together an Etherpad for contributor badge categories and graphics
    • Make sure each badge has an explicit, 1-sentence goal.