Firefox OS/DeviceQA/2014-10-06WeeklyReport

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Revision as of 09:30, 13 October 2014 by Edwardchen (talk | contribs)
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Name Done Plan
  • Week W41 (10/06~10/10):
    • FC/CC criteria discuss
    • Africacom support
    • MCTS study/problem tracking
  • Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
  • Week W41 (10/06~10/10):
    • Bug solving for mtbf
    • test cases experiments
    • combo runner
    • db for phone and data
  • Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
  • Week W41 (10/06~10/10):
    • Take care of Flame KK v2.0 automation reports
    • Run Gaia UI test on Woodduck
    • Clarify and reproduce Woodduck issues
  • Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
    • Take care of Flame KK v2.0 automation reports
    • Provide Woodduck daily build
    • Clarify and reproduce Woodduck issues
  • Week W41 (10/06~10/10):
    • [Prod] Test/ verify sprint 6 tickets
    • Smoketest for v2.1 productivity 3rd run
  • Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
    • Productivity - Verify sprint 6 tickets
    • Bugs verfification
    • Write Marionette js auto scripts.
    • Final confirm and trace status of blocking issues in v2.1
  • Week W41 (10/6~10/9)
    • Cost Control test cases cleanup.
    • Read Pragmatic Software Testing.
    • Prepared sharing on how to submit app to Firefox Marketplace.
    • Cost Control bugs follow-up.
    • Added "export to csv" support for MozTrap (Addon link)
  • Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
    • Cost Control test cases cleanup.
    • Write gaia-ui-test for cost control app.
    • Verify cost control and telemetry bugs.
  • Week W41 (10/6~10/9)
    • Investigate the MCTS.
    • Develop the flashing tools for MTBF.
    • Prepare the information of outsourcing.
    • Follow up the Card UI user story.
  • Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
  • Week W41 (10/6~10/9)
    • Smoketest for v2.1 system platform with KK build.
    • Create app usage metric test cases.
    • Automate test cases for actions on notification
    • Verify bugs.
  • Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
    • Create app usage metric test cases.
    • Automate test cases for actions on notification
    • Review smoke tests for SP & OTA
    • Verify bugs.
  • Week W41 (10/6~10/9)
    • 3rd party app performance measurement
    • Madai bug verification
    • Device Team Entry Criteria discussion
    • Arrange discussion of topics against MozTrap Ecosystem
  • Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
  • Trigger test run
  • Fix device test issue for mtbf on tako
  • day off - 10/8 - 10/9 in Okinawa

-- backlog --

  • Followup live test run stream
  • Datazilla integration
  • Bug fix for in-testcase logging
  • Modify crash report patch based on review
  • Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
  • Week W41 (10/06~10/09):
    • Exploratoy against v2.1
    • Feature page index for OS
    • Verification of bugs before FC
  • Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
    • Exploratoy against v2.1
    • Verification of bugs
    • Fixing SMS/STK test cases
    • Reviewing smoke test case
    • Market customization testing
  • Week W41 (10/06~10/09):
    • Woodduck weekly meeting
    • Follow up Woodduck tasks and issues
    • Plan outsourcing training items (Document, account...etc)
    • Woodduck triage meeting
    • Outsourcing meeting with EPM
  • Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
William Hsu
  • Week W41 (10/06~10/10)
    • [Device] Assist device related tests - Tako
      • Assign Tako's bugs to developers and stakeholders.
      • Executing Gaia UI test on Tako ES2 build (ETA: 10/07)
      • Executing smoketest on Tako ES2 build (ETA: 10/09)
      • Weekly meeting with partner (10/07)
    • [Device] Assist device related tests - Flame
      1. Gaia UI test on v2.0 Build
      2. v2.0 Bug verification (verifyme) (Ref:
    • Others,
      • National holiday 10/10
  • Week W42 (10/13~10/17):
  • Week W41 (10/06~10/09):
    • Smoketest for bluetooth v2.1
    • Bugs verification
  • Week W42 (10/13~10/17):