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All-hands Status Meeting Agenda

Items in this section will be shared during the live all-hand status meeting.

Friends of Mozilla Friends of Mozilla

Upcoming Events

This Week

Monday, 03 November

  • Game Developers Conference Next, Los Angeles
    • Mozilla is here in sunny LA for two days, Nov 3rd and 4th, at our beautiful FirefoxOS booth
      • Bill Walker, David Camp, Harald Kirschner will be speaking about games on the web platform

Tuesday, 04 November

  • Webdev Extravaganza: 10:00 AM Pacific in the Webdev Vidyo (Open to the public)
    • Stream on Air Mozilla (link forthcoming)
    • Monthly get-together for anyone in Mozilla interested in web development. Updates on shipped projects, libraries we're working on, and more!
  • Lars Bergstrom will be giving a talk in MTV Commons at 2:00 PST on Servo, the new web browser engine started in Research. He will introduce the project, do some demos of its current status, talk about the project roadmap for 2015, and show how easy it is to contribute!
  • Python Brasil 10
    • One of the main tech events at Latin America. It's a 5 day gathering of devs, managers, researchers to discuss about open-source, development techniques and of course, Python! in Recife, Brasil.
      • Mozillian Tarek Ziade will be attending
  • Øredev 2014
    • Nov 4-7, in Malmö, Sweden
    • Øredev has its origins and focus on the software development process, from programming to project management. This is the event's 10th anniversary, and the theme this year is "passion for software."
      • Mozillians Angelina Fabbro and Christian Heilmann are speaking, Mozillians Soumya Chakraborty and Oliver Propst are supporting our presence at the Mozilla booth as well.

Wednesday, 05 November

Thursday, 06 November

Friday, 07 November

Saturday, 08 November

Sunday, 09 November

Next Week

Project Status Updates (voice updates)


Speaker Location:

Firefox OS

Speaker Location:

Cloud Services

Speaker Location:

Content Services

Speaker Location:


Speaker Location:

Mozilla Communities

Speaker Location: San Francisco

All Mozillians: please take a few minutes to complete this survey and then share this link with the communities you work with.

We'll be making use of this research during the Portland work week to understand the needs and issues with participation capacity and community health that we'll need to address next year.

If you're interested in learning more about the survey and getting the results when they're publishing, feel free to subscribe to the community building mailing list.


Speaker Location:

Vidyo Servers were upgraded over the weekend. This upgrade included a change to the control meeting page. This page has dropped flash and is now an HTML based page. New documentation in available on mana.


The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation. If you plan on showing a video, you need to contact the Air Mozilla team before the day of the meeting or you will be deferred to the next week.

Presenter Title Topic Location Share? Media More Details
Who Are You? What Do You Do? What are you going to talk about? Where are you presenting from? (Moz Space, your house, space) Will you be sharing your screen? (yes/no, other info) Links to slides or images you want displayed on screen Link to where audience can find out more information
Josh Carpenter Virtual Reality Research A preview of what we're launching on Nov 10 San Francisco Yes Will host from local http://mozvr.com
Robyn Chau Events Project Manager The Big 5 Developer Events Remote - Los Angeles No N/A https://wiki.mozilla.org/Engagement/Brand_Engagement/Events_Team/Big_5_2014


Do you have a question about a Mozilla Project or initiative? Let us know by Friday- we'll do our best to get you an answer.

Please note that we may not always be able to get to every item on this list, but we will try!

Who are you? Area of question Question
What's your name? What do you work on? Is your question about policy, a product, a Foundation initiative, etc. What would you like to know?


Let's say hello to some new Mozillians! If you are not able to join the meeting live, you can add a link to a short video introducing yourself.

Introducing New Volunteers

New Volunteer(s) Introduced by Speaker location New Volunteer location Will be working on
Who is the new volunteer(s)? Who will be introducing that person? Where is the introducer? Where is the new person based? What will the new person be doing?

Introducing New Hires

New Hire Introduced by Speaker location New Hire location Will be working on
Who is the new hire? Who will be introducing that person? Where is the introducer? Where will the new person be working from? What will the new person be working on?
Wenyuan Chi Vincent Liu Taipei Taipei Firefox OS_Senior Software Engineer
Owen Ouyang Eric Chang Taipei Taipei Firefox OS_Senior QA Engineer
Gary Chen Junior Hsu Taipei Taipei Firefox OS_Senior Software Engineer
Fernando Jimenez Francisco Jordano London Netherlands Firefox OS - Magician

Introducing New Interns

New Intern Introduced by Speaker location New Hire location Will be working on
Who is the new intern? Who will be introducing that person? Where is the introducer? Where will the new person be working from? What will the new person be working on?


Notes and non-voice status updates that aren't part of the live meeting go here.

Status Updates By Team (*non-voice* updates)



Cloud Services




Release Engineering


Test Execution


QA Community

Automation & Tools





Social Support

Web Compatibility