Breakpad/Status Meetings/2017-06-14

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Revision as of 17:27, 14 June 2017 by Willkg (talk | contribs) (→‎Security Updates: security updates)
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Meeting Info

Breakpad status meetings occur on Wed at 10:00am Pacific Time.

Conference numbers:

   Vidyo: Stability 
   650-903-0800 x92 conf 98200#
   800-707-2533 (pin 369) conf 98200# 

IRC backchannel: #breakpad
Mountain View: Dancing Baby (3rd floor)

Operations Updates

  • we didn't do a -prod deploy last week (sadface)
  • this is a release week, so we're not doing a -prod deploy this week
  • elasticsearch migration
    • we now have a working ES 5.3 cluster in ops infrastructure for prototyping reindex-from-remote
    • working on migrating data--should be ready today
    • miles put the cluster behind a NAT server to reach out into webeng environment
  • infrastructure migration
    • working on getting webapp and processor working in ops environment
  • symbols
    • environments for load test are built
    • logging and systemtest have issues still
  • priority adjustment -- elasticsearch has to go out asap
    • we need to reduce the amount of work to get ES out as much as possible
    • we're going to just reserve the -stage environment for a week -- no new dev, no merges, no nothing unless it's ES related
    • adrian is switching projects so peterbe/willkg will fill in
  • elasticsearch keeps blowing up and we want metrics on the size of documents going in
    • willkg will write up bug to add metrics for document sizes

Security Updates

  • will look at tecken

QA Updates

grumpy started his first load tests of symbol server. Currently blocked waiting on confirmation that fix for NoSuchBucket has been implemented and pushed to the staging environment

Project Updates

Deployment Triage

PR Triage

Major Projects

Deprecation rampage

  • (Adrian) it seems we can run our django web app with just about 11 tables (that is, if we remove 3 useless features)
    • compare that to the ~160 tables we currently have in our database
    • that's not counting django-related tables (stuff like auth, meta-data, etc. )
  • started experimenting with managing those tables inside django

Processor rewrite

  • (willkg) continued working on the spec; going through existing Processor and spec'ing out all the parts and working on reducing Phase 1 of the rewrite to bare minimum

Upgrading elasticsearch

Symbol Server 2017

Other Business

  • Adrian is moving to work on Pontoon, starting soon

Travel, etc

  • mbrandt, PTO 6/16
