WebAPI/PresentationAPI:Protocol Draft

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This is a draft of protocol proposal for 2-UAs Presentation Scenario


  • Device Discovery
    • Device information: unique name, user-friendly name, address for ctrl server
    • Device capability: resolution, supported media type, supported apps, supported IO capability
    • Protocol information: protocol version
  • Service Launching
    • Service information: app/page URL
    • Session information: session Id, bootstrap info for communication
    • Controlling message: launch, reconnect, terminate
    • User settings: preferred locale
  • Communication
    • establish dedicate transportation channel
  • Security
    • device challenge: OOB channel, passkey
    • data encryption: key derived from challenge, key exchange for communication channel


Here is the high-level architecture overview of 2-UAs protocol

Architecture overview of 2-UAs Protocol


  • query for available PresentationControlServer
  • query device capability for device filtering
  • initiate connection to server
  • trigger session creation / reconnection / termination
  • reply to device challenge during pairing procedure


  • register as an service profile on mDNS
  • handle session creation / reconnection / termination
  • generate device challenge for pairing procedure

mDNS Registration

  • mDNS stack that supports service registration over mDNS protocol

mDNS Query

  • mDNS stack that supports service query over mDNS protocol


  • WebRTC stack that provides Data Channel implementation
  • Generate SDP for exchanging offer/answer over presentation control protocol

Browser UI

  • display pairing information
  • display sender / receiver page

Protocol Details


  • STEP 1: find device (mDNS/DNS-SD: _presentation-ctrl._tcp)
    • STEP 1a: query device capability (send query message: supported media type, supported URL format)
  • STEP 2: setup control channel to remote device (send connect message: device name, protocol version, supported challenge method)
    • STEP 2a: device challenge / device pairing (send challenge message: ) (send resolve message: ) (send auth message: encrypted auth token)
  • STEP 3: launch app / page (send launch message: url, session Id)
  • STEP 4: setup communication channel (send offer message: SDP for DataChannel) (send answer message: SDP for DataChannel)
    • STEP 4a: establish DataChannel via SDP
  • STEP 5: close control channel (send close message: )


  • STEP 1: setup control channel to remote device (send connect message: auth token)
    • STEP 1a: complete challenge with stored information
  • STEP 2: terminate app / page via session Id (send terminate message: session Id)
  • STEP 3: close control channel (send close message: )


  • STEP 1: setup control channel to remote device (send connect message: auth token)
    • STEP 1a: complete challenge with stored information
  • STEP 2: reconnect app / page via session Id (send reconnect message: session Id)
  • STEP 3: setup communication channel (send offer message: SDP for DataChannel) (send answer message: SDP for DataChannel)
    • STEP 3a: establish DataChannel via SDP
  • STEP 4: close control channel (send close message: )
