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Mozilla TechSpeakers


Mozilla Tech Speakers is a program to bring together volunteer contributors who are already speaking to technical audiences (developers/web designers/computer science and engineering students) about Firefox, Mozilla and the Open Web in communities around the world. We want to support you and amplify your work!

As Mozilla Tech Speakers, participants have an opportunity to work on public speaking skill development with a cohort of technical contributors from many countries. Mozillians old and new, and our allies across the open web, at all levels of experience in public speaking and at different stages in their careers, are welcome to apply. Most participants are not native English speakers, but at this time you must be willing and able to communicate in English to participate in this program.

Practice and constructive feedback in a safe and friendly environment are at the heart of how we work together. We are always experimenting with the design of this program, learning from participant feedback, with the aim of being able to grow to meet the global demand for this type of training.

Looking for a Tech Speaker? We can help you find one if you fill this form.

General info

Community Participation Guidelines Event Process Asset Folder
All our activities must respect this code of conduct. How to find events, submit talks, and request sponsorship from the program. A collection of documents and assets to be used and reused in talks and workshops.



More details about the program

Program objective: Increase developer awareness and adoption of the Web, Firefox, and Mozilla through a strong community-driven technical speaker development program.

We are currently accepting applications for new Tech Speakers! You can apply for the Tech Speakers 2020 Cohort.
  • Contact: Jean-Yves Perrier, Michael Ellis
  • Current Team: Michael Ellis, Jean-Yves Perrier, Jessica Rose, István Szmozsanszky
  • Alumnis: Thanks to: Rosana Ardila, Havi Hoffman, Dietrich Ayala, Soumya Deb, Emma Irwin, Janet Swisher
  • For the most current information about Mozilla Tech Speakers, please visit the Speaking topic on Discourse

Mission & Purpose

Increase developer awareness and adoption of Mozilla products and the Open Web as a platform:

  • Grow a base of qualified and well-informed volunteer speakers.
  • Support volunteer technical evangelism efforts with training for speaking and creating presentation materials.
  • Empower contributors to present timely, relevant technical material at conferences & regional developer events.

Desired Outcomes

  • Volunteer speakers gain skill and experience as public speakers and gain access to information and funding when representing Mozilla at developer events, and at relevant regional, educational, and community-run events.
  • Mozilla has a global team of trained speakers to send to conferences, to host workshops, and represent the project in other technical contexts.
  • Speaker materials and assets become easily discoverable and accessible (content and templates).
  • Graduates replicate the program in their regional communities.

How It Works

Tech Speakers is a six-week program supported by the Developer Relations team, part of the Emerging Technologies group. Originally, our program was by invitation only. Now we are growing the program through an application process. Our training meetings focus on group speaking practice and sharing constructive feedback. Active Tech Speakers who've completed the Tech Speakers program are expected to deliver 2 talks or workshops per quarter, in order to maintain their active status.

During the onboarding phase, each participant:

  • Picks a topic at the beginning of the program
  • Develops a talk or workshop or training on that topic over the course of the program.
  • Submits their talk to a conference CFP, presents at a meetup or other relevant gathering.

We are currently accepting applications for new Tech Speakers! You can apply for the Tech Speakers 2020 Cohort.

Once onboard, Mozilla Tech Speakers:

  • Regularly submit talks, workshops, or training session.
  • Get help and advice from the program members and staff.

Resources for Speakers

  • Tools
    • Hemingway - online editor that analyzes readability
  • Places to Get Help
    • HelpMeAbstract - Get feedback on talk abstracts from real conference organizers

Mozilla Tech Speakers

This is a partial list of people who have completed the Tech Speakers program. If you completed one of the Tech Speaker cohort trainings, you are welcome to add yourself and a link to your Reps or Mozillians page, or other relevant profile or contact info.