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Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


dsmith, dmeehan, Aryx, RyanVM, dpop, dbarladeanu, pascalc, dlucaci, abodea, mchiorean, gnichita, mboldan, ljanos, epopescu, phorea, bhidecuti, asoncutean, tzsoldos, atrif, vtamas

Schedule Update

  • 125
    • Desktop 125.0.1 was released instead of 125.0 due to a late-breaking bug issue and infrastructure constraints
    • Desktop 125.0.1 is throttled @ 0% rollout while we investigate a high severity bug
    • Android Fenix/Focus 125.0 live @ 25% rollout
      • Aiming to bump to 100% later today pending stability
    • iOS Firefox/Focus/Klar 125.1 is live at full rollout
    • Android/iOS planned dot release scheduled for next week
      • gtb on 2024-04-22, go-live on 2024-04-23 after QA sign-off
  • 126
    • Firefox Android beta was migrated successfully to mozilla-beta
    • Desktop/Android 126.0b2 live @ 50%
    • Firefox iOS 126.0b2 available to external testers
    • Desktop 126.0b3 gtb tomorrow @ 100% rollout
    • Android 126.0b3 gtb tomorrow @ 99% rollout
      • Bumping to 100% pending QA sign-off
    • Firefox iOS 126.0b3 gtb today
      • Available to external testers tomorrow pending QA sign-off
  • 127

Release quality metrics (Thursdays)

Desktop Stability


crash incidence (% of users experiencing a crash): 0.90% - still lower than expected, will reach out to crash reporting / data engineering


crash incidence: N/A (not enough data)


crash incidence: N/A (not enough data)

Mobile Stability





  • Nightly 127, ESR 115 smoke testing against cas_new staging in progress. No concerns.


Aurora / Dev Edition


  • 1st round of Functional testing is in progress.
  • Beta 126 smoke testing in progress. No concerns.
  • Beta 126 new feature preliminary testing in progress. Reports will be sent until April 23rd eod.



  • Android
    • Build Signoffs Fenix & Focus
      • Beta 126.0b1 - status GREEN
      • Beta 126.0b2 - status GREEN
    • Feature Testing
      • [QA-2218] Website Translations for Fenix on Android - Beta testing in progress
      • [QA-2258] Android Toolbar Redesign - in progress
  • iOS
    • Build Signoffs


      • Firefox iOS 125 (40715) - Release candidate 3 - status [GREEN]
      • Firefox iOS 125.1 (40778) - Dot release 1 - status [GREEN]
      • Firefox iOS 126 (40774) - Beta 1 - status [GREEN]
      • Focus iOS 126 (40775) - Beta 1- status [GREEN]
      • Firefox iOS 126 (40846) - Beta 2 - status [GREEN]
    • Feature Testing
      • QA - 2320 - Customization Onboarding Cards - testing in progress

Action items

Feature Status Review

SUMO Report

Roundtable & Special Topics

Retrospective (Tues 2wks from GA Release)