QA/Loop/Firefox OS

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Revision as of 05:45, 4 November 2014 by Tchung (talk | contribs) (→‎November 3, 2014)
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Owner: Tony Chung

Firefox OS client is under the responsibility of our partner. Whenever there's an issue with the platform it is escalated to Mozilla via In terms of end-to-end test coverage during server deployments there's not much we can do here. We'll need to monitor weekly status reports from the partner and via meetings to ensure no regressions are slipping through the cracks.

Status Reports

The following reports the status from our partner during the weekly standup.

November 3, 2014

  • Shipped Loop v.1.1 to the OEM
  • Informed about 3 critical bugs
  1. bug 1092152 (This bug will prevent the app from getting uploaded to the marketplace. It also breaks updating when on the marketplace, because if the update is disrupted, you will lose everything. (Needs Uplifting)
  2. unable to sign into fxAccounts bug 1092080
  3. related to GSM and loop bug. if in GSM, answer Loop call, the loop call will end (Need Bug #). platform regression bug 1077190
    1. This looks to be verifed on 2.0, 2.1 , and master -- please retest and try again. if its loop-only issue, please file a new bug from this
  • This week, working with a new feature on loop
  • completed 1.1 End to End (regression) testing. This includes calls from Desktop to Loop.
  • TEF to provide a set of Loop smoketests, so mozilla can create a separate Loop testsuite in import them to moztrap (Massimo)

October 27, 2014

  • Completed the 1.1 test run, now entering bug fixing phase
  • Plan to start a regression this wednesday before shipping the app to the OEM (this friday/monday)
    • Working on retesting fixed bugs
  • Landed bug 1010168 that will allow installing from the Marketplace if the user receive a shared URL
    • Partner is starting to test this flow, because we couldn’t test this until now.
  • Partner continues to increase test automation coverage


Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
988276 [meta] Loop mobile client version 1.1 for release 2.0 in FxOS -- RESOLVED
988389 Loop REST client helper -- RESOLVED
988394 User registration flow -- RESOLVED
988396 URL generation flow -- RESOLVED
988402 Make sure that Tokbox JS library works well in Firefox OS -- RESOLVED
988404 Call screen -- RESOLVED
990546 [Loop] [App] Create basic skeleton -- RESOLVED
990579 [Loop] [App] Create push helper -- RESOLVED
992939 [Loop][Shared][DSDS] Decouple MultiSimActionButton: Separate UI & Logic -- RESOLVED
995147 [Loop] [App] Create Datastore helper -- RESOLVED
1002728 [Meta] Sign-Up, Log-in, Log-out and ID Management for Loop Mobile Client -- RESOLVED
1002742 [Meta] for Communication history in Loop Mobile Client (Call Log and Shared URLs) -- RESOLVED
1002756 [Meta] for Starting Loop Calls from Loop Mobile Client -- RESOLVED
1002763 [Meta] for Opening URL Callbacks from Loop Mobile Client -- RESOLVED
1002768 [Meta] for Receiving Calls in Loop in Loop Mobile Client -- RESOLVED
1002774 [Meta] for In-Call Features in Loop Mobile Client -- RESOLVED
1002782 [Meta] for Post-Call Features in Loop Mobile Client -- RESOLVED
1006540 [User Story] As a FxOS user who launches the Loop application, if Loop is not in logged-in status, I want to be prompted to log-in into Loop P1 RESOLVED
1006557 [User Story] As a user, I would like to be able to check the ID I’ve used to log-in into Loop. P1 RESOLVED
1006563 [User Story] As a user I would like to be able to log-out from Loop P1 RESOLVED
1007659 [User Story] As a user I would like to be able to clear my Loop communication history (aka Call Log) P1 RESOLVED
1007681 [User Story] As a user I would like to be notified about the progress of a call that is attempted to be established P1 RESOLVED
1007924 [User Story] As a user I would like to be able to make a Loop Call from the Loop application to an entry available in the device address book P1 RESOLVED
1007933 [User Story] As a user I would like to be able to make a call directly from the address book contact details P1 RESOLVED
1007937 [User Story] As a user I would like to be able to make a call directly from an entry of the Loop communication history (aka Call Log) P1 RESOLVED
1007941 [User Story] As a user I would like to have fall back mechanisms to communicate via Loop with non-Loop users P1 RESOLVED
1008105 [User Story] As a user I would like to be able to use the details of an entry in the Loop communication history to create a new contact or add them to an existing one P1 RESOLVED
1009045 [User Story] As a user I would like to see a history of all the communications that Loop has established (Aka Call Log) P1 RESOLVED
1009886 [User Story] As a user logged-in Loop I want to receive any incoming call directed to the Identity I have used to log-in P1 RESOLVED
1010168 [User Story] As a user, when I receive in my FirefoxOS a link to join Loop I would like to be able to use Loop application. P1 RESOLVED
1010185 [Meta] Settings for Loop Mobile Client -- RESOLVED
1010192 [User Story] As a user I would like to configure the Camera to be used for any Video Call (if more than one is available) P1 RESOLVED
1010196 [User Story] As a user I would like to configure the default type of outgoing calls (Audio only or Video+Audio) P1 RESOLVED
1010324 [User Story] As a user, during a call I would like to be able to get information about the ongoing call P1 RESOLVED
1010326 [User Story] As a user, during an ongoing call I would like to be able to enable/disable Video Stream P1 RESOLVED
1010332 [User Story] As a user, during an ongoing call, I would like to be able to mute/unmute my microphone P1 RESOLVED
1010341 [User Story] As a user, during an ongoing call, I would like to be able to swap the audio stream I am hearing from the earpiece to the speaker and vice versa P1 RESOLVED
1010710 [User Story] As a user, during an ongoing Loop Call I would like to be able to finish it P1 RESOLVED
1010713 [User Story] As a user, during an ongoing Loop Call I want to be notified if the the call is finished P1 RESOLVED
1010968 [User Story] As a User I can provide feedback about FxOS Loop Experience P1 RESOLVED
1014470 [User Story] As a user I would like to be able to delete one entry of the Loop communication history (aka Call Log) P2 RESOLVED
1016423 Use Hawk for making authenticated HTTP requests and support FxA assertions -- RESOLVED
1017569 [Flatfish] Only microphone available for WebRTC -- RESOLVED
1019698 Add TB v2.2.5 lib -- RESOLVED
1023760 [Loop] Create CallLog Helper -- RESOLVED
1023764 [Loop] Keep Contacts Info updated -- RESOLVED
1023772 [Loop] Enable test & app shortcuts -- RESOLVED
1023773 [Loop] Remove 'Test' entry point -- RESOLVED
1026066 Allow client to make ID based calls -- RESOLVED
1027027 [Loop] Share by URL implemented in the final App. -- RESOLVED
1027032 [Loop] Enable MobileID authentication -- RESOLVED
1028109 Enable to delete the registered simple Push URLs on the server -- RESOLVED
1028848 Add the attention screen to the test app -- RESOLVED
1029551 Avoid clock skew issues with timestamps -- RESOLVED
1030782 [Loop] Enable activities in Loop App. -- RESOLVED
1031342 JavaScript Error: "TypeError: attention is null" -- RESOLVED
1032380 FxOS Loop client side of bug 1025872 — Setup websockets for call setup information -- RESOLVED
1032779 Add 'callType' to POST /calls request and s/call_url/callUrl -- RESOLVED
1032837 [Loop] Direct call from final UI -- RESOLVED
1033418 Include new 2.2.6 OpenTok library version in Loop Mobile Client -- RESOLVED
1034460 [User Story] As a user I would like to handle gracefully conflicts between Loop and GSM Calls -- RESOLVED
1034544 [Loop][CallLog] ActionsLogDB Helper -- RESOLVED
1034550 [Loop][CallLog] Implement UI based on the data retrieved from the ActionsLogDB Helper -- RESOLVED
1034605 [User Story] As a user I would like to be able to see the list of URLs I have shared with other users -- RESOLVED
1034610 [User Story] As a user I would like to be able to revoke a URL I have shared with another user -- RESOLVED
1034615 [User Story] As a user I would like to be able to clear my Share URL history -- RESOLVED
1034620 [User Story] As a user I would like to be able to delete one entry of the Shared URLs history -- RESOLVED
1034982 Add call progress protocol bits to the FxOS Loop client app (follow-up 1032380) -- RESOLVED
1035693 [Loop][CallLog] Add 'long-press' actions to the items in the call log. -- RESOLVED
1035931 [Loop] Contacts cache for call log -- RESOLVED
1035935 [Loop] Make sure call log DB doesn't grow endlessly -- RESOLVED
1036309 [Loop][CallLog] Add 'tap' actions to the items in the call log. -- RESOLVED
1036351 [Loop][Optimization] Load panel just when requested -- RESOLVED
1036356 [Loop] Add 'loading' screen -- RESOLVED
1036490 FxOS Loop Mobile testing bugs -- RESOLVED
1036860 FxOS Loop Client needs to send channel in call setup messages -- RESOLVED
1036884 Loop call doesn't send video -- RESOLVED
1037008 [Loop][CallLog] Add revoke action to 'long-press' menu -- RESOLVED
1037022 [Loop] Add 'webview' screen to load external links -- RESOLVED
1037054 FxOS Loop client app bits for bug 1016277 -- RESOLVED
1037368 [Loop] Logger -- RESOLVED
1038116 Add getUrlByToken to actions DB -- RESOLVED
1038224 [Loop][Settings] Enable video on/off by default in outgoing calls -- RESOLVED
1038424 loop client should explicitly validate that endpoints are using HTTPS -- RESOLVED
1038668 [Loop] Add settings in the call screen -- RESOLVED
1038755 [Loop] Basic feedback screen -- RESOLVED
1038827 Contacts helper returns a wrong contact -- RESOLVED
1039168 FxOS Loop client app needs to reject incoming calls with a reason of "busy" if already on a call -- RESOLVED
1039188 PeerConnection is not successfully established if devices are in different networks -- RESOLVED
1039231 Cannot access share configuration screen after lock and unlock -- RESOLVED
1039441 The Loop Client is not usable if you don't share the app permissions -- VERIFIED
1039466 Controls in local video window -- VERIFIED
1039596 Loop client does not work on certain networks -- RESOLVED
1039971 Add commit hash information to the setting panel -- RESOLVED
1040007 Unable to call to a locked screen device. And when it turns on, It receives the call dialing for some seconds. -- VERIFIED
1040204 Loop - implement a "loop-call" activity that accepts URL tokens. -- RESOLVED
1041460 SERVER ERROR using Firefox Account to login in Loop -- VERIFIED
1041965 [Loop] We should be able to recover from an invalid token situation -- RESOLVED
1041972 [Loop] Enabling video by default, when it's called (like receiver), the video is not set automatically (only manually when the call starts) -- RESOLVED
1042541 [Flatfish] webrtc : videos are rotated by 90 degrees -- RESOLVED
1042568 Loop - Update BB to latest release -- RESOLVED
1042574 Loop - Add components using Bower -- RESOLVED
1042601 [Loop] No log calls in call list, with Contacts with same ffos account and not merged to one contact -- RESOLVED
1042612 [Loop] The lock screen is not maintained on during Loop incaming call -- RESOLVED
1042844 [Loop][Visual] Implement call screen visuals -- RESOLVED
1043092 [Loop] Verifying Mobile ID comes back with an error when verifying for the first time. -- RESOLVED
1043164 Loop - Apply visuals to Call log screen -- RESOLVED
1043340 [Loop] The wizard should not be run once the user used loop for first time -- RESOLVED
1043376 [Loop] Add visual design to Settings Panel in Loop App -- RESOLVED
1043412 [Loop] Handle the 307 HTTP redirection -- RESOLVED
1043544 User need to be prompted when deleting an unique entry in the Shared URLs tab which includes a shared URL not revoked -- RESOLVED
1043552 When clearing the Shared URLs Tab, a menu should be showed to remove the revoked URLs or all the entries -- RESOLVED
1043557 Confirmation message is needed when clearing all the entries in the Call Log of the Loop Mobile application -- VERIFIED
1043861 Follow-up to bug 1038749: Release AudioContext/audio resources -- RESOLVED
1043886 [Loop] The first entry of call log is empty -- VERIFIED
1043912 [Loop] Wrong Audio or Video icon in call log answering with camera button. -- VERIFIED
1043916 [Loop] Wrong camera icon (in options during the call), answering with camera button. -- VERIFIED
1043971 Implement specific event for Loop calls "on hold" -- RESOLVED
1045005 [Loop] Counter error -- VERIFIED
1045494 [Loop] When the user lost the internet connection during a video call, Loop client is not notified -- RESOLVED
1045512 [Loop] The loop client change from portrait in landscape mode during a call, and viceversa -- VERIFIED
1045519 [Loop] In case the other party terminates the call, I will not get notified with "Call terminated" -- VERIFIED
1045554 [Loop] Add a way to remove revoked URLs from actions DB -- RESOLVED
1045560 [Loop] If there isn't any SIM, or SIM is not ready, you can log-in with MSISDN (SIM ICON), and you are logged-in with previous SIM number logged-in. -- VERIFIED
1045568 [Loop] Second time trying to log-in with FxAccount (if you aren't logged in general settings FxAcc), the loop app crashes (blocked with logo "authenticating...") -- VERIFIED
1045595 [Loop] Not sharing cam and micro permissions, loop crashes. -- RESOLVED
1045598 [Loop] Not sharing Contact List, Loop should use identities instead of trying to use non available contact information. -- VERIFIED
1045855 Loop mobile client connection fails if network changes -- RESOLVED
1046028 Change the app origin -- RESOLVED
1046030 Loop - Apply visuals to Feedback screens -- RESOLVED
1046043 [Loop] Is not possible to exit from the survey once the call is terminated -- VERIFIED
1046085 [Loop] The micro is off by default if the user answers with audio only -- VERIFIED
1046088 [Loop] Call between two devices in two different wifi's is stablished but no audio is transmitted -- RESOLVED
1046113 [Loop] Loop client doesn't ring -- VERIFIED
1046170 Eliminate the permissions settings in the Wizard and the example of a Loop call -- RESOLVED
1046796 Add more information about the call progress in the call screen -- RESOLVED
1047245 Loop - Apply visuals to Wizard screen -- RESOLVED
1047304 [Loop] Missing feature to configure the camera to be used in a video call -- VERIFIED
1047388 [Loop] First click doesn't do anything, on Delete or Call button, after long-pressing on an entry in the call log -- VERIFIED
1048219 [Loop] Invalid Warning message when user perform a Loop call from Contact app - No internet Connection -- VERIFIED
1048234 [Loop] The user is not notified when the other party is not available -- RESOLVED
1048248 [Loop] Feedback window is not properly shown -- VERIFIED
1048254 [Loop] Call log wrong in missed calls -- VERIFIED
1048842 [Loop] Changing the date of the device, change the expiration time of a shared URL -- RESOLVED
1048928 [Loop] Implement visual design in Share screen -- RESOLVED
1049381 [Loop] The option to create a new contact from call log is not shown when the contact has been deleted -- VERIFIED
1049394 [Loop] The call log is not updated once you create a new contact -- VERIFIED
1049454 [Loop] During an audio call the proximity sensor doesn't work -- VERIFIED
1049663 [Loop] Attention screen is not properly shown when the screen is off -- RESOLVED
1050117 [Loop] Before the attention screen is shown the last loop window used - Loop client is in background -- VERIFIED
1050132 [Loop] The other party is not notified when the loop call is rejected -- VERIFIED
1050134 [Loop] When user reject a loop call he doesn't come back to the app he was using before -- RESOLVED
1050146 [Loop] Implement local 'on hold' screen -- RESOLVED
1050217 [Loop][Optimization] Load local video when calling or receiving a call even if it's not answered yet -- RESOLVED
1050228 [Loop] Entries in call log lose the item "Time" when making changes in contact from contact list. -- VERIFIED
1050266 [Loop] In an Loop call, receiving one normal phone call, answering and stopping it, both devices aren't notified, loop call isn't finished but the call is lost, and phone callee screen is wrong. -- RESOLVED
1050279 [Loop] In a loop call, when you receive another call for a third contact, the initial call is finished. -- RESOLVED
1050290 [Loop] In a phone call, you can receive loop calls. (and the current call is paused) -- RESOLVED
1050336 [Loop][Optimization] Implement infinite scrolling in the call log -- RESOLVED
1051690 [Loop] Invalid warning message when the contact doesn't have any Loop ID -- VERIFIED
1051796 [Loop] The shared URL doesn't show the date/time the URL was shared -- RESOLVED
1051797 [Loop] The the notification is not a sound, (it can't be heared) if the device is in silent mode when the call or video call is establishing. -- RESOLVED
1051803 [Loop] The notification is not a sound or a vibration, (it can't be heared or felt) if the device is in vibration mode when the call or video call is establishing. -- VERIFIED
1052067 [B2G][Loop] When the user share Mobile ID in Loop, the 'Mobile identity' screen is faded -- RESOLVED
1052087 [B2G][Loop] Welcome text is not localized -- RESOLVED
1052164 [B2G][Loop] Users do not receive any error messages when calling a device that is offline -- RESOLVED
1052184 [B2G][Loop] Users have no method of adding a new contact from Contacts menu -- RESOLVED
1052203 [B2G][Loop] When the user is on the call, there will be cropping issue on the status bar -- RESOLVED
1052208 [B2G][Loop] User receives "Unable to retrieve link to share" when attempting to call user with no connection -- RESOLVED
1052212 [B2G][Loop] "Delete" button within "Clean all Calls" confirmation menu is not a red button -- VERIFIED
1052301 [Loop] The device volume cannot be changed using volume up/down buttons while loop app is open. -- RESOLVED
1052349 [Loop] Discard the operation of sharing URL generate a new entry in the call log (Shared link tab) -- RESOLVED
1052400 [Loop] Cannot set up Loop call on incoming/outgoing GSM/CDMA call -- RESOLVED
1052456 [Loop] In Loop Call established, when one GSM call is receiving, the Loop call isn't put on hold while the GSM continues (ringing). -- VERIFIED
1052605 [B2G] [Loop] [Flame] Audio and video is not present in a connected Loop call -- RESOLVED
1052606 [B2G][Flame][Loop] The phone icon message window appears blank -- RESOLVED
1052621 [B2G][Loop] When user disable the Mic, the notification will still display the Mic is enable -- RESOLVED
1052719 [B2G][Flame][Loop] User must select Firefox Account option twice in order to be correctly logged in -- VERIFIED
1052725 [B2G][Flame][Loop] User will sometimes be unable to sign in after trying to authenticate a Firefox Account -- RESOLVED
1052739 [B2G][Loop] Call logs and shared links are not account specific -- RESOLVED
1052860 [B2G][Loop] Users are not switched to login screen after signing out of FxA while sitting on settings page -- VERIFIED
1052882 [B2G][Loop] When rotating the phone to landscape, the video preview display a frame border -- RESOLVED
1052925 [B2G][Flame][Loop] Tapping Version takes user in to the 'Clean shared links' menu -- VERIFIED
1052981 [B2G][Loop] User is able to sign into multiple devices and receive calls -- RESOLVED
1053076 [Loop] The control button for audio/video/speaker is not usable during a video call -- VERIFIED
1053112 [Loop] During a video call the sound is a bit choppy and metallic/robotic -- RESOLVED
1053155 [Loop] In Loop Call BEING ESTABLISHED, if GSM call is answered, changing to Loop App, before answering Lopp call, GSM call is put on hold. -- RESOLVED
1053335 [Loop][Optimization] Call screen launch time should be as fast as possible -- RESOLVED
1053338 [B2G][Loop] Calling a third user while in a call prevents users from closing Loop app -- RESOLVED
1053348 [B2G][Loop] When rotating the phone to landscape, the video intro display upside down -- RESOLVED
1053370 [B2G][Flame][Loop] Inconsistent capitalization on the Settings page -- RESOLVED
1053372 [B2G][Loop] Ellipsis/"..." menu button takes ~3 seconds to open while in a call -- RESOLVED
1053393 [B2G][Loop] Missing contacts feature -- RESOLVED
1053414 [B2G][Loop] When signing back in to Firefox Accounts, the user will go into an automatic call -- RESOLVED
1053425 [B2G][Loop] Users do not receive confirmation menus for "Logout" -- VERIFIED
1053555 [B2G][Loop] In-call icons display the same orientation at 0° and 180° -- RESOLVED
1053575 [B2G][Flame][Loop] DUT will ring if user clicks the share link they sent to another user -- RESOLVED
1053696 Call log. Polish markup -- RESOLVED
1053699 Call screen. Polish markup -- RESOLVED
1053900 [Loop] Call button is gone -- RESOLVED
1053903 Loop - [Wizard] small fixes in Login window -- RESOLVED
1053955 [B2G][Loop] When the user attempt to delete 'Shared links', there will be message with no space between the text -- RESOLVED
1054037 [B2G][Loop] Users can still receive and initiate calls after setting app permissions to deny -- RESOLVED
1054309 [Loop][Regression] Can't share URL anymore -- VERIFIED
1054417 [Loop] Implement 'busy' call screen -- RESOLVED
1054567 [B2G][Loop] Users can receive a call right as they logout -- RESOLVED
1054962 Need to add a tone player helper -- RESOLVED
1055003 [Loop][l10n] Apply l10n strings to Loop. -- RESOLVED
1056095 [Loop][l10n] Enable l10n in Call screen -- RESOLVED
1056158 [Meta] Apply landscape scenarios to call screen -- RESOLVED
1056910 [Loop] Add icons to the Manifest & Splash screen -- RESOLVED
1057095 [Loop]Conversations started with a Shared Link do not remain connected. -- RESOLVED
1057145 [Loop]The Camera feed is shifted to the right during a video call -- RESOLVED
1057263 [Loop] Force library to use the 100% of the volume available -- RESOLVED
1057579 [Loop]Video calls are still made with Audio set as the default call mode P1 VERIFIED
1057850 Play busy tone when the remote party terminates the call setup with busy as reason. -- RESOLVED
1058239 [Loop][KK]In logcat qdhwcomposer reports many errors about a screen height 0 -- RESOLVED
1058628 Do not allow make a call while there is another one in place -- RESOLVED
1059251 Need to adapt FxOS Loop client to send the MCC of the caller (follow up bug 1039444) P2 RESOLVED
1059406 "No Camera" button status and your own video stream are working as expected when an audio Loop call is established -- RESOLVED
1059764 Speaker button is not working as expected when an audio Loop call is established -- VERIFIED
1060386 Mobile Client needs to report the number of shared URLs on FxOS -- RESOLVED
1060389 [Meta] Mobile Loop Client reporting -- RESOLVED
1060405 Mobile Client needs to report the number of generated URLs via on FxOS -- RESOLVED
1060412 Loop Mobile Client needs to report the user feedback on FxOS -- RESOLVED
1060751 Play both dialing and ringback tone (follow-up bug 1054962) -- RESOLVED
1060757 Notify user when remote party not reachable -- VERIFIED
1061227 Redial option pending when it's possible to call back -- RESOLVED
1061583 [Loop] Impossible to reach the msisdn server -- VERIFIED
1061613 After a failed verication, using phone number, the loop client stays in "Authenticating" mode -- RESOLVED
1062142 [Loop] The call log is not shown the first time you authenticate with FxA -- RESOLVED
1062324 Unable to make calls without prefix (Multi-SIM scenario) -- RESOLVED
1062883 [meta]Partner cherry pick for 2.0 Loop bugs -- RESOLVED
1064429 [Loop] Performance logger -- RESOLVED
1064593 Pass the activity name used in the loop client app as a string in order to make it easier to automatically extract the activity name from the source code -- RESOLVED
1064741 [Loop] replace web components with BB -- RESOLVED
1065077 Loop mobile client back camera preview is flipped -- VERIFIED
1065140 Loop Mobile Client needs to report the Call initiation source, network type, login type and call duration -- RESOLVED
1065150 Loop Mobile Client needs to report with which technology the call is initiated -- RESOLVED
1065157 Loop Mobile Client needs to report the duration of the Loop calls -- RESOLVED
1065161 Loop Mobile Client needs to know the Audio/Video codec used in the Loop calls -- VERIFIED
1066532 Update OpenTok library to 2.2.9 in Loop Mobile client -- RESOLVED
1067308 [Loop] The sound is not switched off once the fall back mechanism is shown -- VERIFIED
1067389 The call screen is not closed when trying to make a Loop call to a Busy user (already in another Loop call) -- VERIFIED
1067419 [Loop] The speaker is always ON during a video call -- VERIFIED
1067614 [User Story] Ensure users are always on the latest loop mobile version -- RESOLVED
1067799 [Loop] The Shared Link tab is not properly updated -- RESOLVED
1067930 [Loop] A revoked URL change from Disabled to Revoked status -- VERIFIED
1067946 [Loop] The loop app continue working when the device is without data -- VERIFIED
1067995 [Loop] Loop app can't receive an incoming call when the user is on the feedback window -- VERIFIED
1068064 [Loop] Loop client crashes when user log-in into the app following the wizard (first time user uses the app) with Firefox Account (not previously registered in settings) -- RESOLVED
1068654 [Loop] Permissions to share contact list are displayed before to put the password in Fx Account -- RESOLVED
1068661 [Loop] Entering an invalid FxA password and then re-entering the app makes it impossible to log in via FxA -- RESOLVED
1069137 TB DynamicConfig failed to load -- RESOLVED
1069227 [Loop] Make sure that we recover from an expired token situation -- RESOLVED
1069330 [Loop] Wrong Audio call mode when default call mode is set to Audio, once logout and login is done again. -- VERIFIED
1069404 Mobile Loop application new sounds -- RESOLVED
1069793 [Loop] While GSM call is established, Loop call can't be established -- RESOLVED
1069847 [Loop] Wrong attentions screens and impossible hang-up the loop call -- VERIFIED
1070650 No warning message when clearing Shared URLs history with URLs not revoked -- VERIFIED
1070860 [Loop] Wrong message if user try to make a call and is not logged-in -- VERIFIED
1070991 Loop Mobile Client needs to report the type of User ID registered in Loop application -- RESOLVED
1071007 [Meta] [Loop] Changes required to expose information for performance measurement and Telemetry stats -- RESOLVED
1071009 Expose bitrate, frames dropped and frame delay to applications via TB library -- RESOLVED
1071015 Show in Logcat information about mozPaintedFrames and resolution in Loop -- VERIFIED
1071026 Expose codecs used in a session via TB library for Loop Mobile Client -- RESOLVED
1071035 [Loop] The FxHello logo disappear once an audio call is established -- VERIFIED
1071038 Expose ICE Errors that occurred in a session via TB library -- RESOLVED
1071483 [Loop] Once the SMS is sent to a no-loop user, the sms app is not closed -- RESOLVED
1071525 [Loop] Closing Loop app revoke all the shared URL's -- VERIFIED
1071533 [Loop] Missed call is updated in the call log only if you restart the app -- RESOLVED
1071535 [Loop] The call is always an audio call -- VERIFIED
1071545 [Loop] The call log is unestable -- RESOLVED
1072349 [Loop] On hold loop call, timer is reset when "resume" button is pressed. -- VERIFIED
1072960 Landscape mode should be available during a Loop mobile call -- VERIFIED
1073060 Confusing message when selecting a contact without telephone number nor e-mail to start a Loop call -- VERIFIED
1073498 Use alert screen prompt when the user is no logged-in and try make a call from contact details (Follow-up of bug 1070860) -- VERIFIED
1073504 [Loop] A call is launched automatically after login, when previous loop call is launched from contacts list. -- VERIFIED
1073541 SMS icon missed in Shared URL screen -- VERIFIED
1073546 In 1.1 Loop Mobile version we need to avoid wrong message when sharing an URL via SMS (Workaround for bug 1068618) -- VERIFIED
1074253 User should be notified that revoking URLs without connectivity (no Data Connection or Server fail) is not possible -- RESOLVED
1074263 User should be notified that trying to make a Loop Call without connectivity (no Data Connection or Server fail) is not possible -- RESOLVED
1074271 If after closing Loop application user looses the connectivity (no Data Connection or Server fail) the user should be able to access to it -- RESOLVED
1074777 If Loop server crashes, when trying to signing-up, we should inform the user about this fault. -- RESOLVED
1076708 [Loop] Close the verification code windows cause the app trying to authenticate infinitely -- VERIFIED
1076723 [Loop] The app is blocked on No Available window if the other parties is not available -- VERIFIED
1076756 [Loop] Speaker seems to be off during a video call -- VERIFIED
1076766 [Loop] During the process of establishing a call the message "Firefox Hello call in progress" is shown -- RESOLVED
1076861 Call continues progressing after hanging up a call just after starting a Loop call on the caller side -- VERIFIED
1077019 [Loop] Wrong string in Spanish - Llamana finalizada instead of Llamada finalizada -- VERIFIED
1077147 [Loop] Blue hit State is missed when long pressing on an entry of the "Shared URL" history -- VERIFIED
1077335 [Loop] Incorrect buttons order in confirmation screen for the Loop mobile application -- VERIFIED
1077378 The headers are misaligned - shifted to the left -- VERIFIED
1077406 [Loop] Not possible to log-in with Mobile ID after the app installation -- RESOLVED
1077408 [Loop] If we fallback to sharing an URL we record the call attempt in the call log -- VERIFIED
1078208 [Loop] Changing the device language, don't change the loop app language -- VERIFIED
1078220 Missed Incoming call from Desktop to mobile (via sharing URL) does not show the specific link in the call log -- RESOLVED
1078225 Answered Incoming call from Desktop to mobile (via sharing URL) looks like a regular call in the call log (no shared link shown and no option to revoke) -- VERIFIED
1078315 [Loop] Incoming call continues ringing, when the call is answered from another device with the same FxAccount. -- VERIFIED
1079200 [Loop] The app ask for the password when the user is already logged-in with FxA -- RESOLVED
1079237 [Loop] Add visual feeback to every status during the Loop call -- VERIFIED
1079241 [Loop] contacts icon not centered in call log toolbar @1x -- RESOLVED
1079340 Do not wait for call screen messages unless the call continues -- RESOLVED
1079519 Unable to play video clips during WEBRTC video call -- RESOLVED
1079538 [Loop] Call is not made (remains ringing), calling from contacts app first time loop is installed and never opened. -- RESOLVED
1079543 Preview is getting freeze after opening & closing Camera app during WEBRTC video call -- RESOLVED
1079724 Clean calls and shared URLs buttons in Loop app settings should be disable if the call log or shared URLs history are empty -- VERIFIED
1079771 JavaScript Error: "TypeError: navigator.mozL10n.once is not a function" -- VERIFIED
1079782 Apply Call status bar styles as designed. -- VERIFIED
1079825 [Loop] Passing an invalid Loop token/url to the Loop app doesn't give an error message and stays in the "ringing" state -- RESOLVED
1079860 [Loop]: Use WebApp's manifests instead of locales.ini -- VERIFIED
1079946 Overlapping in the Incoming call from Desktop to mobile (via sharing URL) in the Call Log -- VERIFIED
1080356 [Loop] "You're logged in as" string is not localized -- VERIFIED
1080432 [Loop] [Feedback] Rate button should be disabled when no option has been checked -- VERIFIED
1080657 [Loop] We need to stop the stream every time we request gUM -- VERIFIED
1080696 [Loop][Calllog] Ghost calls. Some calls answered are not rendered until rebooting the app. -- VERIFIED
1080756 [Loop] On incoming calls user personalizations (settings) are ignored -- VERIFIED
1080894 [Loop] MO Ringtone always plays over speaker even wired headset was connected -- VERIFIED
1080932 Speaker symbol is not disabled automatically when stereo wired headset connected during FirefoxHello VT call -- VERIFIED
1081060 [Loop] change icon to answer a call in loop -- RESOLVED
1081063 [Loop] fix line width in wizard animation -- RESOLVED
1081210 No way to end call while dialing -- VERIFIED
1081214 If I share a link to call someone who doesn't have Hello, pressing the same link under Calls initiates another failed call -- RESOLVED
1081222 Video of contact is offset compared to original -- RESOLVED
1081226 Audio and video mute buttons are confusing due to strikethrough icons -- RESOLVED
1082446 Date strings are not localized for Spanish -- RESOLVED
1082451 Time in call log is in 12h format while device is set to Spanish-24h -- VERIFIED
1082459 Add remaining strings to properties files -- RESOLVED
1082507 Load wizard code only when it is needed in order to consume less memory and load faster the app -- VERIFIED
1082517 [Loop] Can't make outgoing calls on 2.1 or later -- VERIFIED
1082519 [Loop] The call screen shows the "Firefox Hello call in progress" banner when receiving a call on 2.2 -- RESOLVED
1082552 [Loop] Remove hardcoding of origin at controller_communications.js -- RESOLVED
1082666 [Loop] Wrong screen appears closing authentication screen (FxAcc or Mobile ID) -- VERIFIED
1082789 [Loop] Contact name with we have shared an URL is not shown in the "Shared URLs" tab -- VERIFIED
1083093 [Loop] "Today" word in home screen in spanish lang. is not translated. -- VERIFIED
1083096 [Loop][UI] Change local video asset of 'shadow' -- VERIFIED
1083136 [loop] Split Settings.init in Settings.render and Settings.load -- RESOLVED
1083138 [Meta] Localization work for Loop app version 1.1 -- RESOLVED
1083159 [Loop] Issues reported in Loop locales that need to be fixed before Localization teams starts working -- VERIFIED
1083184 [Loop] Global debug flag -- RESOLVED
1083214 [Loop] It's impossible authenticate as MobileID, the first time the application is used. -- RESOLVED
1083676 [Loop] It's impossible to end a loop call. Device remains in "call ended" screen. -- VERIFIED
1083678 [Loop] Calling to a FxUser not authenticated, loop app remains in calling screen indefinitely -- VERIFIED
1083705 [Loop] Move Simple Push to /lib -- RESOLVED
1083734 [Loop] Incorrectly sending accept notifications to the websocket when a call is received. -- RESOLVED
1083750 [Loop] User ISN'T notified that trying to make a Loop Call and lost connectivity -- RESOLVED
1083759 [Loop] Incoming call is not cancelled if caller cancels it straight away - continues ringing forever -- RESOLVED
1083760 [Loop] Doesn't always clear the "Connecting" display (mainly audio-only calls?) -- RESOLVED
1083798 [Loop] The Shared URL doesn't show the friendly name of the contact the URL was shared -- VERIFIED
1083817 [Loop] Wrong screen at the end of the authentication process when FxAccount user has logged and logout successfully previously. -- RESOLVED
1084122 [Loop] Once a WebRTC call is dialed in with Firefox app , we Cannot end call until call gets established -- RESOLVED
1084256 [Loop]Loop call is in hold when Loop Call ESTABLISHED and a GSM call is rejected -- RESOLVED
1084309 [Loop] During an audio/video call and share UI I can't see the ID (email/phone) of the contact -- VERIFIED
1084353 [Loop] I can't see the ID of the contact in the Call Log when I call, via browser, from a link shared by that contact in a SMS/e-mail -- VERIFIED
1084363 [Loop] New String required to update Loop app to the latest version -- RESOLVED
1085176 Need to remove example HTML files from Building Blocks as they break CSP -- RESOLVED
1085177 Need to add permission descriptions to Loop manifest -- RESOLVED
1085179 [Meta] Market Place work for Loop app version 1.1 -- RESOLVED
1085285 [Loop] "Firefox Hello call in progress" notification doesn't disappear when a call is in progress and Loop application is closed -- RESOLVED
1085300 [Loop][Testing] Basic test infrastructure with grunt -- RESOLVED
1085361 [Loop] The shared URL window is in background when the user is on loop settings -- RESOLVED
1085403 [Loop] Wrong outgoing call type (audio/video), calling from contact log, long press on one entry. -- RESOLVED
1085421 [Loop] Disable button appear in an outgoing call done in an link received in SMS -- VERIFIED
1085485 [Loop][Build] Add grunt tasks to generate release and push to the device -- RESOLVED
1086164 [Loop] Subject ins't properply prepopulated when calling (Audio/Video) a non-Loop user -- RESOLVED
1086208 [Loop] Call isn't finished, when Loop application is closed in a device -- RESOLVED
1086217 [Loop] Incorrect number of days in shared links. It takes the number of days of the previous shared urls instead of 31 days left. -- VERIFIED
1086219 [Loop] In "Shared links" tab, user doesn't see the phone number where a SMS was sent when contact has two or more phones numbers -- RESOLVED
1086496 [Loop] If the device is in silent mode, the the notification is a sound when the call or video call is establishing -- RESOLVED
1086517 [Loop] The Call isn't finished with feed back "Declined" when device makes a call to a contact with two or more phones numbers (Loop clients) and that phones numbers declined the call -- VERIFIED
1086526 [Loop] The Call isn't established when device makes a call to a contact with two or more phones numbers (Loop clients) and a phone number declined the call and other picks up the call -- RESOLVED
1086604 [Loop] "Create new contact" and "Add to existing contact" not appear in long-press about a called registered in "calls" tab, when device makes a call to a contact with two or more mobiles and after this contact is deleted -- VERIFIED
1086914 [Loop] Incorrect behavior when picking up a call after the caller has disconected by a network error -- RESOLVED
1087001 Calling from Firefox OS phone with Firefox Hello doesn't work, stuck at 'Dialing' -- RESOLVED
1087068 [Loop] Long latency from the call is established to the 1st remote video is rendered -- RESOLVED
1087249 [Loop] GSM call is put on-hold when a loop call is hanged-up -- RESOLVED
1087316 [Loop] Disable a url in shared url tab cause a Oooops error message -- RESOLVED
1087463 [Loop] FirfoxHello VT call is not routing to BT headset -- RESOLVED
1087797 [User Story] Ensure that 1.1 Loop Mobile application version can only be installed in Fire E devices with (at least) 2.0 FxOS version -- RESOLVED
1087951 "Cancel" button is not localized when removing a call or a shared link from log -- VERIFIED
1088327 Mobile Identity: Autodetection of verification code not working with SIM cards from other country/abroad -- RESOLVED
1088519 [META] Load code, screens, styles, etc lazily as such as posibble -- RESOLVED
1088521 Load share code only when this is needed -- RESOLVED
1088794 [Loop] Can't make a link-clicker call without logging in -- RESOLVED
1088974 Include German language in Loop Mobile client -- VERIFIED
1088989 [Meta] [Loop] Issues not addressed in 1.1 Loop Mobile client version -- RESOLVED
1088990 [Meta] [Loop] Issues not addressed in 1.1 Loop Mobile client version -- RESOLVED
1088993 [Meta] [Loop] Issues not addressed in 1.1 Loop Mobile client version -- RESOLVED
1089378 " Firefox Hello " as {{serviceName}}: leading and trailing whitespaces in notifications -- RESOLVED
1089379 Firefox Hello/Loop Client: long [localized] call status strings overlayed by action buttons -- RESOLVED
1089593 [LOOP] Call-log shows a non-rounded number of days -- VERIFIED
1089647 [Loop][StandaloneUI] The shared URL displays from <date> in the Browser -- RESOLVED
1090080 Load open dialog lazily -- VERIFIED
1090103 [Loop] FxOS Loop client needs to send channel in call setup messages -- RESOLVED
1090128 Splash screen can be removed from memory once has been hidden -- VERIFIED
1090141 TonePlayerHelper can be loaded lazily how call screen does -- RESOLVED
1090161 WebviewOverlay is only used for Authenticate component so we can load this lazily within Wizard -- VERIFIED
1090306 [Loop] Loop remains blocked in screen "Opps! That didn't work....", calling from call log entry previously generated by an URL-browser call. -- VERIFIED
1090657 [Loop] Audio playback is muted during FirefoxHello VT call -- RESOLVED
1090787 Permission screen is under the call screen -- RESOLVED
1090849 [Loop] I can't see the ID of the contact in the Call screen when I call, via browser, from a link shared by that contact in a SMS/e-mail -- VERIFIED
1090984 SJCL and Token libraries only are used in registration time so we can load these lazily for this case -- RESOLVED
1091005 [FxOS] Loop/Hello uses SJCL when it could use WebCrypto instead -- RESOLVED
1091019 contact-detail-panel is dead code so removing -- RESOLVED
1091038 Reduce the Robert Kieffer awesome uuid.js library (we only use the v4 to generate random UUIDs) -- VERIFIED
1091054 Feedback can wait for its turn and this should be loaded after ending the call -- RESOLVED
1091426 Follow-up - German localization update -- RESOLVED
1091445 Add video and audio codec used in loop in Telemetry reports -- RESOLVED
1091501 Error/offline screens loaded when it is needed -- RESOLVED
1091503 Header in Terms of Service is Orange -- RESOLVED
1091540 [Loop] The permissions are displayed twice if the user don't remember the choice -- RESOLVED
1091790 When a GSM call is established, as soon a Loop call enters and try to be answered is ended, cause by gUM fails. -- RESOLVED
1092061 [Loop] It's impossible to authenticate via FxAcc when previously Firefox Account is logged-out from General -> Settings. -- VERIFIED
1092105 Every time the app is launched and the wizard is shown to the user, CPU Consumption of the app increases in 25-30% -- RESOLVED
1092142 [Loop] The call log contact name is not updated if the user remove the phone number in Contact app -- RESOLVED
1092959 Firefox Hello header is misaligned -- VERIFIED
1093013 Settings UI should not consume memory when this one is not in the viewport -- RESOLVED
1093026 call_screen_manager.js can be loaded lazily -- RESOLVED
1093088 [Loop] Local video and received video should have similar orientation during a Loop mobile call -- RESOLVED
1093092 No reason for waiting for "load" event, better "DOMContentLoaded" -- VERIFIED
1093154 [Loop] "Tell us what happened so we can improve" screen is automatically closed after a few seconds. -- RESOLVED
1093497 Fix Version Attributes in Loop Mobile Client -- VERIFIED
1093609 [Loop] User can't make a photo while Loop call is working -- RESOLVED
1093697 Unify Firefox Hello brand in the Loop Mobile application -- RESOLVED
1093929 Improve grunt tasks and add additional options -- RESOLVED
1094088 [Loop] Update Loop Mobile Client with OpenTok library -- RESOLVED
1094134 Need to adapt FxOS Loop client to send the MCC of the caller (follow up bug 1039444) P2 RESOLVED
1094752 [firefoxos-loop-client] can't login on 2.1 -- RESOLVED
1095182 [Loop] Exclamation symbol isn't cropped properly on Resend button when failing to sign in with Sim -- RESOLVED
1095197 [Loop] Loading circle while in a call is cut off at the bottom -- RESOLVED
1095221 [Loop] When making a call, there is a prompt that appears, but then disappears before you can select an answer -- RESOLVED
1095230 [Loop] FxHello! bubble appears in the middle of the screen for the whole call -- RESOLVED
1095233 [Loop] FirefoxHello! Ending loop call causes visual issue -- RESOLVED
1095345 [Midori 2.0][3rd APK][Firefox Hello]It can't log in with phone number or Firefox Account. P2 RESOLVED
1095623 [UI][Branding] Fix thumbnail position in call screen. -- RESOLVED
1095653 [Loop]Firefoxhello! when making a loop call with out permissions, results in an endless calling that is not seen by other user -- RESOLVED
1095663 [Loop] Firefox Hello Connecting text remains in portrait mode while device is in landscape mode. -- RESOLVED
1095677 [Loop] User can't interact with notifcation bar during call -- VERIFIED
1095706 [Loop]Firefoxhello! Loop cannot be closed by card view -- RESOLVED
1095716 [Loop] Unable to mute using volume button while connecting to a loop call. -- RESOLVED
1095760 [Loop] When you open contacts through Loop app, the header quickly changes after a moment -- RESOLVED
1095767 [Loop] When user presses home during a call, a grey notifcation with the view of the camera will appear. -- RESOLVED
1095815 [Loop] While in a call, if you tap home button, video feed keeps playing in status bar for a little while -- RESOLVED
1096233 Update Loop mobile client to support Loop server urls with /v0 and avoid potential redirects -- RESOLVED
1096508 [Loop] Option to share Loop link as Messages appears in both default options as well as Other options. -- RESOLVED
1096509 [Loop]Firefoxhello! log out overlay shows screen it overlaps -- RESOLVED
1096548 [Loop]Firefoxhello! when making a loop call call log flashes on the screen before starting call -- RESOLVED
1096556 [Loop] Stretching screen from bottom while in loop options causes a rift that lets you see the page beneath it -- RESOLVED
1096599 [Loop] When user locks device during a call and unlocks the device, static appears for a split second -- RESOLVED
1096620 [Loop]Firefoxhello! in call it is possable to tap home button and go to other screens in loop wile call is still active -- RESOLVED
1096621 [Loop] Camera preview will remain black for several seconds after being connected. -- RESOLVED
1096656 [Loop]Firefoxhello! when failing to connect to another loop user and sending the invite message the contact will not auto fill -- RESOLVED
1096660 [Loop] Mute button toggle during a call in loop app does not show icon of sound being muted -- RESOLVED
1096712 [Loop] While connected with another device, if one device makes a call, then the loop app is closed, the other call will stay on hold for a few minutes -- RESOLVED
1096824 [Loop] Sign up requests might be unauthorized due to assertion certificate expired -- RESOLVED
1096907 Use alert screen prompt (when the user is no logged-in and try make a call from contact details) doesn't change languaje -- RESOLVED
1097176 [Loop]Firefoxhello! tapping clear shared links causes screen to flicker -- RESOLVED
1097235 [Loop ]Firefoxhello! has poor performance when browsing other apps while in a Loop call. -- RESOLVED
1097250 [Loop][FxA] When accessing 'Privacy Notice' through Loop app while setting up a Firefox account, the status bar text is white on white background -- RESOLVED
1097268 [Loop] When user enables SHB and locks the screen during a loop call, the Loop app appears over the Lockscreen -- RESOLVED
1097269 [Loop]Firefoxhello! when logging out of loop app screen will turn blue till it gets to the login screen -- RESOLVED
1097330 [Loop ]Firefoxhello! Sharing link Message says other users are not a Firefox User, even if they are a Firefox Hello User. -- RESOLVED
1097335 [Loop]Firefoxhello! Scrolling fast up and down in the settings causes visual issue -- RESOLVED
1097396 [Loop] During a call, when user presses home, a strange transition occur -- RESOLVED
1097495 [meta] Loop mobile client version 1.1.1 for 2.0 FxOS version -- RESOLVED
1097511 [User Story] Default camera is the Rear/Back Camera -- RESOLVED
1097529 [User Story] Start a conversation: Enable camera selection and introduce the context for the sharing session -- RESOLVED
1097536 [User Story] Join a room: Enable camera selection when joining a room -- RESOLVED
1097642 [User Story] Create a room -- RESOLVED
1097665 Implement toolbar in the main screen to create rooms and/or start conversations -- RESOLVED
1097669 Implement room protocol -- RESOLVED
1097670 [UX] Design toolbar in the main screen to create rooms and/or start conversations -- RESOLVED
1097673 Implement 'Create room' screen -- RESOLVED
1097684 [User Story] Joining a room: Joining/leaving a room -- RESOLVED
1097685 Implement new screen 'conversation detail' to allow users to select camera and subject -- RESOLVED
1097686 Show subject if exists in the outgoing/incoming call -- RESOLVED
1097687 Listen to changes in room list. Expose an interface to accomplish this. -- RESOLVED
1097688 [UX] Design new screen 'conversation detail' to allow users to select camera and subject -- RESOLVED
1097689 Implement 'refresh' protocol within a room -- RESOLVED
1097690 Create new 'activity' to join a room through the standalone UI. -- RESOLVED
1097691 [UX] Provide Visual Design for outgoing call -- RESOLVED
1097692 Error handling. We need to shield our code against errors when joining a room. -- RESOLVED
1097701 Change default camera to Rear/Back Camera in Settings view for v1.1.1 -- RESOLVED
1097710 [User Story] Improve rooms management: Created rooms -- RESOLVED
1097715 Implement 'join room' screen -- RESOLVED
1097717 [UX] Design 'join room' screen -- RESOLVED
1097722 Rooms management in Loop Mobile client for 1.1.1 version -- RESOLVED
1097727 Log (empty) Update 'tap the button below to choose a contact and make your first call' -- RESOLVED
1097738 [User Story] Improve rooms management: Invitations to join a room -- RESOLVED
1097745 [User Story] Share an already created room -- RESOLVED
1097760 [User Story] Rooms list: Someone joins one of my rooms -- RESOLVED
1097797 [User Story] Reporting: Default camera and camera used per call -- RESOLVED
1098339 Automation of Telemetry data for Loop Mobile Client application (v1.1.1) -- RESOLVED
1098346 Incoming call registered in call log with MCC, when outgoing call is without MCC -- RESOLVED
1098407 Need to adapt FxOS Loop client to send the MCC of the caller (follow up bug 1039444) P2 RESOLVED
1098487 Polish for v1.1.1 Loop Mobile Client version -- RESOLVED
1098491 [User Story] Adapt the FTE to the new approach and features for v1.1.1 version -- RESOLVED
1098522 [User Story] Sharing rooms: Improve notifications -- RESOLVED
1098530 [User Story] Rooms management: Actions for an invited to join room -- RESOLVED
1098534 [User Story] Calls & Rooms Log -- RESOLVED
1098563 [User Story] Notifications: What! (subject) support -- RESOLVED
1098581 [User Story] Reporting: # times a room is visited&used -- RESOLVED
1098582 [User Story] Renaming rooms -- RESOLVED
1098587 [User Story] Reporting: Renaming rooms -- RESOLVED
1098588 [User Story] Start FTE from the app -- RESOLVED
1098591 [User Story] Reporting: # FTE is launch -- RESOLVED
1099014 In Loop application, user can access to Settings in device -- RESOLVED
1099023 [Loop] Loop call shows the call status bar at the bottom and over the Loop call screen -- VERIFIED
1099107 Implement new interface to allow users to select subject -- RESOLVED
1099111 [User Story] Reporting: Rooms -- RESOLVED
1099132 [User Story] Reporting: Number of previous created room shared -- RESOLVED
1099142 [User Story] Reporting: Requests for conversations -- RESOLVED
1099186 [User Story] Sounds: Update sounds for rooms -- RESOLVED
1099191 [Meta] Reporting in 1.1.1 Loop Mobile client version -- RESOLVED
1100295 Implement navigation logic. -- RESOLVED
1100389 [Loop] Once Loop call is "busy", Loop application shows "Share link" screen -- RESOLVED
1100421 Activity bar in 2.2 FxOs version -- RESOLVED
1100425 There is a blue bar on top of the screen showing activity in 2.2 FxOs version -- RESOLVED
1100432 Speaker is not working in Loop application over 2.2 FxOS version -- RESOLVED
1100921 Reporting default camera to Telemetry -- RESOLVED
1100937 [Loop] "Use Firefox Accounts" button doesn't work when user tries to authenticated with an unverified account -- RESOLVED
1101057 [meta] Sprint 1 for Loop mobile client version 1.1.1 -- RESOLVED
1101065 Update the Call Log with the subject when it's included in the conversation details -- RESOLVED
1101444 [Loop] For each invalid inserted verification code, Device receives a valid verification code. -- RESOLVED
1101490 Implement a new component for Rooms database management -- RESOLVED
1101492 Create a common DatabaseHelper class with the ActionLogDB reusable methods -- RESOLVED
1101525 [Rooms] Create basic 'detail' panel given a room. -- RESOLVED
1101542 [Rooms][DB] Create interface to connect DB and the rest of the code -- RESOLVED
1101656 Create a customized set of BB with the Hello color palette -- RESOLVED
1101706 We should inform the user properly when trying to register in Loop with a FxA e-mail not verified yet, -- RESOLVED
1101761 [Loop] wrong video and audio value of telemetry when we receive a call -- RESOLVED
1102157 Create Room - Error handling -- RESOLVED
1102173 [Rooms][Polish] Define and implement the final behaviour in the counter -- RESOLVED
1102206 Rooms Log -> First step: swipe order of current logs -- RESOLVED
1102313 Prevent default submission in create room view -- RESOLVED
1102321 Add/fix strings for "new room" UI (Spanish and English) -- RESOLVED
1102800 [Loop] Update [BB] to the latest in gaia -- RESOLVED
1102825 Center headers properly -- RESOLVED
1102846 Update Call log BBDD in Loop application with the subject parameter -- RESOLVED
1102847 Add localization to all strings needed for Loop Mobile 1.1.1 version in English -- RESOLVED
1102849 [Room][Detal] Show events of a room in 'history' panel -- RESOLVED
1103884 [Rooms][Polish] Take care of long room names -- RESOLVED
1103922 [Loop] move lazy loaded [BB] to index.html -- RESOLVED
1103996 [Room][Notifications] Create 'room notifications' channel helper -- RESOLVED
1103999 [Loop][Room] Create a 'Room' manager for handling connections with OpenTok -- RESOLVED
1104002 [Loop][Rooms] Implement final UI in 'room' screen -- RESOLVED
1104003 [Loop][Rooms] Create basic 'room' screen -- RESOLVED
1104018 [Loop][Room][CallLog] Add basic rooms log -- RESOLVED
1104057 [Rooms][Standalone UI] Connect standalone UI with the 'Basic room' screen via activity -- RESOLVED
1104626 [Loop] replace lists BB with layout in 'Share link' screen -- RESOLVED
1104731 [Rooms] Move 'feedback' screen code to a reusable component -- RESOLVED
1104735 [Rooms] Create custom 'select' dialog -- RESOLVED
1104749 [Rooms][Log] Connect Rooms Log with DB. -- RESOLVED
1104764 [Rooms][Settings] Delete rooms -- RESOLVED
1105176 When leaving a room, the feedback screen will be shown to the user -- RESOLVED
1105237 [Loop] Move 'share' logic to a separate handler -- RESOLVED
1105239 [Rooms] Update 'share' options given a room -- RESOLVED
1105434 Show subject if exists in Loop Call Status Bar -- RESOLVED
1105499 Include in the Loop Mobile application the Privacy Note and the new ToS links -- RESOLVED
1105707 Remove the mozPaintedFrames hack which solved the long latency issue in Loop calls (follow-up 1087068) -- RESOLVED
1105869 Add to grunt the generation of the files required to install Loop as part of make reset-gaia -- RESOLVED
1106014 Change some buttons sizes and colors in the Call screen for Conversations (no Rooms) -- RESOLVED
1106035 Room names should be named as ‘Room <#>’, where # starts at 1 and increments with each new room. -- RESOLVED
1106044 [Loop] When user inserts an invalid verification code, Device doesn't shown a warning screen -- RESOLVED
1106488 Grunt is broken after landing Bug 1105869 -- RESOLVED
1106499 RoomsDB: Filter by user and then sort. -- RESOLVED
1106510 [Rooms] Add notification handler to update UI properly -- RESOLVED
1106512 [Rooms] Edit room name screen -- RESOLVED
1106528 [Rooms] Fix share within room detail. -- RESOLVED
1106550 Allow configuring a custom loop sever via grunt -- RESOLVED
1106555 [User Story] Rooms & call history management: Multi selection -- RESOLVED
1106557 "Clear all calls" and "Clean shared links or Rooms" should be removed in the settings menu -- RESOLVED
1106724 Move room detail to elements -- RESOLVED
1106752 Wrong expires in value in Firefox Hello -- RESOLVED
1106767 [Rooms] Feedback loader is not adding the link in the right container -- RESOLVED
1106782 Include Loop Protocol version in requests -- RESOLVED
1107033 [Rooms] Connect notifications to Room Screen -- RESOLVED
1107069 Add contactinfo to RoomsDB schema -- RESOLVED
1107478 [meta] Loop Mobile Client -- RESOLVED
1107530 Reporting camera used per call to Telemetry -- RESOLVED
1107531 Reporting camera used per room to Telemetry -- RESOLVED
1107560 Do not empty the array of channels being registered by the notification channels helper -- RESOLVED
1107831 Update the FTE with the new assets and colors -- RESOLVED
1107862 [Loop] Impossible to kill the app when the sms app used for the fallback mechanism is open in background -- VERIFIED
1107868 [Room][Rotation] Add rotation styles -- RESOLVED
1107894 [User Story] Joining a room: Background mode -- RESOLVED
1107899 [User Story] Reporting: Background mode -- RESOLVED
1107910 Joining a Room by tapping on an entry of the Room list -- RESOLVED
1108975 [Loop] Change the way the tests are invoked -- RESOLVED
1108981 [Loop] Sometimes, Rooms list appears empty on app. start -- RESOLVED
1109003 [Loop] Changing detail contact with/without MCC in Contact App, contact names are not updated properly in call log -- RESOLVED
1109035 Fix one lazy loading which is breaking the conversation logic -- RESOLVED
1109067 Polish - Show subject if exists in the outgoing/incoming call -- RESOLVED
1109129 UX Polish - Implement join room screen -- RESOLVED
1109287 Change the test runner to SlimerJS and add some more sample unit tests -- RESOLVED
1109396 When long tapping on a Room entry, "Join" option should also be shown -- RESOLVED
1109482 [Meta] Improvements in tests and build infrastructure -- RESOLVED
1109499 Implement clickable areas in the Rooms log -- RESOLVED
1109557 Show People whom you shared a Rooom in the Room details -- RESOLVED
1109558 [Rooms][Detail] Create basic 'Shared with' structure. HTML and JS -- RESOLVED
1109559 [Loop] xvfb-run doesn't work on Mac -- RESOLVED
1109560 [Rooms][Detail] Render the list of people whom I shared my rooms -- RESOLVED
1109568 [Room] When joining a room with audio, we should not show our current video stream -- RESOLVED
1109569 Add sound notifications to the room paradigm in FxOS Hello -- RESOLVED
1109626 In the created room entry (in the room list) I should show the last person whom I share that room -- RESOLVED
1109630 Improve and Refactor grunt system -- RESOLVED
1109672 [Loop] Wrong text trying to make a call when there aren't any contacts stored in the device. -- RESOLVED
1109686 In SMS/Email received, user *only* receives the link *without* any text. -- RESOLVED
1109712 [Enhancement] Include the Room URL in the Room details -- RESOLVED
1109930 When installing 1.1.1 Loop Mobile client, the preselected camera in conversation detail is NOT the back one -- RESOLVED
1110070 [Flame][Loop]When you relaunched Firefox Hello, the "Use phone number" and "Use Firefox Aaccout" buttons can't work . -- RESOLVED
1110153 Missed icon in the "Pick contact" button of the Room details screen -- RESOLVED
1110180 Adapt UI in the Room detail screen to the visual proposal -- RESOLVED
1110317 The log is not rendered properly when users do FX Account -> Mobile -> FX Account -- RESOLVED
1110518 Black screen when sharing a Room URL to a contact with e-mail address -- RESOLVED
1110672 Reporting: Requests for conversations. Conversations DB creation -- RESOLVED
1110675 Reporting: Requests for conversations. Reporting conversation to Telemetry -- RESOLVED
1110687 RoomsDB: Return an array instead a cursor in getEvents method -- RESOLVED
1110689 Update Room expiration date when joining a Room -- RESOLVED
1110701 End/Leave button takes some seconds to work after joining a Room -- RESOLVED
1110708 Implement "Remove Joined Room" feature in the Loop Mobile app -- RESOLVED
1110768 [Rooms][Log] Improve logic related with tap and long press actions -- RESOLVED
1110832 When clicking on the notification about someone has joined a room, Room list in Loop should be launched -- RESOLVED
1111491 "Joining to a Room" notifications should persist in the notification tray -- RESOLVED
1111521 UX Polish - Review transition among pages -- RESOLVED
1111553 [User Story] Start a conversation with a non-registered or not available user: Improved fallback mechanism -- RESOLVED
1111664 [Room][Detal] Show text in 'history' panel when we haven't events -- RESOLVED
1111706 "Someone joins to a Room" not shown if Loop app is killed -- RESOLVED
1111709 "Someone joins to a Room" not shown if Loop app is killed -- RESOLVED
1112026 [Rooms][DB] Error when deleting a room -- RESOLVED
1112027 [Rooms][DB] We need to add a listener to Contact changes -- RESOLVED
1112036 Implement fallback mechanism for conversations -- RESOLVED
1112126 Rooms synchronization - Update DB -> Update UI -- RESOLVED
1112145 Implement "Clear all Rooms (active and expired)" button in Loop setting -- RESOLVED
1112150 Include German string for bug 1096824 ONLY in master Loop branch. -- RESOLVED
1112354 In the invited rooms it's necessary to show the History in the Room details screen -- RESOLVED
1112515 Add unit tests for the hawk authentication code -- RESOLVED
1113117 Show "someone joins to a Room" notifications when the user is in background mode -- RESOLVED
1113122 Notify when I am in a Room and I enter in background mode -- RESOLVED
1113151 Adapt Room list screen to the visual proposal -- RESOLVED
1113172 [Rooms][DB] Update 'multientry' to 'multiEntry' in DB -- RESOLVED
1113176 [Loop] [1.1 ONLY] Shared link isn't shown in "Shared link" list -- VERIFIED
1113405 [Loop] User is unable to create an account after selecting option to enter phone number. -- RESOLVED
1113412 [Loop] Unable to make a call to a logged in Firefox Hello User -- RESOLVED
1113440 [Loop]The Invitees list in Room detail page will add a name when user picks a contact even if cancelled out of it -- RESOLVED
1113448 [Loop]The option to 'Clean All Rooms' in settings, even if you have multiple rooms created, is grayed out and unresponsive -- RESOLVED
1113489 [Loop][DB][Refactor] contacts/identities changes in DB -- RESOLVED
1113548 [Loop] "Established call" screen is in background -- RESOLVED
1113565 [Loop] Wrong or confusing message trying to authenticate (MobileID WITHOUT physical SIM card), with wrong mobile date (e.g. one year before) -- RESOLVED
1113578 [Loop] "Resend" button appears always, trying to verifying MSISDN different from own sim card. -- RESOLVED
1113598 Telemetry report: Number of received rooms -- RESOLVED
1113599 [FxOS] Loop/Hello uses SJCL when it could use WebCrypto instead (Hawk) -- RESOLVED
1113602 Telemetry: Number of notifications sent for sharing previously created rooms -- RESOLVED
1113705 Joined Room should not show any icon in the Room list -- RESOLVED
1114947 Room owner receives a "Someone joins a Room" notification when he leaves his own room -- RESOLVED
1114961 Rename and deletion of the created Rooms is not properly updated when registering in two devices with the same identity -- VERIFIED
1115014 Improve the behavior when joining to a deleted Room -- RESOLVED
1115123 Loop Login screen is frozen after unregistering in FxA via Settings and entering in Loop again -- RESOLVED
1115826 [flame][WebRTC] No sound output when using WebRTC -- RESOLVED
1117092 [Loop] Room shared by owner is not shown in invited user room list -- RESOLVED
1117738 [Loop] Character counter increases itself -- VERIFIED
1118707 [Loop] Rooms are duplicated after changing the date in the device -- RESOLVED
1119768 Change the Audio/Video buttons and their positions in the incoming call of a Loop conversation -- RESOLVED
1119771 Change Control buttons in the Call Screen of a Loop conversation and in a Room -- RESOLVED
1120131 Improve the behavior when joining to an expired Room -- RESOLVED
1120135 Invitees list in Room details is not correctly updated if an invitee contact is removed from the Agenda -- VERIFIED
1120425 Local camera view is always mirrored -- RESOLVED
1120451 [Loop] Buttons when rotating the device are not correct for rooms -- VERIFIED
1120703 Order the Rooms in the Room list by last activity time instead of creation time -- RESOLVED
1120710 Fallback procedure is not invoked due to security prompt not clicked in FxOS 2.1 -- RESOLVED
1120891 [Loop] Wrong message when joining the room and there is someone already in -- VERIFIED
1120893 [Loop] Notification isn't available in utility tray -- RESOLVED
1120897 [Loop] Notification isn't shown name/surname about contact joins to room. -- VERIFIED
1120905 [Loop] When Loop is opened in foreground , the sound is heard from the speaker when it was disconnected (same happens with headset) -- RESOLVED
1120936 [Polish] Update the sprite of icons in conversations log -- RESOLVED
1120948 [Loop] New name in room isn't visible in rooms list of invited user. -- VERIFIED
1120989 [Loop] Email shows in room list isn't correctly visible. -- VERIFIED
1121004 [Loop] The timer indicating the duration of the call does not seem to be correct -- VERIFIED
1121338 [Loop] Audio/Video codec identification for Rooms -- RESOLVED
1121341 [Loop] mozPaintedFrames, and video width height information for Rooms -- RESOLVED
1121370 [Loop] Notification persists after powering the device off/on but does not do anything -- VERIFIED
1121413 [Loop] Incorrect error message shown when trying to join a full room -- VERIFIED
1121416 [Loop] Invitee name is not shown in history details when he joins as a mobile user -- VERIFIED
1121449 [Loop] [Telemetry] Renaming rooms -- RESOLVED
1121452 [Loop] Contact's name isn't shown below the room name when owner cancels sending the url a contact to share the room -- RESOLVED
1121454 [Loop] [Telemetry] Background mode -- RESOLVED
1121457 [Loop] Transition screen shown for a while before a conversation starts -- RESOLVED
1121476 [Loop] [Telemetry] Reporting: # times a room is visited&used -- RESOLVED
1121567 [Loop] User is not given the option to install loop when receiving an invitation to join to a room -- VERIFIED
1121632 [Loop] Activating video during a call shows black image -- VERIFIED
1121866 [Loop] No error message shown when trying to join to an expired room -- RESOLVED
1121894 [Loop] All contacts invited to a room aren't visible. -- VERIFIED
1121924 [Loop] Expiration date is longer than 56 days when the date of the device is changed to the past -- VERIFIED
1121926 [Loop] When a GSM call is established, if a contact invited/owner tries to join to room sees a error. -- RESOLVED
1121931 [Loop] "You are the only one in the room" message is over "speaker" button. -- RESOLVED
1121951 Firefox OS Loop client asks a different feedback question to desktop -- RESOLVED
1121965 [Loop] Room list is not correct when logging in desktop and mobile with same identity -- RESOLVED
1121983 [Loop] A room created by mobile app user is not shown in desktop user room list -- RESOLVED
1121988 [Loop] Subject autogenerated isn't incremented with each new room. -- VERIFIED
1121996 [Loop] Expired rooms are not shown accordingly in room list -- RESOLVED
1121997 [Loop] Wrong texts with mobile in spanish language. -- VERIFIED
1122004 [Loop] Call *isn't* recorded when contact isn't available. -- RESOLVED
1122014 [Loop] "Undefined" literal word, in calls from Desktop. (without subject) -- VERIFIED
1122033 [Loop] Lost video, and Screen changes to black, receiving consecutive calls from one invitee to my room. -- VERIFIED
1122043 [Loop] Username shows phone number and email in a call. -- VERIFIED
1122473 [Loop] In a room more than two persons can join -- RESOLVED
1122475 [Loop] Call Log lists all rooms without filtering by user -- RESOLVED
1122476 [Loop] Black screen when owner/invited joins to room with Audio Settings. -- VERIFIED
1122819 Update with Room icon (instead of the Search Contact one) in the Room list of the creator when someone joins to that Room -- RESOLVED
1122844 Room entries in the Room list stays in hit state after scrolling and tapping on them -- RESOLVED
1123266 Connect Settings and Tutorial -- RESOLVED
1123305 [Loop] Race condition between the first run experience and the activity handler -- RESOLVED
1123314 Room list should be updated according to Ctime instead of localCTime -- RESOLVED
1123366 [Loop] Loop call can't be established when GSM call is established -- RESOLVED
1123370 [Loop] Lost own video icon, name and time, receiving consecutive calls from one invitee to my room. -- RESOLVED
1123378 [Loop] Remote room participant name is not shown correctly for room url clickers -- RESOLVED
1123413 Definitive content for sharing a Room URL via SMS or E-mail application -- RESOLVED
1123612 [Loop] Calling screen shows blue background for a while when calling a contact saved with picture -- VERIFIED
1123627 [Loop] Incorrect call screen when opening a room invitation from SMS received link -- RESOLVED
1123666 [Loop] App permission screen is shown twice when calling when Remember my choice is unselected -- RESOLVED
1123679 [Loop] Contact saved without MCC is not recognized as Firefox user if there isn't any SIM card in the device. -- RESOLVED
1123721 [Loop] Cancel and Login buttons without any text in spanish lang. -- VERIFIED
1123730 [Loop] Black screen when user open Camera application while don't answer the incoming call -- RESOLVED
1123738 [loop] Telemetry. count sharing rooms doesn't distinguish between rooms with and without subject -- RESOLVED
1124092 Test join_room is broken -- RESOLVED
1124094 String change in Room delete button and in Room delete option when doing long press on a Room entry -- RESOLVED
1124131 [Loop] Loop call can't be established with URL shared between versions 1.1 and 1.1.1 -- RESOLVED
1124140 Change in Loop settings the appearance and strings of the Default call mode and Camera -- RESOLVED
1124142 [Loop] First FTE screen is not the correct one when launching Tutorial from settings -- VERIFIED
1124149 [Loop] Incorrect behaviour of 'Got it' button in last screen of Tutorial when launching it from settings -- VERIFIED
1124151 [Loop] Text is not shown completely and can be seen how it is painted when opening Calls screen with no entries -- VERIFIED
1124184 [Loop] Client should support receiving screen shares in rooms -- RESOLVED
1124584 [Loop] Create room button doesn't work after sending mail sharing another previous room. -- VERIFIED
1124587 Improve countdown timer accurate -- RESOLVED
1124632 German translations for 'Terms of Service' and 'Privacy Notice' long, 'Privacy Notice' gets wrapped in the middle of the word -- RESOLVED
1124637 bottom of characters on button label 'Use Firefox Accounts' partially hidden/overlayed (by white text?) -- VERIFIED
1124707 Adding sound when leaving a Room from Firefox Hello application for every user that leaves a Room -- RESOLVED
1124761 When a user is connected to a Room and receive or make an GSM call, his video stream is frozen -- RESOLVED
1124805 Settings page which can opened on error is empty on Gaia 3.0 -- RESOLVED
1124825 Can't submit/send/confirm entered phone number in Mobile id because no button or keyboard button for this available -- RESOLVED
1124834 Can't complete Firefox Hello signup if app got killed with task manager before, requires reboot to fix -- RESOLVED
1124902 Leading whitespace in body of room invitation email sent to unavailable contact -- RESOLVED
1124911 "You are the only one in the room" spans two lines in some localizations, but second line not in middle bond -- VERIFIED
1125058 Can't delete room, 404 error, Resource not found -- RESOLVED
1125184 Remove unused and duplicate strings and fix typo -- RESOLVED
1125405 Update HTML files in the webapp to use <meta> instead of manifest.webapp for l10n meta -- RESOLVED
1125758 "Guest" is shown (instead of "Invitado") in the Room Call screen when a Desktop user joins that Room via link clicker -- VERIFIED
1125762 Necessary logic fixes to land Bug 1121997 (Spanish localizations) -- RESOLVED
1125812 [Loop] When the user begins/ends tutorial in Settings, can see "Rooms" list. -- RESOLVED
1125831 [Loop] Selecting a contact to invite to a room is not working fine when contact has phone number of SIM inserted in mobile. -- RESOLVED
1126234 [Loop] Sound is heard through the speaker when opening loop app -- VERIFIED
1126283 [Loop] Deleted rooms are not updated with the corresponding string in room list -- VERIFIED
1126304 [Loop] Counter isn't increased when user writes a space in Room's name -- VERIFIED
1126310 User need to have or create an account while desktop Hello does not need one -- RESOLVED
1126313 [Loop] Device in silent mode manage notifications in a different way depending if owner is in the room or not -- VERIFIED
1126336 [Loop] Timer indicating the duration of the call does not start at 0 -- VERIFIED
1126337 [Loop] Play ended tone when leaving a Room from Firefox Hello application for every user that leaves a Room -- VERIFIED
1126347 [Loop] Settings screen isn't closed when user is going to join to room -- VERIFIED
1126367 [Loop] Update Loop Mobile Client with 2.4.0 OpenTok library -- RESOLVED
1126598 [Loop] When sharing a room in loop, a shareable link is not generated to send via the messages app -- RESOLVED
1126705 [Loop] Text can be selected in feedback screen -- VERIFIED
1126721 [Loop] "Rooms list" screen is shown before message "Full room" -- VERIFIED
1126726 [Loop] Front camera is always activated, once you are joined in a room with default mode as "audio" and enable video. -- VERIFIED
1126729 [Loop] History shows all entries under the label Today -- RESOLVED
1126750 [Loop] No notification is sent to the guest user, when user is the first one in room and owner deletes the room -- RESOLVED
1126791 Firefox OS opens Loop URLs in the browser instead of the client -- RESOLVED
1126796 Loop client vibrates when you switch to another while in a Firefox Hello call -- RESOLVED
1126860 [Loop] Wrong status in a room conversation when receives a loop call. -- VERIFIED
1126861 [Loop] Add Travis CI support FxOS Hello unit testing -- RESOLVED
1126884 [Loop] Wrong status when user is establishing a Loop call and starts a room conversation. -- RESOLVED
1126906 [Loop] Wrong status when user is already in a Loop call and stars an incoming room conversation with different camera. -- RESOLVED
1127245 [Loop] Lost own video (Blue screen) receiving consecutive calls from one invitee to my room. -- VERIFIED
1127272 [Loop] Rooms will appear as expired when half of the day they should expire is over -- VERIFIED
1127314 Call screen frozen when user joins to the Room via Standalone UI and default mode is set to Audio -- RESOLVED
1127320 [Loop] The user should not be able to join a room when a loop call is active -- VERIFIED
1127357 Counter in a Room does not start at 0 for user A that already established a communcation with B and later user B leaves and joins the Room again -- RESOLVED
1127384 [Loop] When User is already in a Room and receives a GSM call, User can access to that Room again. -- RESOLVED
1127386 Blue screen in the Loop Mobile app. when trying to join to a Room via Standalone UI -- RESOLVED
1127396 [Loop] When GSM call is in progress in device, if user tries to join to a Room (created), the GSM call sound is listened in speaker. -- RESOLVED
1127757 [Flame][Loop]When you invoke the loop call function, the CPU usage reaches 40%. -- RESOLVED
1127761 [Flame][Loop]The camera can't display prompt page during your video call using Loop. -- RESOLVED
1127779 Follow-up of bug 1127314, Call screen (to enter the subject and select the camera) is frozen when launching from Contact details a Loop call -- RESOLVED
1127789 Loop Call screen is not closed correctly in some scenarios after landing bug 1121338 -- RESOLVED
1127791 [Loop] "You are the only one in the room" message disappear in Device B when User A receives a GSM call and tries to join to the room. -- VERIFIED
1128261 [Loop][Telemetry] "BackgroundMode" is reseted when a room is deleted. -- RESOLVED
1128262 [Loop][Telemetry] When all rooms are deleted, telemetry's traces doesn't show: "backgroundMode":{"0":0} -- RESOLVED
1128267 Translation in French -- RESOLVED
1128374 Largest icon size is wrong in manifest: it does not fit the real icon size -- RESOLVED
1128436 Strange transitions can be seen when joining to a Room after landing bug 1122476 -- RESOLVED
1128524 [Loop] Follow up bug 1126234, once the headset is disconnected while in the call the sound is not heard through the speaker -- RESOLVED
1128539 "leaving a Room" tone is played in Device B when user A tries to join a Room and a GSM call is already in progress in that device -- RESOLVED
1128697 [Loop] Mute button changes meaning (mute vs unmuted) when exiting a room with mute on -- RESOLVED
1128869 Add support for running only one test file in grunt -- RESOLVED
1128873 [Flame][Loop] Flickering image shown while connecting the call -- RESOLVED
1128903 Copy improvement for Spanish -- RESOLVED
1128980 [Loop][Telemetry] Wrong "roomCamera" value, when default mode is audio. -- VERIFIED
1129006 [Loop][Telemetry] "backgroundMode" isn't reporting correctly. -- VERIFIED
1129042 [Loop][Telemetry] "numberTimesIJoined" isn't reporting correctly. -- VERIFIED
1129072 [Loop][Telemetry] "numberEstablishedConnections" isn't reporting correctly. -- RESOLVED
1129347 Add tests for conversation detail module -- RESOLVED
1129380 [Loop] Expiration date is not decreased in rooms with no activity -- RESOLVED
1129385 [Loop][Telemetry] Wrong notifications sharing one room created without subject, and added subject before sharing it. -- VERIFIED
1129392 Add tests for compatibility checker module -- RESOLVED
1129517 [Loop] Counter isn't increased when user writes a space in subject of a Loop call -- VERIFIED
1129816 [Loop] Room can't be saved When the call has the maximum length allowed in subject -- VERIFIED
1129821 [Loop] Today label in room list is not shown till scrolling up the room list -- RESOLVED
1129842 [Loop] Warning message is shown when user tries to logged in phone number and closes the screen. -- VERIFIED
1129851 [Loop] Black screen shown when hanging up a loop call when being in another app -- RESOLVED
1129868 [Loop] Delete button is always shown also when the user deleted the room -- RESOLVED
1129869 [Loop] Notifications persists on the utility tray when Loop application is open. -- RESOLVED
1129885 [Loop] User (logged with MobileID) is logged out of the Loop application. -- VERIFIED
1129888 [User Story] Reporting: Created rooms -- RESOLVED
1129919 [Loop] Subject isn't shown -- RESOLVED
1129951 [Loop] If the room call is terminated by any reason, the user *isn't* notified about that. -- RESOLVED
1129979 [Loop] Follow up bug 1126860 user being rejected does not handle correctly the reject reason -- VERIFIED
1130082 [loop][Telemetry] Report room creation and sharing at creation time -- RESOLVED
1130366 [Loop] Video resolution and FrameRate adjustment in desktop's Loop when streaming to a Firefox OS device -- RESOLVED
1131494 [Loop][Telemetry] When a room with/without subject is created in period of time near of reporte telemetry's trace, the parameter isn't increased. -- RESOLVED
1131545 [Loop][Telemetry] Different behavior in telemetry's trace between rooms with and without subject. -- RESOLVED
1131607 [Loop] It's possible join in a room via Standalone UI, when another communication is established in other room, from the same device. -- RESOLVED
1140881 [flatfish] loop not changing orientation properly -- RESOLVED
1142589 [Loop] Adapt FxOS Loop client to room name parameter changes for context in conversations P2 RESOLVED
1146671 crash in pthread_mutex_lock_impl | android::Mutex::lock() -- RESOLVED
1147181 [Loop][Room Detail] Share SMS message is not created if the recipient contact has an existing SMS thread in the Messages app. -- RESOLVED
1147192 [Loop][Tutorial] Final screen of Tutorial is obscured by confirmation message. -- RESOLVED
1147640 [Loop] User may be confused they can still access contacts list after denying the Contacts Permission Request -- RESOLVED
1147654 [Loop] Firefox Hello header is not centered on the Main Page. -- RESOLVED
1151992 Firefox Hello audio on Flame v2.2 is not routed to the loud speaker -- VERIFIED
1157824 Firefox Hello call audio does not route to headphones -- RESOLVED
1157837 Firefox Hello does not play audio on bluetooth -- RESOLVED
1157959 Firefox Hello stuck on call ended screen -- RESOLVED
1160353 Firefox Hello black screen if screen is locked during a video call -- RESOLVED
1160378 Firefox Hello call buttons are off center -- RESOLVED
1160949 Wrong video button when initiating a VIDEO Loop call with headsets connected -- RESOLVED
1161976 Firefox Hello only works when 2 FxOS devices are in the same LAN -- RESOLVED
1162661 Firefox Hello video is black after resuming a video call on hold -- RESOLVED
1163193 Firefox Hello app call fails if received while in the camera app -- RESOLVED
1164916 Firefox Hello call fails during Wifi handover -- RESOLVED
1168173 [Loop] [Hello] Flame: Cannot authenticate using Firefox account -- RESOLVED
1175414 [Gaia:Loop]User can't login Firefox account in the Loop successfully. -- RESOLVED

841 Total; 0 Open (0%); 660 Resolved (78.48%); 181 Verified (21.52%);


Full Query
ID Summary Status Resolution Target milestone
984239 [meta][user story] Adding H264 hardware support to WebRTC in Firefox OS RESOLVED FIXED mozilla32
988279 [Meta] Loop Client integration in Gaia functionality (Contacts) for Loop Mobile Client RESOLVED FIXED ---
988285 [meta] Changes in FirefoxOS to allow Loop Client to be developed as a privileged application RESOLVED FIXED ---
988389 Loop REST client helper RESOLVED FIXED ---
988402 Make sure that Tokbox JS library works well in Firefox OS RESOLVED FIXED ---
990546 [Loop] [App] Create basic skeleton RESOLVED FIXED ---
990579 [Loop] [App] Create push helper RESOLVED FIXED ---
1002728 [Meta] Sign-Up, Log-in, Log-out and ID Management for Loop Mobile Client RESOLVED FIXED ---
1002742 [Meta] for Communication history in Loop Mobile Client (Call Log and Shared URLs) RESOLVED FIXED ---
1002756 [Meta] for Starting Loop Calls from Loop Mobile Client RESOLVED FIXED ---
1002763 [Meta] for Opening URL Callbacks from Loop Mobile Client RESOLVED FIXED ---
1002768 [Meta] for Receiving Calls in Loop in Loop Mobile Client RESOLVED FIXED ---
1002774 [Meta] for In-Call Features in Loop Mobile Client RESOLVED FIXED ---
1002782 [Meta] for Post-Call Features in Loop Mobile Client RESOLVED FIXED ---
1010185 [Meta] Settings for Loop Mobile Client RESOLVED FIXED ---
1016423 Use Hawk for making authenticated HTTP requests and support FxA assertions RESOLVED FIXED ---
1019698 Add TB v2.2.5 lib RESOLVED FIXED 2.0 S4 (20june)
1021594 [meta] Mobile ID WebAPI RESOLVED INCOMPLETE ---
1023772 [Loop] Enable test & app shortcuts RESOLVED FIXED 2.0 S4 (20june)
1023773 [Loop] Remove 'Test' entry point RESOLVED FIXED ---
1027027 [Loop] Share by URL implemented in the final App. RESOLVED FIXED ---
1027032 [Loop] Enable MobileID authentication RESOLVED FIXED ---
1028218 Allow apps to be offered only to certain FFOS versions RESOLVED DUPLICATE ---
1028398 FxA will silently provide user's email to privileged apps in 2.0 RESOLVED FIXED 2.0 S6 (18july)
1028848 Add the attention screen to the test app RESOLVED FIXED ---
1030782 [Loop] Enable activities in Loop App. RESOLVED FIXED ---
1032380 FxOS Loop client side of bug 1025872 — Setup websockets for call setup information RESOLVED FIXED ---
1032779 Add 'callType' to POST /calls request and s/call_url/callUrl RESOLVED FIXED ---
1033418 Include new 2.2.6 OpenTok library version in Loop Mobile Client RESOLVED FIXED ---
1034544 [Loop][CallLog] ActionsLogDB Helper RESOLVED FIXED ---
1034550 [Loop][CallLog] Implement UI based on the data retrieved from the ActionsLogDB Helper RESOLVED FIXED ---
1034982 Add call progress protocol bits to the FxOS Loop client app (follow-up 1032380) RESOLVED FIXED ---
1036490 FxOS Loop Mobile testing bugs RESOLVED WONTFIX ---
1036860 FxOS Loop Client needs to send channel in call setup messages RESOLVED WONTFIX ---
1037022 [Loop] Add 'webview' screen to load external links RESOLVED FIXED ---
1037368 [Loop] Logger RESOLVED WONTFIX ---
1037391 Loop cannot be installed via make reset-gaia/install-gaia RESOLVED FIXED 2.0 S6 (18july)
1038224 [Loop][Settings] Enable video on/off by default in outgoing calls RESOLVED FIXED ---
1038668 [Loop] Add settings in the call screen RESOLVED FIXED ---
1038827 Contacts helper returns a wrong contact RESOLVED FIXED ---
1039168 FxOS Loop client app needs to reject incoming calls with a reason of "busy" if already on a call RESOLVED FIXED ---
1039971 Add commit hash information to the setting panel RESOLVED FIXED ---
1040204 Loop - implement a "loop-call" activity that accepts URL tokens. RESOLVED FIXED ---
1041965 [Loop] We should be able to recover from an invalid token situation RESOLVED FIXED ---
1042568 Loop - Update BB to latest release RESOLVED FIXED ---
1042574 Loop - Add components using Bower RESOLVED FIXED ---
1043861 Follow-up to bug 1038749: Release AudioContext/audio resources RESOLVED FIXED ---
1046170 Eliminate the permissions settings in the Wizard and the example of a Loop call RESOLVED FIXED ---
1046736 [MobileID] Set default country code in phone number manual selection. RESOLVED FIXED 2.1 S1 (1aug)
1046796 Add more information about the call progress in the call screen RESOLVED FIXED ---
1047245 Loop - Apply visuals to Wizard screen RESOLVED FIXED ---
1048928 [Loop] Implement visual design in Share screen RESOLVED FIXED ---
1050336 [Loop][Optimization] Implement infinite scrolling in the call log RESOLVED FIXED ---
1053699 Call screen. Polish markup RESOLVED FIXED ---
1054309 [Loop][Regression] Can't share URL anymore VERIFIED FIXED ---
1054962 Need to add a tone player helper RESOLVED FIXED ---
1055003 [Loop][l10n] Apply l10n strings to Loop. RESOLVED FIXED ---
1056910 [Loop] Add icons to the Manifest & Splash screen RESOLVED FIXED ---
1057263 [Loop] Force library to use the 100% of the volume available RESOLVED FIXED ---
1060389 [Meta] Mobile Loop Client reporting RESOLVED FIXED ---
1060751 Play both dialing and ringback tone (follow-up bug 1054962) RESOLVED FIXED ---
1060757 Notify user when remote party not reachable VERIFIED FIXED ---
1062883 [meta]Partner cherry pick for 2.0 Loop bugs RESOLVED FIXED ---
1064429 [Loop] Performance logger RESOLVED FIXED ---
1064741 [Loop] replace web components with BB RESOLVED FIXED ---
1066532 Update OpenTok library to 2.2.9 in Loop Mobile client RESOLVED FIXED ---
1067614 [User Story] Ensure users are always on the latest loop mobile version RESOLVED FIXED ---
1068661 [Loop] Entering an invalid FxA password and then re-entering the app makes it impossible to log in via FxA RESOLVED DUPLICATE ---
1069227 [Loop] Make sure that we recover from an expired token situation RESOLVED FIXED ---
1069404 Mobile Loop application new sounds RESOLVED FIXED ---
1069500 [Loop][Regression] Can't receive calls with 2.2 VERIFIED FIXED 2.1 S7 (24Oct)
1080889 [meta] ensure LOOP displays in Marketplace only to FxOS devices with matching device capabilities RESOLVED FIXED ---
1081060 [Loop] change icon to answer a call in loop RESOLVED FIXED ---
1082517 [Loop] Can't make outgoing calls on 2.1 or later VERIFIED FIXED 2.1 S9 (21Nov)
1083096 [Loop][UI] Change local video asset of 'shadow' VERIFIED FIXED ---
1083138 [Meta] Localization work for Loop app version 1.1 RESOLVED FIXED ---
1083184 [Loop] Global debug flag RESOLVED FIXED ---
1085179 [Meta] Market Place work for Loop app version 1.1 RESOLVED FIXED ---
1085300 [Loop][Testing] Basic test infrastructure with grunt RESOLVED FIXED ---
1085485 [Loop][Build] Add grunt tasks to generate release and push to the device RESOLVED FIXED ---
1087797 [User Story] Ensure that 1.1 Loop Mobile application version can only be installed in Fire E devices with (at least) 2.0 FxOS version RESOLVED FIXED ---
1090103 [Loop] FxOS Loop client needs to send channel in call setup messages RESOLVED FIXED ---
1093497 Fix Version Attributes in Loop Mobile Client VERIFIED FIXED ---
1093929 Improve grunt tasks and add additional options RESOLVED FIXED ---

84 Total; 0 Open (0%); 78 Resolved (92.86%); 6 Verified (7.14%);