Foundation/Weekly Priorities/2019-09-23

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Mozilla Foundation Weekly Priorities: September 23rd, 2019

Key Dates (Upcoming)

  • 9/25 New Fellows Public Announcement
  • October 1 - New cohort fellows begin!
  • October 21 - MozFest House opens!!!

Calls this month:

  • September 23 - OKR 1: Trustworthy AI call
  • September 24 - OKR 4: Org Health call
  • September 25 - Monthly MoFo call

Reminder that you can access the MoFo PTO calendar here or in Google Calendar go to "Other calendars" then "Subscribe" then search for MoFo PTO calendar

What's Moving This Week (and who to contact with questions)

  • NetGain partners meeting (Mark)
  • Partnership on AI meeting in London (Ashley)
  • Launching the Stealing Ur Feelings campaign with Noah Levenson (Campaigns & F&A team)
  • Follow-up from meeting with YouTube, MozFest planning, and supporting the Tate Modern event on AI and power (Campaigns team)
  • Finalize Major Donor Event Plans; book Mark Surman interview with Kara Swisher (What's On The Horizon); submit Craig Newmark final report; interview Donor Care Assistants; YouTube Campaign solicitation lands; Trustworthy AI Marketing Campaign design and development (Partnerships team)
  • Strategy Retreat follow-up and synthesis of notes (Lainie)
  • Announcing new fellows (F&A team + Comms)

Notes from the last Executive Team weekly meeting

No executive team meeting last week. Notes from previous week's call:

  • Strategy retreat - Final discussion regarding preparations for the retreat.
  • Engagement survey analysis - Reviewed key themes and some work underway to address feedback regarding areas for improvement. For instance, with the strategy retreat and 2020 planning process overall, we’re looking at how our plans will help address feedback related to aligning strategy with our roles and day-to-day work. We also have a draft charter for a MoFo Diversity & Inclusion Committee, whose first goal will be to develop a consolidated strategy to inform both internal and external-facing programs–more details to be shared soon. Engagement survey results will be shared on the September monthly MoFo call.

Job Openings

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