Bugmasters/Project/Bug Handling/Triage Leads

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Revision as of 10:49, 17 June 2016 by Msreckovic (talk | contribs) (Panning and Zooming change)
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Component Not Assigned to a Module on Wiki Responsible Backup Supporting Supporting Supporting Supporting Triage Page Notes
Audio/Video Maire (mreavy) Anthony (k17e) Jesup Cpearce https://wiki.mozilla.org/Media/Bugs#Core::Audio.2FVideo_.28Main_Component.29_Queries NOTE: This component is meant as a temporary place for Media bugs. Folks put media bugs here when they aren't sure which A/V component they really belong in.
Audio/Video: cubeb Maire Padenot Kinetik Jesup Anthony https://wiki.mozilla.org/Media/Bugs#Core::Audio.2FVideo_-_Cubeb_Bugzilla_Queries
Audio/Video: GMP Maire Jesup Cpearce Anthony https://wiki.mozilla.org/Media/Bugs#Core::Audio.2FVideo_-_GMP_.28Gecko_Media_Plugin.29_Bugzilla_Queries
Audio/Video: MediaStreamGraph Maire Jesup Padenot Roc https://wiki.mozilla.org/Media/Bugs#Core::Audio.2FVideo_-_MediaStreamGraph_Bugzilla_Queries
Audio/Video: Playback Anthony Cpearce rillian https://wiki.mozilla.org/Media/Bugs#Core::Audio.2FVideo_-_Playback_Queries
Audio/Video: Recording Maire Jesup Roc Anthony https://wiki.mozilla.org/Media/Bugs#Core::Audio.2FVideo_-_Recording_Bugzilla_Queries
AutoConfig (Mission Control Desktop) Mike Kaply
Build Config Gregory Szorc ted glandium mshal
Canvas: 2D Milan https://wiki.mozilla.org/Platform/GFX/TriageSchedule
Canvas: WebGL Milan https://wiki.mozilla.org/Platform/GFX/TriageSchedule
CSS Parsing and Computation Jet dbaron
Disability Access APIs Alexander Surkov
DMD nnethercote
Document Navigation Overholt
DOM Overholt
DOM: Animation bbirtles
DOM: Apps fabrice Will be removed by Fabrice/ehsan when this has been removed in-product.
DOM: Contacts Gregor reuben B2G-specific
DOM: Content Processes Overholt
DOM: Core & HTML Overholt
DOM: CSS Object Model jet dbaron
DOM: Device Interfaces overholt B2g
DOM: Events Overholt smaug
DOM: IndexedDB Overholt khuey
DOM: Push Notifications Overholt dougt mt kit
DOM: Security ckerschbaumer tanvi fmarier dveditz
DOM: Service Workers Overholt bkelly
DOM: Workers Overholt khuey
Drag and Drop Neil
Editor jet Used to be ehsan
Embedding: APIs
Embedding: GRE Core
Embedding: Mac
Embedding: MFC Embed
Embedding: Packaging
Event Handling Overholt smaug
File Handling X
Find Backend mikedeboer
FxAccounts rfkelly markh ckarlof
Gecko Profiler X BenWa?
General X
Geolocation dougt jdm kanru
GFX: Color Management Milan https://wiki.mozilla.org/Platform/GFX/TriageSchedule
Graphics Milan https://wiki.mozilla.org/Platform/GFX/TriageSchedule
Graphics: Layers Milan https://wiki.mozilla.org/Platform/GFX/TriageSchedule
Graphics: Text Milan https://wiki.mozilla.org/Platform/GFX/TriageSchedule
Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
History: Global
HTML: Form Submission X overholt
HTML: Parser Overholt hsivonen wchen
Identity ferjm Merge into Fx::Accounts
Image Blocking X Milan https://wiki.mozilla.org/Platform/GFX/TriageSchedule
ImageLib Milan https://wiki.mozilla.org/Platform/GFX/TriageSchedule
IPC Overholt billm dvander
JavaScript Engine jorendorff
JavaScript Engine: JIT jandem
JavaScript: GC terrence jonco sfink
JavaScript: Internationalization API Waldo
JavaScript: Standard Library
Keyboard: Navigation Overholt smaug
Layout Jet
Layout: Block and Inline Jet
Layout: Floats Jet
Layout: Form Controls Jet
Layout: HTML Frames Jet
Layout: Images Jet
Layout: Misc Code Jet
Layout: R & A Pos Jet
Layout: Tables Jet
Layout: Text Jet
Layout: View Rendering Jet
Localization X Pike flod
mach gps
Memory Allocator glandium njn
MFBT Waldo froydnj
mozglue glandium froydnj kats nchen
Nanojit X (defunct)
Networking mcmanus jduell
Networking: Cache mcmanus jduell
Networking: Cookies mcmanus jduell
Networking: DNS mcmanus jduell
Networking: Domain Lists X mcmanus jduell
Networking: File mcmanus jduell
Networking: FTP mcmanus jduell
Networking: HTTP mcmanus jduell
Networking: JAR mcmanus jduell
Networking: WebSockets mcmanus jduell
Panning and Zooming :kats :botond Milan https://wiki.mozilla.org/Platform/GFX/TriageSchedule
Permission Manager
Platform Fuzzing Team Jesse? gkw? decoder?
Plug-ins bsmedberg
Preferences: Backend
Print Preview jet
Printing: Output jet
Printing: Setup
QuickLaunch (AKA turbo mode) X (defunct)
RDF Pike Need an owner for xul templates in this list. RDF improvements likely WONTFIX
Rewriting and Analysis X :ehsan? :sfink
Security :keeler I'm not sure this component is useful. Half of the bugs should be in 'Security: PSM' and the other half should be in 'Firefox :: Security'
Security: CAPS Overholt bholley
Security: Process Sandboxing :blassey
Security: PSM :keeler
Security: UI :keeler some of the 'Security: whatever' components should probably be merged
Selection X jet Will probably be merged into editor.
Serializers X Overholt
Spelling checker X
String dbaron?
Tracking X bsmedberg suggests this should be defunct
Untriaged Softvision
Web Audio Maire Padenot Karlt Jesup https://wiki.mozilla.org/Media/Bugs#Web_Audio_Bugzilla_Queries
Web Services X
Web Speech
WebRTC Maire Jesup Drno Pkerr https://wiki.mozilla.org/Media/Bugs#WebRTC_Bugzilla_Queries
WebRTC: Audio/Video Maire Jesup Jib Pkerr https://wiki.mozilla.org/Media/Bugs#WebRTC_Bugzilla_Queries
WebRTC: Networking Maire Jesup Bwc Drno https://wiki.mozilla.org/Media/Bugs#WebRTC_Bugzilla_Queries
WebRTC: Signaling Maire Jesup Bwc Drno https://wiki.mozilla.org/Media/Bugs#WebRTC_Bugzilla_Queries
Widget jimm
Widget: Android snorp? :kats (I usually triage anything incoming here)
Widget: Cocoa :mstange
Widget: Gonk :mwu
Widget: Gtk :karlt
Widget: Qt
Widget: Win32 jimm
Widget: WinRT jimm Is this defunct?
X-remote X bsmedberg Will be merged with Toolkit: Startup and archived.
XBL Overholt
XForms X
XML Overholt
XP Toolkit/Widgets: Menus Neil
XP Toolkit/Widgets: XUL Neil
XPCOM froydnj erahm mccr8 smaug (cycle collector)
XPConnect Overholt bholley
XSLT Overholt


Component Responsible Backup Supporting Supporting Supporting Supporting Triage Page Notes
about:memory nnethercote
Add-ons Manager Dave Townsend
Application Update Robert Strong Stephen Pohl Matt Howell
Async Tooling Yoric Paolo Amadini
Autocomplete Marco Bonardo Neil Deakin Drew Willcoxon
Breakpad Integration Ted Mielczarek
Build Config gps
Download Manager Paolo Amadini Marco Bonardo
Error Console To Be Removed
Find Toolbar mikedeboer
Forget About Site ehsan?
Form Manager dolske MattN
General Dave Townsend
Microformats tantek mixedpuppy mkaply Glenn Jones
Notifications and Alerts MattN kit (I read bugmail for all bugs in this component)
NSIS Installer Robert Strong Stephen Pohl Matt Howell
OS.File Yoric
Password Manager dolske? MattN
Performance Monitoring Yoric
Places Marco Bonardo Drew Willcoxon Yoric
Preferences Neil Deakin
Printing Mike Conley
Reader Mode Gijs
Safe Browsing gcp francois
Spatial Navigation (move to mobile?)
Startup and Profile System bsmedberg
Storage Marco Bonardo Andrew Sutherland
Telemetry Georg Fritzsche Alessio Placitelli Chris H-C
Themes dao
Toolbars and Toolbar Customization gijs jaws
Video/Audio Controls jaws dolske
View Source Henri Sivonen? jryans?
WebExtensions andym billm Kris Maglione
XUL Widgets Neil Deakin


Component Responsible Backup Supporting Supporting Supporting Supporting Triage Page Notes
Activity Streams: Application Servers pdehaan tspurway
Activity Streams: General pdehaan tspurway
Activity Streams: Newtab pdehaan tspurway
Activity Streams: Server Operations pdehaan tspurway
Activity Streams: Timeline pdehaan tspurway
Bookmarks & History Marco Bonardo Drew Willcoxon FALSE
Build Config gps
Developer Tools bgrins jryans
Developer Tools: about:debugging janx
Developer Tools: Animation Inspector pbrosset
Developer Tools: Canvas Debugger vporof
Developer Tools: Computed Styles Inspector pbrosset tromey gl
Developer Tools: Console bgrins lin
Developer Tools: CSS Rules Inspector pbrosset tromey gl
Developer Tools: Debugger jlong ejpbruel
Developer Tools: Font Inspector pbrosset gl
Developer Tools: Framework bgrins jryans honza jlong
Developer Tools: Graphic Commandline and Toolbar jwalker mikeratcliffe
Developer Tools: Inspector pbrosset zer0 gl
Developer Tools: JSON Viewer honza
Developer Tools: Memory fitzgen
Developer Tools: Netmonitor honza
Developer Tools: Object Inspector vporof
Developer Tools: Performance Tools (Profiler/Timeline) jsantell
Developer Tools: Responsive Design Mode jryans gl
Developer Tools: Scratchpad fitzgen
Developer Tools: Shared Components lin jlong vporof honza
Developer Tools: Source Editor gl
Developer Tools: Storage Inspector mratcliffe
Developer Tools: Style Editor gl
Developer Tools: User Stories clarkbw
Developer Tools: Web Audio Editor jsantell
Developer Tools: WebGL Shader Editor vporof
Developer Tools: WebIDE jryans ochameau janx
Device Permissions florian
Disability Access gijs Marco Zehe
Downloads Panel Paolo Amadini Mike Conley Marco Bonardo
Extension Compatibility andym
File Handling
Installer Robert Strong Stephen Pohl
Keyboard Navigation dao
Location Bar Marco Bonardo Drew Willcoxon
Menus dao
Migration MattN gijs Marco Bonardo
New Tab Page
Page Info Window Florian
PDF Viewer Brendan Dahl Yury Delendik
Pocket mixedpuppy
Preferences jaws gijs
Private Browsing Ehsan Josh Matthews ?
RSS Discovery and Preview Marco Bonardo
Screen Sharing Whitelist
Search Florian
Session Restore ttaubert mconley
Shell Integration Robert S Matt Howell Stephen Pohl
SocialAPI mixedpuppy markh jaws gijs felipe
SocialAPI: Providers mixedpuppy markh jaws gijs felipe
Sync markh ckarlof
Tabbed Browser jaws gijs dao MattN
Theme dao jaws gijs
Toolbars and Customization gijs jaws
Tours MattN gijs
Tracking Protection
Translation felipe florian
Untriaged Softvision

Fennec iOS

Component Responsible Backup Supporting Supporting Supporting Supporting Triage Page Notes
Browser Finkle
Build & Test mobile-frontend@mozilla.com
Data Storage rnewman
Favicons mobile-frontend@mozilla.com
Firefox Accounts nalexander
General mobile-frontend@mozilla.com
Home screen mobile-frontend@mozilla.com
Login Management
Menu and Toolbar
Reader View mobile-frontend@mozilla.com
Reading List st3fan
Sync rnewman
Theme and Visual Design tecgirl

Fennec Android

Component Responsible Backup Supporting Supporting Supporting Supporting Triage Page Notes
Add-on Manager margaret andym https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Triage#Android
Audio/Video snorp
Awesomescreen margaret mcomella nalexander
Build Config & IDE Support nalexander mcomella sebastian
Data Providers rnewman nalexander
Download Manager sebastian margaret
Family Friendy Browsing sebastian
Favicon Handling ahunt rnewman
Firefox Accounts nalexander vivekb rnewman
First Run liuche mfinkle
GeckoView jchen snorp nalexander mfinkle
General margaret rnewman nalexander
Graphics, Panning and Zooming kats
JimDB jchen
Keyboards and IME jchen capella
Locale switching and selection rnewman
Logins, Passwords and Form Fill liuche
Overlays liuche mcomella
Plugins snorp
Profile Handling jchen rnewman
Reader View margaret
Reading List margaret
Screencasting mfinkle blassey snorp
Search Activity margaret nalexander
Settings and Preferences margaret rnewman
Testing gbrown mcomella nalexander
Text Selection capella jchen
Theme and Visual Design antlam darrin
Web Apps myk jhugman nalexander mfinkle