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SeaMonkey Meeting Details


  • Who's taking minutes?

Action Items

(who needs to do what that hasn't been recorded in a bug)

SeaMonkey 2 Alpha 3

Bug Queries

open blockers all blockers blocker requests

SeaMonkey 2 Beta 1

Bug Queries

open blockers all blockers blocker requests

  • This will be the next milestone, but there are no firm plans yet.
  • The target is probably about 6-8 weeks from now.

Longer-Term SeaMonkey 2 Planning

open wanted wanted requests

Major wanted/needed features:

  • bug 381157 Download manager backend.
    • status/progress?
  • bug 472001 UI for download manager.
    • Review done as far as possible with the code only. Waiting on backend.
  • bug 36810 Session restore.
    • landed in time for 2.0a3!
  • Toolbar customization:
    • bug 394288 (Navigator): Fixed. All dependencies fixed.
      • Someone can work on legacy bugs that depend on this e.g. optional toolbar buttons for Find in Page, Zoom and so forth.
      • TODO Polish: bug 475921 (tidy up CSS) bug 464653 (Fine Tune the toolbar context menu).
    • Toolkit bug 476814 (Unfork/Unify customizeToolbar.* and customizeToolbarSheet.*) has been checked in on trunk; and it needs to land on 1.9.1 subsequently as well. However this isn't urgent since currently we are using a forked copy.
    • bug 413385 (MailNews): I'm not actively working on this. I believe that we need small icons for the MailNews window first otherwise the UE will be sub-optimal. Turning this on may break some of the more complicated and XBLfied button widgets.
  • bug 456757 Modern theme update
    • The next step is to file bugs/patches for each sub-module under mozapps/ in order to get reviewed. Ideally a graphically oriented person should to drive this - helpwanted.
    • If someone (who is reading this) understands our review process and can drive the existing stuff into the tree, please help us there!
  • bug 460699 Make the default theme look better on mac.
    • No progress at the moment but stefanh says he will look into this soon.
  • bug 454847 Fishcam update.
    • landed in time for 2.0a3
    • Pointing to now, which has a nice new camera up.
    • The webcam page needs to replace the "Get Firefox" button with a "Get SeaMonkey" button or at least add a SeaMonkey one.
  • bug 410613 OpenSearch.
    • helpwanted
  • bug 460953 Port jminta's kill-rdf to SeaMonkey where applicable.
    • status/progress?
  • bug 415372 Implement Feed Preview.
    • status/progress?
    • bug 471346 (Port GetDefaultFeedReader to SeaMonkey shell service)
      • Need to update the patch to use the Windows API directly, not via nsIWindowsRegKey
  • bug 460960 Port Thunderbird tabbed interface to MailNews.
    • status/progress?


Status Updates from developers - what are you working on, what's the progress, any other comments? (feel free to add yourself to the list if your name is missing and you have interesting status).






  • bug 471932 Do some tidy up/fixing of feed subscription and related code - fixes lots of issues with the new shared code - new patch with updated folderDeleted tests is STILL waiting for review.
  • Usual reviewing and commenting.
  • Hopefully will have time next week to do some more coding.


  • Away this week for being one of four representatives of Mozilla at Lift09 in Geneva.
  • As always, my blog has more detailed status about my work.


  • Looked into bug 466994 (New FAYT implementation prevents entering any text in text input boxes while search is active) Collected some ideas for fixing this, implemented a patch locally, currently only works for text input boxen in the same tab; does not work for other tabs or text input in chrome
  • bug 476988 SeaMonkey crashes just after profile selection panel display, when Sm is invoked via internet shortcut. Attached a patch to this bug, still need to request review
  • bug 467249 Modify folderWidgets.xml to be able to XBLify the Go menu in MailNews. Got review for the patch, need to check this in. When this is checked in, quite some code in the MailNews UI can be replaced with XBL bindings.
  • Did some reviewing of installer patches






  • Bug triage, especially concentrating on the fallout from the 182 bugs mass closed without review.
  • Keeping the Mozillazine forum readers informed with the latest SeaMonkey developments and general SeaMonkey evangelism (unfortuantely all these new features just makes them even more impatient for 2.0 final).
  • Tracking requirements for Calendar integration in both SeaMonkey and Thunderbird.





Any other business?

  • SeaMonkey now has an "OS Integration" component in Bugzilla. Should be used for bugs in the shell service (and possibly other areas of code in the future).