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Revision as of 07:59, 25 October 2015 by Jigs12 (talk | contribs) (Updated the next meeting.)
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Home | Meetings | Events | Modules | SOPs

Meeting Details

We conduct meetings on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month at 21:00IST (15:30UTC) in #kerala. The meetings are bridged (proxied) over to the Mozilla Kerala Telegram group by our very own botzilla which makes it easier for people with limited internet connectivity to join the meetings.

The meetings are chaired by a mozillian that is elected with a nomination / poll in the previous month. The meetings follow the Meetings SOP. The agenda for the meetings are collaborated on Etherpad and follows the format<DDMMMYY>. If you have something to discuss and decide with the community, feel free to put it up in the agenda of the next meeting.


Next Meeting

November 14, 2015 | Agenda

Past Meeting Archives