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Firefox-Marketplace.png Mozilla is building a Marketplace to bring personalized discovery, worldwide distribution, and easy payments to the largest platform for app development: the Web. Our Marketplace will be imbued with Mozilla's principles of transparency, user control, and open innovation that locked-down platforms lack.



Find us on IRC

  • #marketplace
  • #payments
  • #openwebapps
  • #app-reviewers

Meetings Open for All

Meeting When? (All times PCT) Where? Point of Contact Extra
Product Delivery Every Monday @ 1015 Marketplace Vidyo Room Caitlin Galimidi
Community Meeting Every other Tuesday @ 1000 AMMO Vidyo Room Amy Tsay Notes / #marketplace
AMMO Team Open Chat First Wednesday every month @ 1030 AMMO Vidyo Room Amy Tsay #marketplace
App Review Program Every Thursday @ 1000 AppReview Vidyo Room Lisa Brewster Notes / #app-reviewers
uiwanted / productwanted triage Every Thursday @ 1030 Marketplace Vidyo Room Wil Clouser
Marketplace User Experience Meeting Every Thursday @ 1400 MarketplaceUX Vidyo Room Elizabeth Hunt Agenda
Content Program Every Friday @ 0900 AppsContent Vidyo Room Thomas Elin Notes / #appsContent
Engineering Delivery Every other Friday @ 1000 Marketplace Vidyo Room and Air Mozilla Wil Clouser Notes / Notes Archive
Apps Quarterly Planning Quarterly Air Mozilla Schedule varies

Mailing Lists

  • Marketplace Contributors List for Marketplace community--stay in the loop about contribution opportunities and events.
  • Marketplace Team All (internal) contributors to, and stakeholders & watchers of, Marketplace & Payments activities [(see the membership list)]
  • dev-marketplace Open to anyone who wants to discuss Marketplace development and program activities
  • Marketplace Drivers Internal list for managers accountable for delivering Marketplace / Payments program (Add your email address in a Service-Now request)
  • B2G Contributors (Internal)
  • Apps Internal, all contributors to, and watchers & supports of, Apps Program (Add your email in a Service-now request)
  • Dev Web Apps Internal mailing list for Web App Devs
  • Open Web Apps Open, all Mozillian (external) Web App Devs
  • App Review Open mailing list for questions regarding the content submission and review process
  • Payments Team Internal, all Mozilla payments contributors
  • Marketplace UX Internal, all Marketplace UX contributors
  • Back Seat Drivers The internal list for those not on other drivers lists
  • Dev Planning Company-Wide, Open. Provides schedule of open and important meetings across dev and product teams


Found a bug?

File bugs in the marketplace component on Bugzilla

Marketplace Roadmap

Check out our 2014 Goals and our current deliverables

Latest and greatest Roadmap (Aug 2014) Marketplace & Payments Roadmap Aug 2014

Marketplace Feature Requests

Make a Request a new feature or suggest changes to Marketplace

Marketplace Feature Delivery

Ecosystem Docs & PRDs

Please review our PRDs for upcoming Marketplace features. Have a feature you think should be on Marketplace?
Put in your request and our core team will review!

Admin Tools

Admin Tools focus on behind-the-scenes management of the Marketplace. These are divided into several areas: Reviewer Tools, Merchandising Tools, Operator Management Tools, Support Tools, and Configuration Management Tools.


These are a bit old now, but David know if you need access to them


The following PRDs and specifications contain detailed information on consumer facing features of the Marketplace. These are the things a consumer might experience when visiting the site.

Content Discovery


Firefox Accounts

Marketplace for Firefox OS

Marketplace Server


Product Delivery

Content Management

All of these Request your Comments (in the doc itself)

Developer Dashboard

Developer facing parts of the Marketplace are split into 2 areas: the Dev Hub, which focuses on information and resources that help developers create and submit apps for the Marketplace, and the "Dev Dashboard", the area focused on application management.

Please view Apps/Developers for information about the Firefox Marketplace Developer Hub.

Metrics and Business Intelligence

Metrics covers how well things perform - number of downloads, number of installs, apps submitted, apps reviewed, etc. Business Intelligence covers behavior within the Marketplace, goal measurement, UX research. This is measured through Google Analytics.

Marketplace Performance Metrics

This covers Marketplace and App Performance Metrics for Developers, Community members, Mozilla and Operators

Marketplace Business Intelligence


Operator / OEM

Please see Marketplace - Adding Regions and Carriers for more details on Operator onboarding

Payments & Pricing

Other Resources

Shared FxOS Dependencies

  • Look up the dependencies shared between Marketplace product, Apps and Partners teams

Related Information
