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Meeting Info

  • 11 am Pacific Time
  • Vidyo room: DeveloperServices
  • Backchannel in #vcs

Hot items

  • On Call Handoff!!!
    • bkero → hwine


Last week

  • bkero
    • PTO
  • fubar
    • PTO
  • gps
    • bundle serving from
    • MozReview workflow enhancements
  • hwine
    • TCW, 38.0.5
    • vcs-sync legacy running in AWS in parallel
  • lmandel
    • short week
    • release work, training for new relman team members, work hand-off
  • smacleod
    • More core RB work for MozReview extensions
      • Abortable Signals up
      • Looked into locking down extra data keys to prevent API mucking
    • MozReview LDAP checking and restrictions

Planned for this week

  • bkero
    • virtualenv+python2.7 work on hgweb[1-10]
    • code review for hg bundleclone work
    • resume scan-build
  • fubar
    • PTO
  • gps
    • finish deploying bundle hosting to
    • assist release automation in deploying bundle cloning
    • work on metadata querying and hosting for files
    • maybe work on upstream Mercurial changes to better support native bundle cloning
  • hwine
    • vcs-sync legacy cutover to AWS
    • vcs-sync modern in parallel on AWS
  • lmandel
    • SVN decommission plan
    • Whistler planning
  • smacleod
    • MozReview ldap
    • Mockup future MozReview ideas for Whistler

Other business

  • [hal] "Whistler Change Freeze" -- IT trying to get company wide, so no one gets paged. PDX sucked for me because we didn't have a change freeze in the business units, so I'm voting that at least dev services has a change freeze.
  • [lmandel] Whistler sessions - need to submit by Friday
    • Session with releng about Hg
    • Session with IT about moc and releng about scheduling (Hal to coordinate)

PTOs, etc


Q2 Goals