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2018-05-02 - jchen

05-01 Nightly

  • Nothing notable

2018-04-30 - marcia

04-28 Nightly

  • Added another signature to bug 1276488
  • Filed bug 1457862 Crash in mozilla::EditorBase::GetChildOffset
  • Filed bug 1457867 Crash in OOM | large | NS_ABORT_OOM | PLDHashTable::Add | mozilla::DOMEventTargetHelper::BindToOwnerInternal

2018-04-29 - jseward

04-26 Nightly

  • filed: bug 1457758 - Crash in nvd3dumx_cfg.dll@0x9d471c

2018-04-26 - mccr8

04-25 Nightly

  • filed: bug 1457273 - Crash in java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid selection notification range at org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoEditableChild.onSelectionChange(
  • filed: bug 1457281 - Ignore quantum DOM prefs. Some users flip on these unsupported prefs, and crash immediately.

2018-04-25 - jchen

04-24 Nightly

  • Just single installation crashes

2018-04-23 - lizzard

  • filed bug 1456646 from Sunday (before I saw gvelto's note)
  • Nothing else stood out to me as new

2018-04-22 - gsvelto

4-22 Nightly

  • A small cluster of weird crashes on Windows with NtUserMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx at the bottom of the signature or the corresponding kernel calls. In all reports all threads appear to be idle, waiting for messages, including the crashing thread. I don't think they're worth a bug yet as they also seem to have disappeared in the time between the build and now.
    • I went to triage this same build (Tuesday morning, triaging Sunday builds) and actually did file this as bug 1456646 - Crash in NtUserMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx | mozilla::widget::WinUtils::WaitForMessage | base::MessagePumpForUI::DoRunLoop If that isn't useful we can close it. - lizzard
  • Plenty of single installation crashes on Mac and Linux

2018-04-20 - marcia

April 21 Nightly

  • No android build on 4/21
  • Attached a new signature to bug 1435343
  • Filed bug 1456150 Crash in static void alloc_system::platform::Template:Impl::oom. Perhaps someone can bucket it in the proper component.
  • bug 1455491 was filed on on 4-19 and now has 157 crashes in the top crashing signature
  • Ignored several single install crashes including mozilla::layers::OverscrollBehaviorInfo::FromStyleConstants

2018-04-20 - mccr8

April 17 Nightly

  • bug 1433418 - Crash in SharedLibraryAtPath. This crash is a few months old, but it was an Android top crash on this Nightly. I commented and needinfo'd somebody.
  • bug 1455744 - Crash in java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native method not found: at Method). Single install time, but this is the #2 Android crash, so I filed it.
  • bug 1455745 - Crash in mozilla::a11y::CreateHolderFromAccessible. Diagnostic assert, mostly from a single install time. But I see a comment saying these should be disabled, so I filed it just in case that is not expected.

2018-04-16 - marcia (covering for liz)

4-16 Nightly

  • Filed bug 1454959 Crash in static js::jit::JitExecStatus EnterBaseline
  • Ignored several single installs including nsFrameConstructorState::~nsFrameConstructorState
  • Added another signature to Mac crash bug 1454094
  • Filed Fennec bug 1454966 Crash in <name omitted> | nsIFrame::IsVisibleConsideringAncestors. Goes back to when Nightly was in 60.

2018-04-16 - marcia

4-14 Nightly

  • Commented in bug 1443746 Crash in mozilla::CycleCollectedJSContext::PerformMicroTaskCheckPoint
  • Volume in bug 1453567 has increased. Pinged mystor on IRC for follow up.
  • Added another Mac signature to bug 1446900
  • Added another Mac signature to bug 1454094 Variable font sites are still crashing on Mac
  • Filed bug 1454430 Crash in static struct mozilla::layers::CompositorBridgeParent::LayerTreeState* mozilla::layers::GetStateForRoot, which goes back to 3-16

2018-04-16 - gsvelto

4-15 Nightly

  • bug 1454318 - not a crash in our code, but it's spiking so we might want to blacklist the affected driver
  • Not sure what to do about this Mac crash, it's not in our code but it seems to have started from build 20180413100443 so maybe it's our fault?
  • Quite a few single installation crashes across the three platforms

2018-04-12 - mccr8

4-11 Nightly

  • Only one Nightly build per platform generated, oddly enough. Crash volume feels low, too. Back to 2 for 4/12.
  • Nothing else of interest that hadn't been filed already.

2018-04-11 - jchen

4-10 Nightly

  • Added signatures to bug 1453252
  • Single installation crashes

2018-04-10 - lizzard

  • bug 1453029 - Crash in JS::AutoSaveExceptionState::restore. A new (low volume) Windows crash I think in xpconnect
  • I filed a couple more issues, but none of them new for this build: bug 1453050, and bug 1453037, which looked to be from a build last week.

2018-04-09 - marcia

4-7/8 Nightly

  • Several Fennec crash signatures showed up in 4-7 build but have not been seen since then. Didn't bother filing a bug.
    • cssparser::tokenizer::next_token::h2079e47df88c889d/
    • cssparser::tokenizer::consume_name::hfc5357f1f9e128dd
    • style::style_adjuster::StyleAdjuster::set_bits::hb61b6ab1258184bd
  • Added a signature and comment to bug 1446900
  • Filed bug 1452763 Crash in libobjc.A.dylib@0x9174

2018-04-08 - mccr8

4-5 Nightly

  • bug 1442895 - Commented in bug. Top Android crash with something like 40% of all Android crashes. (Contrary to what njn wrote, there was one Nightly Android build.) Looks like a possible recurrence of the wcsrtombs crash.
  • Nothing much else. The display list megacrash was still going on, but seems to have gone away completely in later builds on this day.

2018-04-08 - njn

Apr 06 Nightly

  • Not much going on. No Android builds, and none for Apr 05 either, though there is one for Apr 07.
  • Commented on some bugs.

2018-04-05 - mccr8

04-04 Nightly

  • Filed: bug 1451891 - More crashes in __fixunsdfsi. A patch was landed for this crash signature, but the crash is still happening a lot, albeit a lot less often.
  • Filed: bug 1451913 - Crash in nsPIDOMWindowInner::UpdateWebSocketCount.
  • Commented: bug 1451467 - [Mac] Crash in <name omitted> | nsPresContext::ThemeChangedInternal. Top crash on OSX, by a lot.
  • bug 1451754 - Crash in MergeState::ProcessItemFromNewList. Commented in the bug. Hopefully this is simply a dupe of bug 1451384.
  • Filed and WONTFIXed: bug 1451897 - Crash in JS_YieldCooperativeContext. Probably a single user who enabled an unsupported pref.
  • Filed and WONTFIXed: bug 1451900 - Crash in mozilla::CooperativeThreadPool::RecheckBlockers. Another Quantum DOM pref user?

2018-04-04 - jchen

04-03 Nightly

  • Mostly single installation crashes