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< WebDriver‎ | Marionette
Revision as of 13:13, 24 November 2014 by Automatedtester (talk | contribs) (enhanced layout and added a little more copy)
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We are working on getting Marionette to 1.0 status. This will give us parity with WebDriver and allow users, and the Selenium project, to stop using FirefoxDriver. To do this we need to implement the following missing features. NOTE: This list is live and will regularly be changing.

Full Query
ID Priority Summary Assigned to
1818657 P2 "WebDriver:GetCookies" returns secure cookies on a non-secure document
1515879 P2 HTML5 drag and drop doesn't work
1504359 P2 "Execute Script" values incorrectly interpreted as arrays
1485338 P2 Make XPath locator for WebDriver:FindElement and WebDriver:FindElements spec compliant
1255260 P2 Incorrect number of keyDown events when using modifiers in SendKeysToElement
1280448 P2 Support implicit navigation with basic auth credentials
1434785 P2 WebDriver:Fullscreen might want to wait for the next tick after receiving sizemodechange event
1314462 P2 WebDriver:ElementClick on element in <iframe> that is out of the viewport doesn’t scroll into view the frame
1430851 P2 Check click event target to decide whether to synthesize a dblclick
1353696 P2 Protect __webDriverComplete global from web content introspection
1423325 P2 Element.scrollIntoView() fails to scroll horizontally
1421628 P2 Page load listener returns too early due to `popstate` event
1366035 P2 Timeout when navigating to a URL with an unknown MIME type
1420923 P2 window globals not exposed to injected script
1372582 P2 [meta] Make Marionette cookie service WebDriver conforming
1419394 P2 WebDriver:ElementSendKeys synthesizes an extra "select" event even without any selection being made
1385895 P2 WebDriver:ElementSendKeys selects wrong <option> when dispatching text to <select>
1418995 P2 WebDriver:ElementSendKeys to use action primitives
1416216 P2 Extend click + page load to wait for `form.submit` event, if clicked element is a submit button
1401163 P2 Pointer Interactable checks not used when implicitly waiting for elements in Element Interaction commands
1402306 P2 onunload event listener not removed after script evaluation
1399135 P3 Unresponsive script blocks execution of new commands
1417925 P3 [meta] Make Element Send Keys webdriver spec conformant
1418055 P3 Add wdspec tests for proxy capabilities
1395886 P3 Add support for proxy authentication (username / password)
1374283 P3 Clicking an element like a link fails if child fully overlays area due to: "ElementNotInteractableException: Element could not be scrolled into view"
1420888 P3 WebDriver:SendKeysToElement support for non-typeable form controls (date, color, ...)
1370959 P3 Hardening proxy capability parsing
1364426 P3 WebDriver:ElementSendKeys has to set caret for content-editable elements after any child content
1363418 P3 LoadListener doesn't take redirects ("http-equiv=refresh" and "301" response) into account (affects all navigation requests)
1427807 P3 WebDriver:GetCookies does not return cookies from frames
1429403 P3 Descendants of <optgroup disabled> should not be clickable
1856989 P3 Cross-process iframes are not clicked properly
1856688 P3 Clicking frames fails to flush event loop
1450876 P3 click and page load aborts too early if target URL loads too slowly (delayed pagehide event)
1456642 P3 "WebDriver:ElementClick" does not handle modifier keys
1470976 P3 New Session with body "{}" should assume default session config
1471262 P3 WebDriver:TakeScreenshot returns empty string
1068735 P3 Re-enable test_uppercase_alpha_keys test
1488225 P3 WebDriver:AddCookie fails for a singlepart domains
1489191 P3 "WebDriver:TakeScreenshot" for element doesn't take scroll position into account
1490268 P3 WebDriver:ElementClick to use action primitives
1492357 P3 "WebDriver:TakeScreenshot" doens't throw "unable to capture screen" error if height or width of captured image is 0
1493650 P3 WebDriver:TakeScreenshot captures current frame instead of top-level browsing context
1494208 P3 Write better tests for screenshot commands
1496323 P3 `Element Send Keys` has to split the string into extended grapheme clusters
1863539 P3 "AltitudeAngle" and "AzimuthAngle" are not used for actions of type "touch"
1500140 P3 Port some element_send_keys/interactability.py tests to element_click
1068733 P3 WebDriver:SendKeysToElement fails in adding a white-space for Keys.SPACE
1068728 P3 Re-enable test_numeric_shift_keys
1526898 P3 Fix test_special_key_sends_keydown[NUMPAD4] and test_special_key_sends_keydown[NUMPAD5] after bug 1516570
1527713 P3 WebDriver:{ExecuteScript,ExecuteAsyncScript}: Add support for `await` keyword in scripts
1550680 P3 "WebDriver:ElementClick" for <option> fires "change" and "input" events even without any changes made
1556307 P3 Add support for HTTP authentication prompts
1560113 P3 WebDriver:TakeScreenshot of web element captures area outside of viewport
1571469 P3 "WebDriver:TakeScreenshot" and"WebDriver:TakeElementScreenshot" commands have poor error handling
1580453 P3 Marionette cannot override values of certain incoming capabilities (eg. browserName)
1653287 P3 WebDriver:GetWindowRect returns wrong data when in headless mode
1658880 P3 Unknown pointerType: [object String] "pen"
1675252 P3 Element interaction commands do not wait until element becomes interactable
1696596 P3 "WebDriver:ElementSendKeys" doesn't set caret to the end for input types other than "text"
1738436 P3 "WebDriver:ExecuteScript" fails to access "localStorage" and "sessionStorage" window properties
1808709 P3 Cloning to JSON fails for objects defined in context of the page and implementing `toJSON()`
1068726 P3 Re-enable test_typing.py | test_all_printable_keys test
1823444 P3 "Clone an object" should only return enumerable properties for an object
1850054 P3 Add support for "Consume User Activation"
1842214 P3 "WebDriver:ElementSendKeys" doesn't use implicit wait for element to become keyboard-interactable Dan
1292178 -- [meta] Implement actions API that conform to WebDriver in Marionette
1333458 -- [meta] Improve page load algorithm of Marionette
1496683 -- "WebDriver:ElementClick" fails to click on elements inside a frame if outer element is transformed

70 Total; 70 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Supporting Other Projects

We are currently working for other projects to get them the Marionette support that they need. There is some overlap with the above list so think of it as killing 2 birds with one stone!


No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);
