Foundation/Weekly Priorities/2019-09-30

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Revision as of 21:30, 27 September 2019 by Shefw (talk | contribs) (Updated w/ OLE activity)
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Mozilla Foundation Weekly Priorities: September 30th, 2019

Key Dates (Upcoming)

  • October 1 - New cohort fellows begin
  • October 21 - MozFest House opens
  • October 25-27 - MozFest

Calls this month:

  • October 16 - MoFo Monthly Call

Reminder that you can access the MoFo PTO calendar here or in Google Calendar go to "Other calendars" then "Subscribe" then search for MoFo PTO calendar

What's Moving This Week (and who to contact with questions)

  • MozFest content/social planning/production; YouTube campaign story display; gearing up on PNI; Marketing/AI survey/content (Engagement)
  • MozFest Sponsor contracts; Launch Trustworthy AI Marketing Campaign survey; Begin Titan Strategy staff interviews; Craig Newmark next steps proposal; Hire new Donor Care Coordinator (Partnerships)
  • Working with Aleron to implement updates to the theory of change from the strategy retreat work. Reach out to Mark or Lainie if you want to learn more.
  • Aligning with Mozilla partners and fellows on MozFest and MozFest House event goals. For example, working with Richard Whitt and MozFest sponsor, Element AI on a data trust event at MozFest House. If you're interested to learn about how data trusts will show up at MozFest reach out to Sarah Watson.
  • Continuing the Director of Leadership Programs search (Mark)
  • Fellows Onboarding. Official kickoff call is Wednesday, October 2nd. A recording of the call will be shared with staff after so everyone can check it out! (Fellowships team)
  • Prep for 2019 org-wide OKR reflection (as an early step in 2020 planning) (Paul)
  • All things MozFest: photo & video planning & contracting; Science Fair invites & pushing ticket sales; MoZone scheduling; House movement building workshop prep; Operations Plan & Production Schedule finalization; wrangler & facilitator comms; invitation & support letters for visas. (OLE)
  • OLE Newsletter launch prep Kristina G)

Notes from the last Executive Team weekly meeting

To come

Job Openings

  • Currently in case study stage for Director, Leadership Programs
  • Reviewing candidates for Program Officer, Fellowships & Awards (to support new Ford Global South fellowships)
  • Still receiving applications for Donor Care Assistant

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