Outreachy/2015/December to March

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This is the landing page for the December 9, 2014 to March 9, 2015 round of FOSS OPW, organized by GNOME Foundation.

This page contains all the information about the opportunity with Mozilla for the Outreach Program for Women internship that will take place from December 9, 2014 to March 9, 2015. Please see the main program page for the general information about the program, such as timeline, background information, eligibility, requirements, and the application form.

Important Dates

  • Application deadline: 22 October 2014 at 19:00 UTC.
  • Announcement of accepted applicants: 12 November 2014 at 19:00 UTC via the main program page.


We have (at least) three projects this year!

(Mentors: add your projects below.)

One and Done developer [Web QA]

Mentor: Rebecca Billings


Help take One and Done, Mozilla QA's newest tool, to the next level. One and Done is the first portal to Mozilla contribution that many users see. It's a way to find and engage with Mozilla QA by completing tasks that immediately help our teams. We have a long list of features we'd like to implement, and we need someone who is interested in getting really involved with our project.

You'll be working with Rebecca, the Web QA team, and the QA Champions team to introduce new features to One and Done. You should be interested in developing fluency with Django, working with QA and building up your GitHub repo with code!

You'll be contributing code, reviewing pull requests, and working with developers, project managers and QA. You'll be involved in our regular meetings, development cycle, and have mentorship on your work. You don't need to be a Django expert, but you'll need a computer science background with some coding experience.

To get started: