
From MozillaWiki
Revision as of 18:22, 9 July 2019 by Noah (talk | contribs) (Updating Social Support managers & contact emails from the previous awesome & legendary Rachel McGuigan & Sierra Reed :'()
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Social media helps Firefox better understand its users. There are about 14,000 questions/comments on Firefox social media platforms every month. More often than not, when people experience issues with Firefox, they tend to share them on Twitter before submitting bugs or seeking out solutions from SUMO. We're here to help, share our knowledge and build relationships that will empower our users to get the most out of their Firefox experience.

Who we are

We're a community of enthusiastic volunteers and employees trying to support our users around the globe. Your contributions will reach millions of users worldwide, and you can do it from the comfort of your couch. Join us for an incredible adventure!

What do we do

  • Answer users queries and solve their issues on Twitter.
  • Manage posts and comments directed to us.
  • Share positive and uplifting posts about Mozilla and Firefox.

Where are we

Reply by Buffer

We use an awesome social publishing tool called Respond. It works by segmenting inbound tweets posts and comments by language. It also allows you, as a contributor, to reply to users, to assign posts to yourself, other Social contributors and leads, to tag posts, leave notes on a particular issue, and share content.


The Social team is structured into the following :

Name Role learn more about these here:
Support Community Managers
  • Reply to users with support questions
  • Escalate to SUMO and Social Leads
  • Moderate tweets and ban users
  • Add new users into the program and moderate #fxhelp
SUMO / Social Reply Helpers
  • View escalations and respond to users with the Reply tool
  • Hide report spam users
  • Identify and Tag tweets and Facebook comments with the appropriate tag
  • Create new tags and communicate to the team any new trends they see.
SUMO / Casual Social Helpers
  • Use Tweet Deck to answer support questions to @firefox and @mozilla directly
  • Reply to all tweets with #fxhelp

Sounds awesome! How do I get involved?

  1. Start by emailing Kiki ( or Konstantina ( and say you're interested in joining Social Support.
  2. And please sign up with this form: [1] to make sure we get a notification.


If you have a specific question or if you just want to learn more about the program :

  • IRC : You can join us on these channels on
    • #sumo: General channel for SUMO answering support questions daily SUMO channel
    • #aoa : General channel for Social
  • Telegram : Support Mozilla (SuMo) (To avoid spam, send an e-mail to or to any Reply/SuMo contributor so he/she can add you)

Army of Awesome FAQ

Dear Army of Awesome Contributors,

With the migration of (SUMO) to AWS, the Army of Awesome program was officially retired. But there are some looming updates in the works and want to let you know that we are still  accepting social media contributors through the Social Support Team (program) you can begin your journey at the following link: [2] - be sure to read the guidelines before signing up.

Some common questions you may have:

Q: I liked Army of Awesome, it had all the messages I could reply to in one place, how do I get that back?

A: There is a new article in the knowledge base that you can check out.

Q: Where are my friends online and where can I collaborate with this program?

A:IRC [Sever: - Channel: #sumo], Telegram [3], Forums:, and Mozilla Discourse: https//

Q: How can I get updates like this in the future about the social support program?

A: You can opt-in to the mailing list by emailing

Q: What will the new get involved page look like? This is a surprise, but you can expect the same steps to get involved. The new get involved page will have steps along these lines:

1. Sign up as a Contributor and add your Twitter account

2. Get Familiar with the Community Participation Guidelines and the Social Support Guidelines, there are some guideline on how to get set up

3. Set up your workspace using TweetDeck ( to find support conversation.

4. Start replying to people asking for help, and remember to use the #fxhelp hashtag in your reply.

Q: What will happen to my Badges?

A: At the moment the badges from the past participation will remain on your profiles. We are looking into getting new badges for the participation of this program, please remember to add your Twitter account to your profile.  

Q: What do I do if I'm still in the Army of Awesome Group on

A: Please update your profile in to join this group: [4] - This is an access group, you will request to join here and we will use this group to keep you all updated on what is happening in the community, and it will be an indicator of the program you participate in. 

Q: Why am I receiving this message? 

A: In the past you signed up for the Army of Awesome program or expressed interest in contributing to (SUMO), a Mozilla Support community that helps out Firefox/Thunderbird users solve issues they are experiencing.