Compatibility/Diagnosis Status

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Revision as of 19:53, 14 March 2024 by Jgraham (talk | contribs) (→‎Missing Knowledge-Base entry)
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Missing Knowledge-Base entry

This should be cleared before starting diagnosis.

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
1885787 In dark mode, clicking on a google / bing search result to a page that's not fast may flash a blank white page (because of intermediary page to track the click) P2 NEW
1908340 Movies do not play in HD or above on Amazon Prime Video streaming in Firefox -- NEW
1892277 The Verge's links are indistinguishable from text when using forced colors mode (e.g. high contrast theme) P2 NEW
1892701 The "View all messages from sender" pop-up is missing when opening an email at P2 NEW
1885527 Cannot open Microsoft Sway when using Microsoft Office 365 accounts P2 NEW
1909158 - Video does not play due to an error P3 NEW
1589539 text selection with fillColor and backgroundColor being the same P3 ASSIGNED
1903547 Hilton page breaks after bumping version to 129 P3 NEW
1844043 The margins for the menu options are not bold when selected at P3 RESOLVED
1869308 Can't paste using the context menu on Google Docs P2 NEW
1810596 Screen reader does not announce aria-live-region with role="status" P3 RESOLVED
1886480 Headlines on the mobile version of have odd spacing P3 NEW
1806815 The Show Controls option is disabled when seeking or pause+playing a gifv on imgur P3 ASSIGNED
1592017 Empty display:inline div element has positive offsetHeight value P3 NEW
1756417 WebKit "Snowstack" demo does not work P3 ASSIGNED
1802986 Scrolling table on OECD website with the mouse wheel doesn't work P3 ASSIGNED
1858360 Firefox/Safari disagree with Chrome on how to size a grid item with an optional vertical scrollbar -- NEW
1857427 - Favicon is missing in the site bookmark toolbar P3 NEW
1886420 Location prompt keeps appearing whenever the page is accessed/reloaded on P3 NEW
1886404 The video does not autoplay in the search results on P3 NEW
1886616 Selected options are not visible on P2 NEW
1806276 Loading spinner SVG on does not draw properly and causes memory leak/crash P3 RESOLVED

22 Total; 19 Open (86.36%); 3 Resolved (13.64%); 0 Verified (0%);

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