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To date, client side JavaScript has generally been able to get away with something as simple as the <script> tag and no standard way to do namespaces. On the server, it's a bit different because you're more likely to use more libraries and you can potentially load up a lot of code. Having a basic system for loading code and encouraging the use of namespaces to avoid unintentional interference will underlie everything else.

Prior Art

  • Spidermonkey (and Jaxer) and Rhino offer a load function, but does not have any specific pattern for namespacing.
  • Dojo has a complete incremental loading facility in the form of dojo.require and a standard mechanism for declaring modules. dojo.require ensures that the module is loaded only once. It also manages dependecies between modules.
  • The Jack project implements a simple "require" system.
  • Persevere uses "require" (similar to Jack) for module loading.
  • Helma NG implements a module system with per-module scopes and import, include and require functions.
  • jslibs bootstrapping jshost provides only basic code and loading module support, direct from file and either into the global namespace or a chosen namespace
  • Advanced JavaScript Importing & Loading Extension is the browser-independent extension that provides Javascript with namespace and dynamic script loading support ( )
  • modulesjs an XHR JS module loader provides module loading, singleton modules ( )
  • Synchronet provides a global load() method which allows a specified scope/sandbox object, passing arguments, and background/concurrent execution:
  • Ejscript has a loadable module mechanism based on language extensions "module" and "use module" definitions. Modules can have scope, dependencies, incremental loading and optional backing native code.
  • Torino implements a C-style "#include" preprocessor which is intended to provide a low-level loading mechanism on top of which more sophisticated module management schemes can be implemented in JavaScript.


Several proposals have been made:

  1. Global File Loading
  2. Global Object Loading
  3. Pythonic Modules
  4. Securable Modules

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