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Firefox-Marketplace.png Mozilla is building a Marketplace to bring personalized discovery, worldwide distribution, and easy payments to the largest platform for app development: the Web. Our Marketplace will be imbued with Mozilla's principles of transparency, user control, and open innovation that locked-down platforms lack.



Find us on IRC

  • #marketplace
  • #payments
  • #openwebapps
  • #app-reviewers

Meetings open to all

You're welcome to participate in any of these meetings. See you there! (All times listed in Pacific Time)

Error in widget Widget:Google Calendar: Unable to load template 'wiki:Widget:Google Calendar'

You can also import this calendar into any iCal-capable calendar application.

Mailing Lists

  • Marketplace Contributors List for Marketplace community--stay in the loop about contribution opportunities and events.
  • Marketplace Team All (internal) contributors to, and stakeholders & watchers of, Marketplace & Payments activities [(see the membership list)]
  • dev-marketplace Open to anyone who wants to discuss Marketplace development and program activities
  • Marketplace Drivers Internal list for managers accountable for delivering Marketplace / Payments program (Add your email address in a Service-Now request)
  • B2G Contributors (Internal)
  • Apps Internal, all contributors to, and watchers & supports of, Apps Program (Add your email in a Service-now request)
  • Dev Web Apps Internal mailing list for Web App Devs
  • Open Web Apps Open, all Mozillian (external) Web App Devs
  • App Review Open mailing list for questions regarding the content submission and review process
  • Payments Team Internal, all Mozilla payments contributors
  • Marketplace UX Internal, all Marketplace UX contributors
  • Dev Planning Company-Wide, Open. Provides schedule of open and important meetings across dev and product teams


Marketplace Roadmap & Project Archive

Check out our current deliverables or our project archive

Found a bug?

File bugs in the marketplace component on Bugzilla

New Feature Request?

Make a Request a new feature or suggest changes to Marketplace

Other Resources