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SeaMonkey Meeting Details


Action Items

  • ?

SeaMonkey 2 Alpha

all blockers blocker requests

  • bug 381157 download manager (soft blocker)
    • Status/Progress?
  • bug 390025 kill-wallet (password manager) (soft blocker)
    • Status/Progress?
  • bug 394522 prefwindow move (hard blocker)
    • Status/Progress - bugs have now been logged for any outstanding prefpanes that still need migrating. A number have yet to be assigned (1 Browser, 1 MailNews, 3 Privacy/Security), the rest is work in progress or even under review.

Longer-Term SeaMonkey 2 Planning

  • We'll be building up and moving to the comm-central hg repository soon, see bug 437643 - basically only waiting for Thunderbird to cut alpha2 and reviews for the build system patches in bug 444686
  • Mozilla 1.9.1 platform is probably going to feature-freeze in mid August (beta1), anything we want to get in there should be done before that
  • Is someone, preferably who's not working on any major SM2 thing right now, up for porting the history UI to places? (backend works fine with --enable-places)
  • typeaheadfind will still be pulled from CVS when we switch to comm-central, blocks us from doing static or libxul builds and duplicates code that toolkit has - this badly needs some love

Next Status Meeting / Firefox Plus Summit

  • Next meeting would be on July 29, which is during Firefox Plus Summit
  • A few core SeaMonkey contributors are there and in Pacific timezone because of that - who exactly is there?
  • What to do about that meeting?
  • Can we do a dinner/post-dinner SeaMonkey come-together at the Summit? Would be nice to gather SeaMonkey people in one place some time in this week.


Status Updates from developers - what are you working on, what's the progress, any other comments? (feel free to add yourself to the list if your name is missing and you have interesting status)

  • ajschult
    • QA good for 1.1.11 release
  • biesi
  • Callek
    • Still working on DLMGR, last two weeks not much progress here.
    • Performed reviews on build system work for comm-central, and assisted in related discussions.
    • Prepared blog announcement for 1.1.11 release.
  • IanN
    • Keeping Mnyromyr and Neil busy with pref pane review requests
    • Keeping an eye on other pref pane patches and adding comments where appropriate
  • KaiRo
    • bug 437643 is tracking the comm-central switch
    • Worked on all kind of dependencies of this
    • build system patches are up for review on bug 444686
    • buildbot builders are ready to do comm-central builds, unix and Mac will have codesize data, we're losing Ts/Tp/Txul and graphs, would need talos machines for good perf data/stats
    • discussed general L10n story on 1.9.1/hg, see bug 434289
    • 1.1.11 is ready for release, contains security fixes to sync up with FF 3.0.1
    • As always, my blog has more detailed status about my work
  • mcsmurf
    • bug 441050 Continued to work on shell service UI, uploaded a patch, got review, working on a new patch
    • Helped Serge to get some patches into the tree ;-)
  • Mnyromyr
    • Spent too much time debugging Growl integration. :-P
    • Got some old reviews done, queue growing nonetheless - busy pref panel migrators! :-D
  • Neil
  • Ratty
    • bug 428216 (Toolbar button size/mode control): submitted the xul/xml/js part for review. Working on the CSS part.
    • bug 425145 (support for wallet.crypto.autocompleteoverride): after discussion in dev.apps.firefox, Justin Dokske pointed out that there are already observer hooks in nsLoginManager.js to which we can listen to and then fire off LoginManager._fillForm() with the ignoreAutocomplete parameter.
  • Standard8
    • Re-started work on bug 408613 - migrating the "Addressing" preference pane, first step: split out edit directories dialog. Next step: move away the menus from rdf and unify with the Thunderbird code.
  • stefanh

Any other business?

  • Feeds
    • Should we create additional CSS rule(s) to hide the Feed Discovery icon in URLBar for our alpha release so we don't confuse early testers who might expect Feed Subscribe/Preview to work when they see that? --Justin Wood (Callek) 19:55, 13 July 2008 (PDT)
    • How about just adding hidden="true" to the XUL since this is just (presumably) temporary? --Ratty 01:27, 14 July 2008 (PDT)
      • Sounds like a good enough solution, but "do we actually want it hidden"? --Justin Wood (Callek) 19:53, 14 July 2008 (PDT)
  • Modern Theme (Help Wanted)
    • From #seamonkey
      • [KaiRo] Ratty: looks like someone should ask the dev of (Past Modern) to contribute stuff to SM2, we could need work on Modern ;-)
      • [Ratty] KaiRo: Actually that was what I was thinking of when I mentioned that Modern needed some work in the last meeting. I think the graphics come from the author of Phoenity (who is from the same country as I am actually)
      • [KaiRo] Ratty: yes, we really should get in touch with someone who cares about Modern - and this dev probably already has done the part we are missing completely atm (mozapps)
      • [KaiRo] RattyAway: could you try to contact those people?
      • [RattyAway] KaiRo: Sure.
    • FYI:These people ususally hang out in the Theme Development forum in Mozillazine --Ratty 11:51, 14 July 2008 (PDT)