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Video for today's meeting

<video controls="controls">


Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

  • Drew Ruderman and David Naylor for helping out with Support for the 3.6!

Upcoming Events

Put upcoming events here, with dates if possible. Are there any brown bags scheduled for this week? Software releases scheduled for this month?

Previously on "Mozilla"...

Monday, Feb 1

Tuesday, Feb 2

Wednesday, Feb 3

Thursday, Feb 4

  • Design Lunch presented by Dave Herman on modules for JavaScript -- 12:30 in Ten Forward (MV)

Friday, Feb 5

  • FOSDEM, Feb. 5 - 7, Brussels. Mozilla will be hosting a devroom, booth and community activities this year. Details
  • TestDay #3 of 2 Weeks of OOPP Testing
  • AMO/SUMO Testday in normal #testday channel

Coming up on "Mozilla"...


The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation.

Title Presenter Topic Media More Details
Support for 3.6 Cheng Wang Graph: support increase by release support.mozilla.com
Out Of Process Plugins Test Weeks! Tony Chung Details
3.6 marketing Marketing team Marketing Slides
Report on International Privacy Week and FTC Roundtable Julie Martin
Mockup of new Minefield start page David Boswell Mockup Current page Blog post

Status Updates By Team


  • Firefox 3.6 is continuing to see great pick up, close to 10% of our users already upgraded, and no showstopper issues emerging.
  • Check out our list of active front end projects, matched up against our team goals list. If you're looking to get involved with high priority Firefox front end projects, that's a great place to see what's top-of-mind!
  • Johnathan blogged about our submission for the EU browser choice screen.


Branch work: Firefox 3.5.x / Firefox 3.6.x / Thunderbird 3.0.x

  • 3.5.8 originally scheduled to be built today (2/1). It is now delayed until tomorrow at the very least due to unlanded bug fixes.

Old Branch work: Firefox 3.0.x / Thunderbird 2.0.0.x

  • 3.0.18 originally scheduled to be built today (2/1). It is now delayed until tomorrow at the very least due to unlanded bug fixes.
  • Last Thunderbird 2.0.0.x release currently under discussion.


  • Last week super busy with coordination work as many contributors in MV at MoMo onsite
  • Thunderbird 3.0.1 shipped!
  • Thunderbird 3.0.2 underway
  • Thunderbird 3.1a1 planned to ship tomorrow (2/2), but at risk




Last Week - Even busier!.

  • Phoenix! Status
    • Core infrastructure racked and wired
    • Starting to configure this week
  • Re-implemented SiteSpect behind Zeus

This Week

  • 2 additional ISC hosted download mirrors
  • 50 1u RelEng builders


  • Production services in Phoenix
    • download.mozilla.org
    • aus2.mozilla.org

Release Engineering

  • Fennec 1.0 release
  • shelving WinCE builds for now
  • Lorentz project branch open for business
  • Places branch parity (test/perf jobs) with mozilla-central
    • similar electrolysis work in progress
  • the switchover to (more) modern mac minis for generating Talos performance data is approaching!
    • Both old and new minis are running side-by-each right now. Please compare the performance data between the two if this is something you care about.


Test Execution
  • Tested final RC release of Fennec. It shipped!
  • Planning for 3.6.1 test effort
  • Daily automated Mozmill test-run in QA lab (details)
QA Community
  • New experiment testing trunk version OOPP early with the test community on QMO. We'll have two weeks of ongoing testing. If you can help out, please head over to QMO and hammer on Out Of Process Plugins!
  • CeBIT Coordination
    • Lots of Coordination for CeBIT and preparing of CeBIT is underway
  • LinuxTag
    • Tomcat officially took over the coordination for LinuxTag and got in contact with LinuxTag organizers to plan over track/booth etc
  • FOSDEM 2010
    • presentation by Tomcat in Brussels on the Weekend
    • Mozmill talk by Henrik on Sunday 10am
  • Very successful meetup with Mitchell in Munich - a lot of nice Feedbacks and 2 Press Articels - also Interviews and Meeting with the City of Munich went well.
  • Investigating Drumbeat event in Europe in May/June and how we can participate.
Test Dev





  • Interaction10 (IxD10) February 4-7, 2010; Savannah, GA.  Labs is sponsoring this event.  JBoriss and Madhava will be attending/
  • Techkriti, GNUnify, Quark, MozCamp Bangalore - February 2010; India.  Seth, Arun and Ragavan will be in India during February to participate in a number of university based events.
  • Processing.js Boston March 10, 2010; Boston, MA - Looking into organizing this even with the Processing.js team. 
  • SXSW Interactive 2010  March 12-16, 2010; Austin, Texas.  We have a small sponsorship and are hosting a Mozilla party on Saturday, March 13th from 6-8pm at the Cedar Door.  Sign-ups for our party are here.  Please continue to check our wiki page for information.
  • ROFLCon April 30 - May  1, 2010; Boston, MA.  We have a join sponsorship with the Mozilla Foundation and will be live streaming and archiving the event with HTML5 open video.

Creative Team

Community Marketing

  • We've gone mobile: Help participate in a twitter meme by telling people where you'd like to use Firefox. Sample tweet: I want to use Firefox when I'm cycling. How about you? #fxmobile
    • Other ways to spread the word here.
  • Personas Campaign/What's your style?: The campaign is still running. Please, please add your pictures directly to the Flickr group.
  • Community Marketing Call:
    • Notes from the last call.
    • Next call is Feb. 3rd -- Please, please send agenda items and collateral to Mary today. We're going to distribute a slide deck pre-call to help people follow along/share info.
      • Dial-in Info: +1.650.903.0800, followed by 92# and then 7391#
      • Or you can use our toll-free number: +1.800.707.2533, followed by 369# and then 7391#. If you're outside the US, use Skype to call in with our toll-free number.
      • You can also watch the meeting live in Open Video at air mozilla
      • For those that can't make the call or want to participate online, join us in #marketing on IRC (irc.mozilla.org).
    • Kerim, FuzzyFox and Gorjan will be giving a lighting talk on "I tested it"


  • 3.6 was awesome (see above presentation)
  • If you're using an N900 or other Mobile-capable device, please help on our community forums



  • New hacks article: ClassList in Firefox 3.6
  • Alix has been working on a new demo with Paul that should be quite good.
  • Next newsletter underway.
  • Starting to plot documentation for post-3.6 Firefox releases; see Upcoming Firefox features for developers. Be sure to tag bugs that involve developer-facing changes with the "dev-doc-needed" keyword as always, regardless of when they're expected to land.


  • Test Pilot is beginning a study this week on which menu items are most often used, and how long users spend hunting through menus for the items they want.
  • We released Weave 1.0 !!
  • The revamped Labs website is live.
  • Winter 2009 Design Challenge is accepting submissions. The topic is "What would you do with the Home Tab?"

Developer Tools

  • No updates this week




Introducing New Hires

  • Sara Yap started last week as a new member of the Mozilla Foundation.

Foundation Updates
