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Revision as of 10:31, 10 April 2015 by Edwardchen (talk | contribs)
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Name Done Plan
  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
  • Week W15 (04/06~04/10)
  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
    • Follow up v2.2 Bugs
    • Monitor Nexus-5-L MTBF testing
  • Week W15 (04/06~04/10)
    • Follow up v2.2 Bugs
    • Monitor Nexus-5-L MTBF testing
    • Owner of 2.2 Gaia-UI smoke/non-smoke test this week
  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
    • MCTS issues fixing.
    • MCTS strinray.
    • Investigate the CSS for report/log format.
    • Bereavement Leave
  • Week W15 (04/06~04/10)
    • Bug 1152746 - [MCTS][2.2] Add image instructions for orientation test
    • Implement the diff mechanism for MCTS.
    • B2G 5.1 MR1 build issues fixing.
  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
    • Measure the power consumption on Nexus 5 (L-5.0)
    • [Stingray] Create test cases
  • Week W15 (04/06~04/10)
    • Measure the power consumption on Nexus 5 (L-5.0)
    • [Stingray] Create test cases
  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
    • Fixed and upgrade raptor to newest version, include master and v2.2
    • Fixed Raptor CI server, include master and v2.2
  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
    • Check for v2.2 bug status
    • Marigold visit in ChengDu about automation test.
  • Week W15 (04/06~04/10)
    • Check for v2.2 bug status
    • New testing plan for V2.2 NEXUS-5-L
  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
    • v2.2 feature testing
      • Follow up unresolved issues.
    • QAnalyst/MGSEI bugs verification/follow-up
    • Nexus 5 smoke test result verification
  • Week W15 (04/06~04/10)
    • v2.2 feature testing
      • Follow up unresolved issues.
    • QAnalyst/MGSEI bugs verification/follow-up
    • Nexus 5 smoke test result verification
    • OTA verifications
  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
    • v2.2+ bugs for FC
      • Monitor SysFE bugs, perform a functional run
      • Monitor Nexus 5 Bugs [2.2-nexus-5-l] progress, especially for 2.2
      • Monitor some other 2.2+ bugs
    • Owner of 2.2 Gaia-UI smoke/non-smoke test this week
      • fix a script bug
    • xUnit study
  • Week W15 (04/06~04/10)
    • v2.2+ bugs for FC
    • Nexus 5.1 porting test
      • Monitor SysFE bugs
      • Monitor Nexus 5 Bugs [2.2-nexus-5-l] progress, especially for 2.2
      • Monitor some other 2.2+ bugs
    • xUnit study
  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
  • Week W15 (04/06~04/10)
  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
  • Week W15 (04/06~04/10)
Owen Ouyang
  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
  • Week W15 (04/06~04/10)
  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
  • Week W15 (04/06~04/10)
Shako Ho
  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
  • Week W15 (04/06~04/10)
  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
    • 2.2 FC monitoring
    • Test case management system prototyping & estimation
    • MozTrap New UI development
    • Prepare sharings on MozTrap enhancement
    • Interview RDs on their automation testing practices
    • xUnit sharing to RDSS colleagues
  • Week W15 (04/06~04/10)
    • 2.2 FC monitoring
    • Metrics exploratory tests
    • Test case management system prototyping
    • MozTrap New UI development
    • Prepare sharings on MozTrap enhancement
    • Interview RDs on their automation testing practices
  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
    • V2.2 Bugs
      • Verify [Prod][Text selection] resolved bugs
      • Opened [Bug 1149070][Text Selection] Right caret disappeared in email select all
    • Follow up on bugs opened by QAnalyst and Marigold
  • Week W15 (04/06~04/10)
    • V2.2 Exploratory testing
      • Track Bug 1149070 - [Text Selection] Right caret disappeared in email select all
      • Opened Bug 1152172 - [Text Selection] Left caret disappeared in view email
    • Follow up on bugs opened by QAnalyst and Marigold

  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
  • Week W15 (04/06~04/10)
William Hsu
  • Week W14 (03/30~04/03)
    • Marigold visiting - Q1 2015.
      • Marigold performance assessment - Q1 2015
      • Sharing Mozilla performance measurement tools
      • Sharing L10n test strategy
    • Help dispatch Marigold submitted bugs.
    • Others,
      • Children's Day: 4/04
  • Week W15 (04/06~04/10)
    • [Device]
      • Bug work
      • GU test on v2.1, v2.0, and v2.1s
    • [Outsourcing]
      • Weekly meeting
      • Dispatch bugs of free test
      • File data of Q1 2015 performance assessment
      • Assist L10n testing
    • [Others]
      • Tomb Sweeping Day: 4/06