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< WebDriver
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The Firefox Remote Protocol is a low-level debugging interface based on the CDP protocol. With it, you can inspect the state and control execution of documents running in web content, instrument Gecko in interesting ways, simulate user interaction for automation purposes, and debug JavaScript execution.


The team has a public meeting most Mondays at 09:00 GMT/BST. We meet in the LON-4-425 Tea Leaf (4) Vidyo room. Meetings are announced on the mailing list and minutes are archived on this wiki.

Day of week Pacific Time Eastern Time GMT Central European Time Japan Time
Mondays 1:00AM–1:55AM 4:00AM–4:55AM 9:00AM–9:55AM 10:00AM–10:55AM 6:00PM–6:55PM

See Remote/Meetings for the list of past and upcoming meetings.


Mailing list
dev-remote@lists.mozilla.org (subscribe, archive)
Real-time chat
The IRC channel for the project is #remote (logs, webchat)
Bug tracking
Remote Protocol in Bugzilla


Our team is composed of these fine individuals, followed by their IRC nicknames in paranthesis and their title:

  • Alexandre Poirot (ochameau), engineer
  • Andreas Tolfsen (ato), engineer
  • David Burns (AutomatedTester), manager
  • Soledad Penadés (sole), manager
  • Yulia Startsev (yulia), engineer
    • Currently focussed on Fission in DevTools