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Thunderbird Meeting Details :


Action Items




Thunderbird 3 Beta 3

  • Planned Freeze Dates - Updated ( All dates use time of 23:59 PST )
    • Slushy String freeze date: 2009-04-21 (Tuesday)
    • Slushy Code Freeze date: 2009-04-23 (Thursday)
    • Firm String / Code freeze date: 2009-04-28 (Tuesday)
    • l10n-mozilla-1.9.1 freeze date: 2009-04-30 (Thursday)
    • Target Build Ship date: 2009-05-05 (Tuesday)
  • dmose is release driver
  • gozer is build engineer
  • Five weekly milestones ([m1] - [m5]) have been created to help spread out b3ux feature work across the milestone and avoid lots of hard landings / misses at the end of the cycle.
    • mail sent to b3ux bug owners asking them to spread those bugs across the milestones
    • [m1] is today
    • [m2] bug triage
    • please update status whiteboard with status of your bugs for the next week's milestone by the end of each Thursday

Thunderbird 3

  • Please set bugs to assigned status (as well as owner to you) if you want to do them.
  • If you have other bugs assigned to you that you don't want to do, please reassign or discuss with drivers.

QA Updates

  • This weeks mark 1 year of Bug Days !!!!
  • Planning by week is a good thing - We hope not too much will slip for m5
  • Gloda - shall we ask our testers to switch to using it now ?
  • Two upcoming test days for 3.0b3 - around m3 and m4
  • FFT planned starting around m5

Marketing Updates

  • Greater than 80% of Thunderbird users upgraded to from previous versions of Thunderbird in 5 days.
  • 35k users on Thunderbird 3 beta program.
  • Working through GetSatisfaction back log. Planning on adding support features to the web site by end of April -- new FAQs, search widget.
  • PR planning for Beta 3.


Reminder: Google Summer of Code

Students start applying yesterday!

Reftest & crashtests


  • Previously didn't realise this was possible: running reftest and crashtest against Thunderbird.
  • They both use xul/html/xhtml files to test the layout parts of gecko.
  • Should we run them?
    • Against core code, so unlikely to get Thunderbird specific tests.
    • Tests already run by Firefox against the same core code.
    • reftest can take up to 20 minutes to run (longer tinderbox cycle times).
    • Only real boost would be confidence that code is doing what it is meant to do.
  • Suggestions:
    • Don't run against day-to-day Thunderbird tinderbox builds
    • Run against build candidates when preparing releases as a confidence that the build is correct.
    • (Possibility:) Once we have the capability to separate out tests & build, we could have a separate set of builders lined up and enable them only in the few days of code freeze before a release to gain extra confidence the build is working correctly (and gain a understanding of any intermittent failures).

Status Updates

  • office move done.
  • cold acquired.
  • Goals
    • 1 hr/day code reviews (done!)
      • finished Gloda review
    • drafted SF space plan (done!)
    • drive weekly milestone work (done!)
    • land message-header (more) patch (lots of progress; not done)
  • Non-goal activities
    • started working with Fallen on how MoMo can help on the parallel Lightning release
    • lots of community discussion work
    • plotted with humph on a way to make bugzilla friendlier to newbies
    • started discussion with QA folks on litmus performance
  • This week goals
    • land message-header (more) patch
    • drive compact-header discussion
    • 1 hr/day code review
    • work with calendar folks to draft MoMo help plan
    • schedule visits for SF space options
    • drive [m2]
  • QA discussions, liaising and networking around community.
  • Patchlove stalling - punting to future.
  • Reviews
  • Took a look back at some of our in-testsuite related bugs. Nominated a few extra for testcases. Will try and follow up on a test writing day this week.
  • bug 470907 Thunderbird always uses port 119 for NNTP, ignoring port configured in server settings.
  • bug 483593 Tidy up case-insensitive comments in nsAbMDBDirectory::CardForEmailAddress and extend unit test for insensitive options.
  • bug 483577 Find a way to make compiling mailnews with or without external api easier and set it up.
    • This got some of the patches lying around on my system into the code base.
  • Updated Bloat tests with Mozmill patch and attached to bug 458351 (previously just lived on my system). Raised some questions with mozmill team about how to do clean shutdown.
  • Goals progress:
    • bug 440794 Leverage Offline capabilities to make sending email appear faster
      • Committed initial patch to enable this, needs some rework as discussed in the bug.
    • bug 476487 Interactive Status Bar
      • Played around with possible implementation, nothing ready for review yet.
    • bug 457296 Remote Images
      • No progress.
  • Goals for next week
  • reviews and driving
  • Wrote a patch to make smart mailboxes account hidden
  • Worked on making smart mailboxes keep up to date as accounts are added/removed.
  • Deal with having junk as opposed to Junk folder, and leaving account settings dialog,bug 368617
  • Make sure we release imap url on the ui thread bug 330273
  • Potential fix for top crash retrying url, make sure we only access nsImapUrl's mock channel from the ui thread bug 466318
  • In autoconfig repo, worked on allowing the user to edit the hostname, and fixed bug with incoming servers that don't support TLS, and synced up with trunk.

Next week:

  • More work on autoconfig - get in reviewable state.
  • Work on b3 blockers
  • Land some of the backend changes needed for smart mailboxes
  • Build
    Total Network Traffic
    Traffic out of one webserver
    Requests/sec out of one webserver
    • Alpha*/Beta1 => Beta2 Updates released!
    • Thunderbird releases
      • 83% of thunderbird users have updated to (in 5 days)
    • Clobberer fixups complete, working and available across the board
    • Try Server
      • Patches complete, up for review (frontend/backend)
      • We will run our own try server until MoCo picks up on the changes
      • Amazon EC2 for Linux/Win32 builders is possible
      • Successfully produced a Linux try build on EC2
      • Building proper Linux/Win32 refplatform AMIs is next
      • OSX Will have to remain self-hosted, unfortunately.
  • Web
    • Ever increasing traffic, since Thunderbird release
    • MoCo updated content on for themselves.
    • Fielding an average of 3.1 millions requests per hour in the last 24 hours
  • Infrastructure
    • VMWare infrastructure
      • Putting together a hardware plan that would quadruple our capacity
    • Vancouver office move complete
      • Novus rocks!
      • Phones work *much* better now
  • Got Linux debug symbols for Eudora 8 beta 5 up on the crash server and they are working fine. Due to a build issue, Mac symbols won't be up until the next release.
  • Changed the async filter code to use C++ interfaces for callbacks, and sent that to bienvenu for comment.
  • Looked in to bug 471399, which appears to be a problem with importing from Classic Eudora. I can get the symptoms to reproduce, but not the original importing problem. I will be writing up some notes in the bug today.

This Week:

  • Get through backlog of GetSatisfaction questions.
  • Nail down Add-ons upgrade plan.
  • Done :
    • Worked on getting stat while compiling with gcov options
    • Bug triagge
  • Continuing:
    • QA plan
    • Engaging communities
  • Todo:
    • explain what and why QA is important - to try to get w few more people onboard
    • Plan tb3.0b3 testing
    • add jscoverage to get coverage more Green.
  • Fought SIP apps.
  • Done:
    • Search icon: bug 484166
    • Remote images icon: bug 484179
  • In progress:
    • Folder pane: bug 483759
    • Message overview pane: bug 483761
    • Compose window: bug 483777
    • New icon concept for contact starring: bug 484409
    • Tab appearance: bug 484395
    • Smileys: bug 484800
    • Address book icons
  • Todo:
    • Message pane
    • Icon overlay concept
    • Blog post on theming once more stuff land in trunk.
    • Application icons: bug 484064
