Foundation/Weekly Priorities/2020-04-20

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Mozilla Foundation Weekly Priorities: April 20th, 2020 =

Key Dates

  • April 22 - Monthly MoFo Call
  • April 23 - Second MozFest Wrangler Alumni Coffee/Tea Hour Call
  • Wednesdays - All-Mozilla weekly check-ins

What's Moving This Week

  • PNI Video Conference Apps Launch (Eng, Content, Design), Typeform, IA (user journey), Audience deck, News Beat email (Engagement)
  • Preparing for funder and donor briefings the week of April 27 and continuing major gift solicitations (Partnerships)
  • Continued Zoom advocacy work, alongside cross-Mozilla partners. Working on a research--policy-advocacy proposal, finalising the AI white paper, and working on gov-tech working guidelines (Campaigns)
  • Reviewing feedback from the Town Hall with Navrina Singh; working on a blog post related to COVID-19 (Mark S)
  • Moving ahead our work on data stewardship (Mark & Bob)
  • Monthly MoFo call prep, All Hands planning, org effectiveness factor plan OKR 5 (Lainie & Paul)
  • Project plan, scope,roles and pre-research for the landscape analysis, finalizing the draft and outreach for the "When content moderation hurts" article (Insights, Kasia)
  • Movement Building From Home calls, Wrangler prep, researching remote participation options (MozFest)
  • Completing initial audit work, working on 2020 Forecast, Finalizing new RSM contract and Deloitte engagement letters (Finance & Operations)
  • 3 new fellows are joining us this month: Julia Reinhardt, Camille François, and Sylvie Delacroix! Stay tuned for more details on the monthly MoFo call and upcoming emails. (Melissa)
  • Grant for the Web public Call for Proposals launching at the end of April (Janice, Lotta)
  • Prepping for the launch of the new Tech + Society Fellowship! More details to come soon. (Melissa, Jessica, Kalpana)
  • MOSS Covid-19 solutions fund application review + making initial awards (more than 150 applications received!) (Mehan)
  • Continuing to work with fellows on COVID-19 contingency planning (F&A team + Ops)

& Designing new (virtual) approach for end of fellowship event planning for Open Web fellows (Amy, Bob, partnerships team)

Minutes From the Last Executive Team Weekly Meeting

  • TBD

Job Openings

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