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  • Scribe: Tom
  • Chair: Honza

"Trackers and Scripts to Block- Content" in Firefox Focus - expected behavior to break stuff on pages, but it seems that other teams are validating them as ETP issues (SV)

Firefox Focus as an option from the shield menu to block trackers and scripts, which by default all sub options are enabled (advertising, analytics, social), but content is off. When enabling the Content option, some pages break. Firefox Focus team has told us, after submitting numerous reports, that this is expected to break stuff on pages, but we have seen some previously reported issues specific for Firefox Focus (submitted by us) that have been classed as valid ETP issue. See:

Is this something we should look into when encountered? Maybe we are missing something.

  • Tom: let's move these Android Focus bugs to Bugzilla as we do for Strict mode desktop issues (just in case the issue happens on regular Android Firefox with stricter ETP settings, or even similarly happens on desktop). Just make sure we mention those details (whether the issue only happens on the site's mobile page, and only with specific strict ETP settings).

Workweek in Berlin (Honza)

(brief chat about administrative details)