Foundation/Weekly Priorities/2020-03-23

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Revision as of 14:54, 23 March 2020 by Shefw (talk | contribs) (Updated for MozFest Team)
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Mozilla Foundation Weekly Priorities: March 23rd, 2020

Key Dates

  • Mar 23: MoFo zoom chat (optional)
  • Mar 25: MoFo Monthly Call
  • Mar 27: MoFo virtual coffee (optional)

What's Moving This Week

  • Plans for transition of content from OLE website to archive or MozFest website (Steph W & Kristinas G & S)
  • Considerations for how to support MozFest community during COVID (MozFest Team)

Minutes From the Last Executive Team Weekly Meeting


Job Openings

  • N/A

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