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This is the planning wiki for the Mozilla Foundation.

Mozilla Foundation Strategic Plan: Fueling the Movement

Key Pillars of our Work

AI/Better Machine Decision Making

Mozilla has decided to focus on ‘better machine decision making’ as a theme and impact goal that will cut across our fellowships, campaigns and thought leadership work in the internet health movement over the coming years.

Objectives & Key Results

Regular Updates

Tracking Progress

Strategic Narrative

By 2020…

Over the next five years, MoFo will play a central role in fueling a larger movement for the health of the Internet. We will act as a magnet and training ground for the leaders of this movement. We will rally 10s of millions of citizens. And, working with our community and allies, we will become a loud voice on the issue of Internet health.

Mozilla Foundation is in its third year of a three year strategy. This year we will undertake both an evaluation of our strategy thus far as well as plan for our next three years. Stay tuned for updates!


We urgently need citizens, governments and companies to understand and stand up for the Internet as a public resource for all.


Mozilla is transforming itself for a new era: focused on Internet health well beyond the browser. MoCo brings our values into market via products + tech; MoFo fuels a larger movement for Internet health. The two orgs are more aligned and collaborative than ever. Adding fuel to a global movement for Internet health means supporting and working with people around the world who share our commitment to guarding the open nature of the internet. This includes three core strategies:

  1. Shape the agenda: make Internet health a mainstream issue globally. See Internet Health Report
  2. Connect leaders: our network members promote the values and health of the Internet. See Mozilla Fellowshipsand MozFest as examples.
  3. Rally citizens: people make more conscious choices, companies and gov’ts react.

As measured by…

Working with teams across Mozilla, we will increase our engagement with citizens and leaders on Internet health issues. We will make more people aware of these issues, invite them to express their support and encourage them to take action. Some actions will be small, like becoming a member or sharing an educational video. Some will be big, like writing code or running a campaign to get web literacy in local schools.

As we do this, protecting the health of the Internet ecosystem will grow as a 'movement,' just as we've seen the environmental movement grow over the past 50 years. We'll watch as attitudes change, with people seeking more privacy and more choice in the products they use online. We’ll become as conscious about the quality of our Internet as we are about the quality of the air we breathe or water we drink.

‘Internet health’ will provide a unifying term that will help us describe and roll up our key issues: privacy + security, web literacy, digital inclusion, decentralization and open innovation.

Theory of Change

Mozilla Foundation Theory of Change


The Foundation board includes:

Emeritus Board Members

  • Joi Ito
  • Mitch Kapor
  • Cathy Davidson

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