Foundation/Weekly Priorities/2019-10-14

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Mozilla Foundation Weekly Priorities: October 14th, 2019

Key Dates (Upcoming)

  • October 14 - MOSS Annual Program Review
  • October 21 - MozFest House opens
  • October 25-27 - MozFest

Calls this month:

  • October 16 - MoFo Monthly Call

Reminder that you can access the MoFo PTO calendar here or in Google Calendar go to "Other calendars" then "Subscribe" then search for MoFo PTO calendar

What's Moving This Week (and who to contact with questions)

  • Onboarding Bob! (Mark)
  • Gathering feedback from internal/external reviewers and finalizing draft copy for IHR companion to PNI buyers guide (Solana, Sam)
  • Moving forward with illustration, web and print design for the IHR companion to PNI buyers guide (Kasia)
  • Attending AI conference at Bellagio in partnership with Element AI (Mark)
  • Executing on our first Glass Room San Francisco major donor prospect tour on Friday (Jesse W)
  • Kicking Trustworthy AI *unscientific* survey email to garner baseline of understanding of the issues. Asking staff across MoFo/MoCo to help us widen the response pool by sending survey link to their personal and professional networks outside our subscriber base. (Jessie K)
  • Prepping onboarding for new donor care coordinator (Will)
  • YouTube regrets launch; Donate Stack/Thunderbird; Privacy Not Included (Engagement)

Notes from the last Executive Team weekly meeting

  • Board prep - Finalized materials for Program Committee meeting and discussed deliverables for the next full board meeting. Also discuss timing of upcoming meetings.
  • 2020 planning - Discussed need for further clarity on how we’re addressing the current gap between OKRs and the Theory of Change. Lainie and Angela are working with Aleron to define clear next steps and deadlines, that will be shared with directors and all staff. The leadership team (executives & directors) will be meeting in Toronto December 4-5th to collectively review team plans and budgets.

Job Openings

  • Currently in case study stage for Director, Leadership Programs
  • In interview stage for Program Officer, Fellowships & Awards (to support new Ford Global South fellowships) and Donor Care Assistant

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