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Kinto Integration in Firefox

Kinto is a simple JSON storage service that was integrated into Firefox, and currently used for RemoteSettings.

Key features

  • Diff-based data synchronization
  • Offline persistence
  • Data integrity/signing
  • Peer review to publish data changes
  • Admin panel UI
  • Built-in Telemetry
  • Firefox Accounts Integration

Use Cases

Component Description Contact
RemoteSettings Firefox/RemoteSettings allows to ship data and files to Firefox. It is used for blocklists, security state, Activity Stream, Fennec assets and experiments etc. Mathieu Leplatre — :leplatrem

It used be supporting more use-cases in the past. See also Kinto at Mozilla


Two client libraries are vendored in Firefox:

HTTP client

const { KintoHttpClient } = Cu.import("resource://services-common/kinto-http-client.js", {});

const remote = "";
const headers = { Authorization: "Basic " + btoa("user:pass") };

const client = new KintoHttpClient(remote, {headers});
const records = await client.bucket("a-bucket")

Offline client

const { Kinto } = Cu.import("resource://services-common/kinto-offline-client.js", {});

const remote = "";
const headers = { Authorization: "Basic " + btoa("user:pass") };

const kinto = new Kinto();
const bucket = "a-bucket";
const collection = kinto.collection("a-collection");

// Fetch/Publish changes.
const { ok } = await collection.sync({ bucket, remote, headers });

// Read local collection of records.
const records = await collection.list();



Generate bundles

The Kinto client libraries are developed independently on Github:

  • kinto-http is the HTTP client for the Kinto REST API;
  • kinto.js is the offline-first client for Kinto.

With the help of Babel and browserify, a bundle is generated for Firefox with the minimum transpilation possible (eg. CommonJS require, ES7 decorators).


From the kinto.js repo, generate the moz-kinto-offline-client.js file:

$ npm run dist-fx

And overwrite it in the Firefox code base:

$ cp dist/moz-kinto-offline-client.js ../mozilla-central/services/common/kinto-offline-client.js


From the kinto-http.js repo, generate the moz-kinto-http-client.js file:

$ npm run dist-fx

And overwrite it in the Firefox code base:

$ cp dist/moz-kinto-http-client.js ../mozilla-central/services/common/kinto-http-client.js