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Breakpad Integration into Mozilla

Breakpad is a set of libraries for client-side crash reporting. This page talks about integrating breakpad with Mozilla products. Breakpad was formerly called airbag. The libraries are being developed as a narrowly scoped Google code project. The breakpad libraries do not provide any crash-reporting UI, nor do they provide a server.

Our implementation has multiple parts:

  • crash reporter: Client integration to handle crash reporting so a central server can aggregate crash data to help improve our products.
  • crash ingestion pipeline:
    • collector (Antenna) that collects incoming crash reports
    • processor (Socorro) that processes crash reports including walking the stack in the minidump and symbolicating it
  • crash analysis tools
    • Crash Stats webapp (Socorro) for searching, viewing, and investigating crash reports
    • myriad of other tools based that use the Crash Stats API and Telemetry tools

More information, source code, and mailing lists for breakpad library development can be found at the Breakpad Project Site.

See Socorro for more information on Crash Stats, the crash ingestion pipeline, and Socorro.

Integration Team

Contact the team on #breakpad channel on Matrix.