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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Monday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items


Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees: Axel, Chris, flod, Peiying, gandalf, Matjaz
  • Put your talking points here.
  • Chandrakant's l10n in India effort?
  • afterwards for those interested, my vidyo room and team page demo

Action Items




planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


Planned for this week:

  • Extract strings for new Bedrock pages (redesigned /contribute, new about/legal)

Done last week:

  • p12n: started work on Wikipedia (switch to SSL)
  • Tools:
    • Webdashboard: (pending review) show missing strings and clean up generated HTML code in the locale view.
    • Langchecker: (pending review) support multiple flags for files instead of just critical true/false.
    • Transvision: move information about repositories (supported locales, gaia versions) outside of the main code.


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

  • Finish Product class, rewrite Health view with it, new Transvision release next week

done last week:

  • Tweaks to have stuff working back to normal after server upgrade on l10n.mozilla-community.org last week
  • Worked with Keko on adding OmegaT export of the translation memory in Transvision (part of his projet to make OmegaT a viable tool for Mozilla l10n)
  • Worked with a couple of new volunteers for Transvision: Julien Itard who provided a patch already and Quentin Lamamy who is working on improving our dev environment OS agnostic (basically, adding Windows support)
  • Worked on a Product class for Transvision to use in theo's Health view. This allows coding queries per product instead of per repository. Should also allow exposing subsets of strings in the dashboard (show how many devtools strings are untranslated for a locale /ex).
  • Worked with flod on integrating his branch allowing to decouple Transvision releases from locales and branches updates in repos
  • Reviewed Sylvestre's patches to product-details library
  • Was invited by Keko to attend http://encontro.trasno.net/ an l10n meeting organized by Trasno, Softcatala, Librezale and Softastur, the 4 NPOs that translate Firefox in minority languages in Spain. One of the main workshops will be around Mozilla l10n. I will probably go.


planned for this week:

  • Work with bn-BD community to get most of the outstanding projects that tied to marketing launch complete before products go on sale (9/28).
  • Monthly legal planning meeting
  • PO for legal doc l10n: apply for change request to increase amount to cover possible charges for the rest of the year.
  • Attend a few App Day sessions on Thursday

done last week:

  • Attempted to engage the bn-BD community to wrap up l10n projects for the Bangladesh marketing launch, but despite repeated emails, there was no communication, and there was no progress.
  • Chased and resolved some outstanding dependency issues (from John B., Tannie) that block bn-BD localization
  • Resolved a couple of legal doc bugs


planned for this week:

done last week:


planned for this week:

done last week: