Webdev/Meetings/2015/March 3

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Webdev Meeting
Date: March 3rd, 2015
Time: 10:00 AM Pacific
How to Join
Teleconferencing: Room 9 798
IRC: #webdev on irc.mozilla.org

Webdev Extravaganzas are open to the public and serve as a gathering point for anyone in the Mozilla community who is interested in web development and what Mozilla has been doing in it.

The meeting will be streamed and recorded on Air Mozilla: (LINK FORTHCOMING)

Shipping Celebration

What did we ship this month? Alternatively, what didn't we ship to spare the world the horror?

  • (pmac) Bedrock Static Media!
    • Upgraded Python to 2.7 \o/
    • Changed from old/busted MEDIA_URL to new/hot STATIC_URL stuff.
      • Moved from jingo-minify to django-pipeline for concatenation/minification/compilation of static assets.
      • Moved Apache to Whitenoise for serving static assets.
    • We have (more plans) and are quite open to feedback and help.
  • (peterbe) Contribute.json site now looks great on mobile
  • (jgmize) masterfirefoxos.mozilla.org
    • Python 3.4
    • Django 1.7
    • Initial files generated with Sugardough
    • Local development environment using Docker and Fig
    • Running in production on Deis using AWS EC2, RDS, ELB, and S3
    • Continuous Delivery via Jenkins automated deploys to dev and prod environments

Open-Source Citizenship

Any updates with our libraries or with libraries we use? Anyone looking for help with a library they maintain?

  • (irc nick) Topic

New Hires / Interns / Volunteers / Contributors

Anyone new that we want to induct into the secret order? Paid, unpaid, contract, doesn't matter!

  • (blisman) lismanb on Github, has been helping Bedrock out quite a bit of late. We've really benefited from the help! 3 bugs closed in a very short time. Thanks!


Anything else to talk about?

  • (irc nick) Topic