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Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


Dmeehan, RyanVM, csasca, apetridean, dlucaci, atrif, dbarladeanu, oardelean, bhidecuti, btot,

Schedule Update

  • 126
    • iOS Firefox 126.1 planned release live at full rollout
    • There is currently no driver for an unplanned dot release
    • Desktop/Android/iOS planned dot release scheduled for next week
      • Firefox iOS gtb on 2024-05-24, Desktop/Android gtb on 2024-05-27, go-live on 2024-05-28 after QA sign-off
  • 127
    • Desktop 127.0b6 gtb tomorrow @ 100% rollout
      • This is the final Early Beta build of the cycle
    • Android 127.0b6 gtb tomorrow @ 99% rollout
      • Bumping to 100% pending QA sign-off
    • Firefox iOS 127.0b6 gtb today
      • Available to external testers tomorrow pending QA sign-off
    • Next week is the last week of Fx127 beta
  • 128
    • No updates this week.
    • Still trying to improve Google Play review lag

Release Quality Metrics

Desktop Stability


crash incidence (% of users experiencing a crash): 1.65% (pp compared to previous week)


crash incidence: 1.33% (pp)


crash incidence: 0.54% (-0.43pp) - lower than usual at this point in the cycle

Mobile Stability



  • WebRTC testing in progress. No new issues encountered so far.

Aurora / Dev Edition

  • [Fx127] DevEd functional testing completed. No new issues found.


  • Beta 127 - 2nd round of functional testing in progress. No concerns.
  • Beta 127 antivirus testing in progress. No concerns.
  • Beta 127 new feature pre-release testing in progress. Reports will be sent until May 29, eod.


  • Android
    • Build Signoffs
      • Fenix & Focus
      • Beta 127.0b3 - status GREEN
      • Beta 127.0b4 - status GREEN
      • Beta 127.0b5 - status GREEN
    • Feature Testing
      • [QA-2417] - Test Firefox Android's large screen support using Google's large screen compatibility checklist - in progress
      • [QA-2426] - Upgrading of <img>, <audio>, <video> from HTTP to HTTPS on HTTPS-pages - Beta preliminary testing - status GREEN
      • [QA-2258] Android Toolbar Redesign - in progress
      • [QA-2391] TextInput event feature testing (regression prevention) - in progress
      • [QA-2439] Users should be able to create and use passkeys from arbitrary passkey providers on Android - test cases writing - in progress
      • [QA-2414] Website Translations for Fenix on Android (wave 2): Global Settings and Bug Fixes - testing in Beta 127 - status GREEN
  • iOS
    • Build Signoffs
      • Firefox iOS 126.1 (41973) - Dot Release 1 - status [YELLOW]
      • Focus iOS 126.1 (41979) - Dot Release 1 - status [RED]
      • Firefox iOS 127 (42000) - Beta 4 - status [GREEN]
      • Firefox iOS 127 (42083) - Beta 5 - status [GREEN]
    • Feature Testing
      • QA-2324 - iOS Toolbar Redesign - test case creation finished
      • QA-2441 - iPad Multiwindows - test case creation in progress

Action items

Feature Status Review (Read-Only)

SUMO Report

Roundtable & Special Topics

  • UK and US public holiday on Monday 2024-05-27
  • FYI: Android betas have long review time, about 30h
