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Revision as of 23:27, 6 January 2017 by Dcallahan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Verbal Updates == === Jason's Update === (Don't let Jason start talking until someone has agreed to take notes here) * Lin Clark has joined DevRel! Rejoice! === Announc...")
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Verbal Updates

Jason's Update

(Don't let Jason start talking until someone has agreed to take notes here)

  • Lin Clark has joined DevRel! Rejoice!

Announcements / Requests for Help / Discussion Topics

Action Items

  • [name] action

Non-Verbal Updates

( Consider tracking your activity in IRC by talking to the 'rogerroger' bot in #devrel. Logs appear at )


Last week:

This coming week:


Last week:

This coming week:


Last week:

  • Drafted Q4 goals
  • Further discussion re: AMP
  • Prepped for impromptu local talk this coming Wednesday
  • Final review for upcoming LCA keynote announcement (today!)

This coming week:

  • Review goals with Jason, submit today
  • Push on DevRel website. For real.
  • Talk on FxA / FxSync architecture @ MicroMN meetup on Wednesday
  • Announced my side-project, Portier, which is a spiritual successor Persona. Written in Rust.
    • (Hacking on Portier helped me become comfortable speaking about Rust beyond the introductory level)


Last week:

  • Mozfestation: multitrack event deployment of modified Magnet app and beacons at Mozfest, with leaderboard, automated content generation, flyer/poster printing, iOS app crash fix and reprocess through app store, beacon placement, beacon recovery.
  • Vanity > Privacy > Vanity: exhibit build and execution - 30+ phones, raspberry pi 3, and web-rtc client and server running over locally-hosted AP, shown for Mozfest Science Fair
  • Meta: budgeting, planning for 2017, etc
  • Summary of Japan devrel and plans, meet with that team
  • Met with Campus program again for plan feedback
  • Met with JGL about British Council partnership for AR web project in India
  • Met with Peter Bihr about academic partnership programs
  • Met with Wex and Boaz about IoT developer collaboration

This coming week:


Last week:

This coming week:


Last week:

This coming week:


Last week:

  • Coordinated meeting, communications and stakeholders for addressing the issue of Volunteer travel and egencia bookings
  • Edited/published IndexedDB2 post, also @end3r's game controller post
  • worked on Q4 goals, OKR feedback
  • Did some research and outreach on potential Masterclass speakers for Q1
  • Scheduling, agenda and comms for upcoming TS call on Wed., Nov 2.
  • Made a PR and copyedited Chiko's Rust hands-on workshop deck which he'd translated to English
  • Attend Cross-functional meeting & shared notes
  • CFP calendar updates

This coming week:

  • Today: copyedited & posted WebAssembly Browser Update post
  • Hacks: potential posts - RequestIdle Callback (Potch), Topic Notifications (Jason)
  • Update the TS program application, recruit Labs facilitators, calendaring for Q1 session
  • Think about ongoing relationship/strategies between Reps/Participation and Tech Speakers in future.
  • Tech Speakers monthly call: Nov 2, 9am PDT, agenda, coordination, comms.


Last week:

This coming week:


Last Week:

  • Swag Shipment for MozFest
  • Entered Q4 goals into Workday
  • Tech Speaker support (Egencia, Visas, MozFest)
  • Egencia Solutions with Travel Team
  • Bi-weekly event feedback tracking update

This Week:

  • TS spreadsheet update
  • TS all-team meeting
  • PTO – Florida


Last week:

This coming week:

  • requestIdleCallback post


Last week:

  • Talked in MozFest session about PWA (new web technologies, actually) along with Samsung
  • Helping with A-Painting session on Sunday.
  • Talked to Sean White about how PWA fits inside Emerging Technologies
  • Answered some questions about Push and Service Workers at Stack Overflow

This coming week:

  • Tweak narrative with the help
  • Prepare the state of the art document about PWA related technologies.


Last week:

This coming week: