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French (fr)

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Web pages: Home page

People with HG access
Name Email Hg Access?
Benoit Leseul benoit.leseul_AD_gmail.com HG access: YES
Pascal Chevrel pascalc_AD_mozfr.org HG access: YES
Théo Chevalier theo.chevalier11_AD_gmail.com HG access: YES
Alizée Aubertin alizee.aubertin_AD_gmail.com HG access: YES
Active localizers on Pontoon

Active localizers on Pontoon for the past year

New localizers in training
Name Email Projects
ChatZilla owner

Alexandre Lissy

  • Owners are also peers for other projects (e.g. calendar owner is a browser peer and vice versa)
SuMo locale leaders
Imen Rahal <imenrahal AD gmail.com>
Jean-Bernard Marcon <goofy AD mozfr.org>
Mozinet < mozinet AD gmail.com>
Benoît Leseul (see above)
MDN locale leaders
Julien Gattelier <julien . gattelier AD gmail.com>
Jeremie Patonnier <jeremie . patonnier AD gmail.com>

MDN localization page: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Localize/Localization_projects#fr_Fran%C3%A7ais_French

Localizing SUpport.MOzilla.org (SUMO)

If you want to help localize http://support.mozilla.org/fr into your language, please do the following:

  1. Create a SUMO account
  2. If you can, get in touch with the Group Leader(s) listed here via a Private Message. If there is nobody listed there, please get in touch with Michał / vesper.
  3. Read our universal l10n documentation here. For language-specific documentation, please get in touch with your Group Leader(s).
  4. Visit our forums and introduce yourself to the community. We don’t bite, unless you’re made of cake ;-)
  5. You're ready to go! If you have any questions, ask them on the forums.