L10n:Meetings/2017 Berlin

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Berlin office map.png

Schlesische Straße 27

10997 Berlin

21-27 September 2017
Plan to arrive on Wednesday morning (20th) and to leave on Thursday (28th)
Name Date Time Airport Flight
Jeff Sept 20th 1130 TXL DL6026
Zibi Sep 19th 2pm TLX
Matjaž Wed, Sep 20 14:15 TXL OS 291
Stas Wed, Sept 20 12:00 (noon) TXL AB 8213
Pei Wed, Sep 20 12:55 TXL LH 182
Flod Wed, Sep 20 10:55 SXF FR4731
Delphine Sep 20 14:25 TXL AF 1534
Adrian Sep 20 9:20am SXF easyJet 4371
Théo Sept 20 18:25 TXL BA 986

Name Date Time Airport Flight
Jeff 28th 0650 TXL AF1135
Zibi 28th ? ? ?
Matjaž Thu, Sep 28 10:00 TXL LH 2033
Stas Thu, Sept 28 13:10 TXL AB 8214
Pei Thu, Sep 28 10:45 TXL LH 183
Flod Thu, Sep 28 18:50 SXF FR4734
Delphine Oct 3 12:25 TXL AF 1735
Adrian Sep 28 12:45pm SXF easyJet 4372
Théo Sept 28 20:55 TXL BA 995

Goals of work week

  • Create a long-term (3-5) year vision of l10n at Mozilla.
  • Define our 2018 OKRs.
  • Map out remaining 2017 OKRs.
  • Complete group-specific work that is most efficiently addressed when together.
  • Unite and bond with l10n communities at community workshop.



  • Arrivals
  • Dinner:

Thursday - Group breakouts

Start Lunch End Dinner
09:00 13:00 17:00
  • Fireside with Mitchell --1200
  • Lunch:TBD
  • Dinner:TBD

Friday - Group breakouts

Start Lunch End Dinner
09:00 13:00 17:00
  • Lunch:TBD
  • Dinner:TBD


  • Community workshop

Monday - long-term vision

Start Lunch End Dinner
09:00 13:00 17:00
  • Lunch:TBD
  • Dinner:TBD

Tuesday - long-term vision

Start Lunch End Dinner
09:00 13:00 17:00
  • Lunch:TBD
  • Dinner:TBD

Wednesday 2018 OKRs & Q4

Start Lunch End Dinner
09:00 13:00 17:00
  • Lunch:TBD
  • Dinner:TBD

Break Outs

Tech Group

  • Multi-locale Firefox - what does it mean, and how will we get there. Building multilocale vs. installing langpacks on fly

PM Group

  • Close all remaining issues for localizer documentation project milestones.
  • Triage and possibly fix remaining issues for documentation project milestones.
  • PTO planning and hand-off.
  • Discuss next year's workshops.
  • Mobile iOS/Android (expected attendees: jeff (?), delphine, flod).
  • October → mid-November localization planning, review of incoming requests (expected attendees: all PMs)
  • Discuss how we might better anticipate high volumes/high number of requests and mitigate that (linked to the “What should we expose discussion)
  • Planning refresh of “How to submit a localization request” documentation
  • Marketing emails

Mixed Groups

  • Shipping languages not currently supported by CLDR/ICU (e.g. Mozilla Nativo locales, but not only), and our involvement with Unicode (expected attendees: jeff, delphine, flod, zibi, axel, stas).
  • Sign-offs on elmo (expected attendees: jeff, delphine, flod, axel):
    • Sign-offs in a cross-channel world (no sign-offs on central, cleaning up existing sign-offs for 58).
    • Looking forward (shipping updates in release).
  • elmo data, the missing window and the window of wrong (expected attendees: jeff, Delphine, flod)
    • x-channel makes it even harder to regenerate the data
    • options:
      • leave as is
      • regenerate piece-wise
      • find bad stats, remove

Possible Group Activities

  • Fernsehturm am Alexanderplatz – best view of the city, but long waiting lines
  • Oranienstr. in Kreuzberg – lots of cafes, bars and restaurants
  • Take one ride around the S-Bahn-Ring. Train lines 41 or 42. A public transport ticket (region AB) is only 2.60 EUR. The full circle takes about an hour and will show you many facets of the city and you'll see people from all walks of life.
  • Teufelsberg – the old NSA listening post
  • Berliner Unterwelten – awesome guided tours through old bunkers and other abandoned, mostly underground places
  • Museuminsel - 'Museum Island' is a unique complex of 5 significant national museums on the Spree Island. It is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.