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== 2018-08-08 - jchen 08-07 Nightlies

2018-08-06 - marcia

August 5 Nightlies

  • bug 1480852 signatures still very visible in nightly Android builds
  • Filed bug 1481244. Mac specific crash that may be correlated to cubeb, not sure
  • Filed bug 1481261 Crash in mozilla::dom::PerformanceTimingData::FetchStartHighRes. Looks as if some DOM stuff landed in the possible regression range
  • Skipped some single installation crashes

2018-08-06 - gsvelto

August 4 Nightlies

  • Filed bug 1481164 - Crash in InvalidArrayIndex_CRASH | mozilla::dom::indexedDB::(anonymous namespace)::ConnectionPool::NoteIdleDatabase
  • A few single-installation crashes

2018-08-05 - jseward

August 2 Nightlies

  • Nothing notable.

2018-08-02 mccr8

August 1 Nightlies

  • Nothing of note.

2018-07-30 - marcia

July 28 Nightlies

2018-07-30 - gsvelto

July 27 Nightlies

  • Filed bug 1479367 - Crash in js::jit::BacktrackingAllocator::computeRequirement
  • Added a new signature to bug 1476008
  • Added a new signature to bug 1469327
  • Added five new signatures to bug 1479000
  • A handful of single installation crashes across all platforms, some Flash crashes with a handful of reports, since we're missing symbols for certain Flash versions it's probably better to wait until we have them before filing new bugs for them

2018-07-29 - jseward

July 26 nightlies

  • Filed bug 1479277 - Crash in void mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::CxxStackFrame::CxxStackFrame | mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::Send | mozilla::layers::PAPZCTreeManagerChild::SendUpdateZoomConstraints
  • Filed bug 1479279 - Crash in nsAboutRedirector::NewChannel

2018-07-25 - mccr8

July 25 Nightlies - Nothing new of note.

2018-07-25 - jchen

07-24 Nightlies

- Nothing notable

2018-07-24 - lizzard

07-23 Nightlies

  • Filed bug 1478109 for the single install crash marcia mentions from yesterday's triage
  • Nothing much new going on for 7/23 nightlies.

2018-07-23 - marcia

07-21/22 Nightlies

2018-07-22 - jseward

07-19 Nightlies

  • filed bug 1477545 - Crash in OOM | large | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash | js::gc::AllocateCellInGC
  • filed bug 1477547 - Crash in android.os.TransactionTooLargeException: data parcel size 3121616 bytes at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)

2018-07-18 - mccr8

July 18 Nightlies

  • filed: bug 1477041 - Crash in Context.startForegroundService() did not then call Service.startForeground() at$H.handleMessage( Lots of other new-ish Android crashes that Marcia already filed.

2018-07-18 - jchen

07-17 Nightly

  • Windows #4 static void mozilla::ipc::WriteIPDLParam<T>: filed bug 1476872
  • Windows #4 CContext::TID3D11DeviceContext_UpdateSubresource_<T>: single installation
  • Linux #2 gfxPlatformFontList::GetDefaultFont: single installation

2018-07-16 - marcia

07-14/15 Nightlies

2018-07-15 - jseward

07-12 Nightlies

  • filed bug 1475821 - Crash in void js::GCMarker::traverse<T>
  • filed bug 1475822 - Crash in libmodule.dylib@0x20575

2018-07-12 - mccr8

07-11 Nightlies

  • filed: bug 1475318 - Crash in cdef_filter_block_8x8_16_sse4_1. Lots of crashes, only two installations, in the new AV1 video player.

2018-07-10 - lizzard

07-09 Nightlies

  • Filed one sec issue (JS::GC) though not really new in nightly (new in 62/63 though)
  • Nothing else looked new or significant

2018-07-09 - marcia

07-08 Nightlies

  • Filed bug 1474296 nsPipe::AdvanceWriteCursor
  • Skipped mozilla::layers::ImageBridgeChild::CreateImageClient since there are 12 crashes/1 installation
  • Commented in bug 1449388 regarding a similar signature
  • Several crashes in the new seed of 10.14 [@ libsystem_kernel.dylib@0x1da06]. Will investigate further as I am running the Apple seeds on my machine.

2018-07-09 - gsvelto

07-07 Nightlies

  • Filed bug 1474216 - Crash in _platform_bzero$VARIANT$Base
  • Filed bug 1474218 - Crash in -[__NSSetM addObject:]
  • Added a new signature to bug 1472632
  • Added a new signature to bug 1323480
  • Plenty of single installation crashes across all platforms, some with tens of reports

2018-07-08 - jseward

07-05 Nightlies

  • Filed bug 1474180 Crash in static union webrender_api::font::FontTemplate* webrender::resource_cache::Template:Impl::get_font_data
  • Not much else to see.

2018-07-05 - mccr8

July 4 Nightlies

  • Commented in a few bugs.

2018-07-02 - marcia

07-01 Nightlies

  • Added comments to a few bugs
  • Added a new signature to bug 1467230
  • Updated bug 1276488 to include 63 as an affected branch
  • Saw an NSS regression that had already been filed and marked as security sensitive

2018-07-02 - gsvelto

06-30 Nightlies

  • Quite a few single installation crashes on Windows (one with 13 reports!)
  • Filed bug 1472623 - Crash in java.lang.NullPointerException: collection == null at android.os.Parcel.readException(
  • Filed bug 1472625 - Crash in java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid int: "OS" at android.os.Parcel.readException(
  • Filed bug 1472629 - Crash in CrashReporter::TerminateHandler | libc++abi.dylib@0x260a0
  • Filed bug 1472632 - Crash in bool js::gc::IsAboutToBeFinalizedInternal<T> - This one might be a new signature for bug 1289075 but not being 100% I've opened a new bug

2018-07-01 - jseward

06-28 Nightlies

  • Commented bug 1466010 Crash in MergeState::HasMatchingItemInOldList
  • Filed bug 1472525 Crash in firefox-bin@0x148fe (probably to do with new retained display lists)
  • Filed bug 1472526 Crash in shaCompress