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Revision as of 16:44, 20 November 2019 by MarsF (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Developer Dictionary = == Build == ;clobber :Something changed in the source tree that made all the complied code in the <code>obj-x86_64-pc-blah/</code> directory invalid....")
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Developer Dictionary


Something changed in the source tree that made all the complied code in the obj-x86_64-pc-blah/ directory invalid. Run ./mach clobber.


⭐ fixed by commit (seen in job description lower left)
⭐ (seen beside job name)
Sheriffs know what broke, it wasn't you. Ignore it or Retry the job if you needed the test.

Landing code

A build, test, or tool that's broken. e.g. "The build is busted" or the command ./mach busted
closed tree
The sheriffs have stopped all code checkins so the sheriffs and developers can add and remove code to turn the test suite green. It lasts a few hours, wait patiently.
Sheriffs make sure the builds in Firefox CI are green and have the power to copy changes between Firefox release branches and to land code on your behalf. They revert checkins that bust lots of things. They also watch for tests break intermittently and mark them with a ⭐ in Treeherder.
To ask for a fix to be applied to the Beta, Release, and ESR source trees. The fix is so important that people who are already running a released version of Firefox should have it too. "good catch. please fix and uplift"

Source control

One of the branches of Firefox source code we commit code to. See for a list.
Short for