Calendar:Creating a new event or a new task

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It's easy !

Instruction for Lightning on Thunderbird


  • Simply double-click the calendar (the entire bar on the right, after Installing Lightning), a window will appear, in it put the details of the event in the corresponding fields.

Event window.jpg

  • Title: The name of the event. This is what you will see when you first glance at the calendar
  • Location: Where the event will be taking place
  • Category: What type of event is it?
  • Calendar: Which calendar would you like to store the event in (see Creating new calendars)
  • Start and End: Choose the time the event begins, and the time that it ends
  • Repeat: If this event will happen again, check this box (see Recurring Events)
  • Reminder: Will pop up with an alarm at a specified time before the event.
  • Description: A brief summary/list of the event

To Dos/Tasks