MOSS/Foundational Technology/Projects We Use

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This is an incomplete list of the free software and open source projects Mozilla relies upon. As a starting point, it lists each project along with a short statement of how we depend on it. Where practical it would also be helpful to identify a Mozillian most closely associated with our use of each project, as next steps will involve contacting each one to find out more about how we can best provide support.

This is a work in progress - please contribute to this list.

Project Description Contact within Mozilla
Ansible Used by IT (netops) and A-Team to manage deployments jbarnell , GPS?
BabelJS JavaScript compiler, Used by Gaia, TaskCluster team Selena Deckelmann
BuildBot The base system currently in use for release automation (due to be replaced by Task Cluster) Chris AtLee
Bugzilla (upstream) The base Bugzilla on that we customize for Mozilla's use Glob
Clang/LLVM C/C++ compiler and infrastructure Ehsan Akhgari
DjangoProject Used by many Mozilla websites Andy McKay and Jannis Leidel are (or have been) on the Foundations board
Docker Used by release engineering for Linux build and test containers and by ateam for managing test and production services. Used by many Mozilla websites as well. Member of Selena Deckelmann's team
Git Version control system - Unknown
jemalloc Memory allocation library Unknown
libvpx (Google) Library for support of Google’s VP* family of codecs Tim Terriberry
Linux OS kernel used in Firefox OS Unknown
Mercurial Version control system and source code management GPS
msys Used to build Firefox on Windows Unknown
Nagios IT management system. Used for notifications of system failures IT or Amy Rich's team
nICEr Library for traversing firewalls Unknown
nrappkit Toolkit for building standalone applications Unknown
OpenH264 (Cisco) H.264 video library Unknown
Puppet System administration tool Member of Amy Rich's team
Python Scripting language Python Software Foundation, Selena Deckelmann is a former board member
RabbitMQ Distributed Queue, used by Socorro, Pulse (all our publicly available build/test/commit information flows through this) Selena Deckelmann
Review Board The base of MozReview, the new review tool being developed to replace Splinter Steven MacLeod, Mike Conley
Selenium Browser test driver stephend/AutomatedTester or jrgm/vladikoff
SQLite File-based database Unknown
Subversion (Planning to decommission in near future) Unknown
Travis Continuous integration system used by several teams Jonathan Griffin's team Components to support real-time communication in browsers and mobile applications Randell Jesup
mozdef Security event monitoring and incident response Jeff Bryner
Django Backend web framework used on many of our websites Django Software Foundation (jezdez is a board member)