Breakpad/Status Meetings/2014-09-10

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Revision as of 18:16, 10 September 2014 by Peterbe (talk | contribs) (→‎Travel, etc)
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Meeting Info

Breakpad status meetings occur on Wed at 11:00am Pacific Time.

Conference numbers:

   Vidyo: Stability 
   650-903-0800 x92 conf 98200#
   800-707-2533 (pin 369) conf 98200# 

IRC backchannel: #breakpad Mountain View: Dancing Baby (3rd floor)

Operations Updates


  • no update


  • no update


  • no update


  • no update

Project Updates

Socorro Release Tracker
Socorro Bug Tracker

Planned for this week

Full Query
ID Summary Assigned to Target milestone Priority Status Resolution Whiteboard
1062477 Kill the LegacyProcessor K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 102 -- RESOLVED FIXED
1064355 /contribute.json still not accessible on stage or prod 102 -- RESOLVED FIXED
1064565 /report/list/ in the middleware is called excessively Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 102 -- RESOLVED FIXED
1064608 CurrentProducts gets called too often Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 102 -- RESOLVED FIXED
1065071 ftpscraper raising KeyError looking for moz_source_repo Robert Helmer [:rhelmer] 102 -- RESOLVED FIXED
1065145 Refactor crontabber app so it can use config.logger Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 102 -- RESOLVED FIXED
1065469 Add date pickers to report list graph tab Schalk Neethling [:espressive] 102 -- RESOLVED FIXED
1065637 update collector/processor config files that RPM uses K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 102 -- RESOLVED FIXED
1066116 remove "DEV" from Daniel Maher [:phrawzty] 102 -- RESOLVED FIXED
1066120 processor rewrite rules broken K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 102 -- RESOLVED FIXED
1066156 crontabber reprocessjobs failing K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 102 -- RESOLVED FIXED
1066316 upsert code fails to upsert foreign key tables 102 -- RESOLVED FIXED

12 Total; 0 Open (0%); 12 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

PR Triage

other business

Travel, etc

  • Laura in PST this week for Releng and then SUMO work weeks
  • peterbe traveling to PGOPen Sept 18
